Friday, February 27, 2015

Just want today to go away...

I don't have these days often but today is just one of those days I would rather end and never be repeated.  Ever.

It was all good until I left for work.  I left as normal and was driving on Old Statesville when this woman in a white car in the next lane suddenly starts coming over on me.  I honked my horn and she corrected but flipped me off as I passed her.  Then I get to W WT Harris and she almost rams into me from behind.  I might add here that she was on the phone.  I opened my door just to see how close she was cause seriously she interrupted an entire lane of traffic swerving to avoid hitting me and I swear on a stack of bibles, I got out, she got out, she began yelling at me something that started with "Bitch!" And then I have no idea what else was said because before I could gather any thoughts that she had just called me a B, she swung and connected with my lower left lip.

What the fuck??? She had better be glad that a trucker climbed out of his cab and broke it up.  He looked me in the eye and told me she didn't damage my car and to get in my car and go before the police got there.  I don't know if they had been called or what but I think he assumed that I was going to kill that woman or go to jail for trying and he may have just saved me from that embarrassing phone call that started with "Hey Joe, I don't think I'm going to make it to work today." And ended with a request for bail money.

Then I get to work and it's all good until my mom calls and says Kayla is still not feeling well.  I love my mom but she made it sound like Kay was dying.  I kept saying just wait till I get home I got off at ten but the vibe I got from her was "You need to be here NOW!!" But I couldn't leave because it was rush.  I asked Ambs if I could please go because I needed to take my child to the El but she basically said no we're  in the middle of rush.

Which would have been totally understandable except for the fact that I WAS TOTALLY UNNEEDED tonight.  I was on the oven but Wheels sent me on break then refused to let me back on the oven so I went to the make line but was told flat out that they didn't need me there either and to go to sheet outs which weren't really needed.  I went up front to answer phones and take orders but no that wasn't needed either since I tried to ask when a customers order would be ready and I got snapped at so I returned to sheeting since we were dead.  I asked once more if I could leave.  I didn't really get an answer but like five minutes later wheels told me to go which I didn't ask questions I just left. 

And OMG trying to get to the ER during the CITY championship is freaking murder.  Half the streets are clogged, the other half are closed and I kid you not, every single light caught me.  What was normally a fifteen minute drive took nearly an hour. 

I'm so tired bloggers.  I just want to go home and go to sleep.  I will try to update tomorrow  (or Sunday since I work 13 hours tomorrow ) and tell how Kay is.

Stay frosty and pray for me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I'm not crazy, I swear I'm not...

So okay, normally I don't blog in the mornings because, well, honestly you don't want to know the stuff that comes off my brain in the morning hours.  It's rarely nice and even less rarely coherent. BUt today the stars have collided to make me feel as crazy as a compass in a room full of magnets.  Shus, I told you the brain doesn't really work well in the morning.

Yesterday, I was standing at my moms house and I get a call from a 343 prefix which generally means a call from the school but it wasn't 343-5000 which IS the school.  I missed the call and called them back.  I jumped into a recording that said there would be a two hour delay today.  I heard it as did my mom and we both wondered if the snow wasn't supposed to hit until tonight, meaning Wednesday night, why were they issuing a 2 hour delay for Wednesday morning??  

But whatever, I have fought CMS and they have won before so I said fine and continued with my day.  I went and got shelves and made dinner and went to the movies with a friend it was all good.  I even let the girls sleep in this morning because of the supposed 2 hour delay that I still didn't understand but had ceased trying to.

NEvertheless, my eye popped open at seven thirty (Which again today had no arm pain so I was able to sleep that long yay!) and I thought let me see if there's any new snow.

NOpe.  Same half an inch that was there yesterday morning when school opened on time.  Something in my mind said, "You might want to check the Facebook page." And Lo and behold (I don't get that phrase) THEY WERE OPERATING ON A REGULAR SCHEDULE.

So I commented: 

I seem to be the only one in this gargantuan city that got a call saying that there was a 2 hour delay.  The ONLY PERSON.  Out of probably a million phone numbers that they dial, I'm the ONLY one that got a random call talking about a two hour delay.

This ferschnickity school district has me walking around my house mumbling to myself, like a crazy person, saying that I'm not crazy, but feeling like I am.  I DID NOT hear the recording wrong.  I just didn't  I couldn't have.  

I'm not crazy.  I swear I'm not.  

But don't they say that crazy people are always denying that they are crazy?

Oh God what if I'm crazy???

Right now I need Kamri.  When you say you're not crazy at work, she launches into this thing where she says, "Crazy? I was crazy once.  They locked me in a  padded room.  I liked it there.  I died there.  They put three flowers on my grave.  Two went up, one went down.  It tickled me.  I drove me crazy.  Crazy?  I was crazy once..." And it keeps going FOREVER  But oddly I on'y feel better about what was making me crazy in the first place when she does it.  When I do it do myself I just feel crazier.  More crazy?  This is how messed up I am right now, I don't even know my proper grammar.

I think I need more coffee...

Stay frosty Bloggers.  We're supposed to get between 4-6 inches tonight so I'm pretty sure I'll be frosty over here.  I'm also pretty sure Mother nature just blew my kid's spring break away as well...

I'm going to get more coffee...

Monday, February 23, 2015

Well, Sunday STILL thinks it's Saturday...

First thing I should point out is that I am obnoxiously tired right now.  YEs, that's a thing.  I am so tired it's obnoxious to me that I can't lay down.  Right now, I should be able to lay down and probably sleep through a category 10 hurricane. Of course, if there were such a thing, (is there such a thing?) I would probably sleep through it because I was dead most likely because when they said evacuate, I was asleep and my house got blown to kingdom come and I either died in the process or I ended up in OZ...  YEs, this is how tired I am.

I have now missed my Thursday night shows as well as my Sunday night shows.  I have them on DVR but I'm supposed to be cancelling my time warner tomorrow or Tuesday so I need to get to watching or get to downloading.

SO last week I think I pulled 42 hours meaning 2 of them overtime (I did a happy dance)  This week, I managed to hit 46 hours.  As an insider.  Which means that those six GLORIOUS hours of overtime were at roughly $12 an hours. A little over seventy seven dollars.  All I can say is, I wasn't going to buy a new TV, but now I'm going to buy a new TV so I can follow through with giving the girls the big ones and having a flat screen in my room as well as the living room.  Also, I thought about getting it wall mounted in my room and using it as my computer screen as well, but nah, I like having my computer and my TV separate.  That way, I can blog while watching tv or in most cases, blog while the TV watches me.  Hell I do most of my stuff with the TV watching me instead of me watching it.

So I got my smart watch today.  It was $100 cheaper if I attached it to my account and got it as another line so now I have two phone numbers technically although when the thing is paired to my phone I don't actually think the calls directly to the watch come through.  I still have to play with it to see.  And play with it I shall!  It's not really a bother to wear either, I'm used to wearing big watches.  I haven't actually worn a watch in the past.... five years or so (I used to wear one when I worked at Michaels because I HAD to know what time it was and if I was caught pulling out my cell phone it was a long lecture I would rather not ever hear again.) When I quit that job, I stopped wearing a watch.  But I always wore big mens watches anyway so the screen on the smart watch isn't really a hindrance.  I'm also going to be honest here, I think only dainty petite women wear ladies watches.  I mean come on!  A face THAT small?!?!?  Who do they think is going to be looking that hard?  Certainly not me.  If I need to see the time I literally want to glance at my watch, not pull out my bifocals (I DO NOT WEAR BIFOCALS) just to see the time.

So, do I look tired?  I think I do.  Well actually if I didn't know my looks, i would pin the look in that photo as I really couldn't give a crap if the world came to a shuttering stop right now.  Ignore the pile of clothes behind me.  I plan to clean my room tomorrow.

What else?

Ah, a random thought that is circling my head and has been for a few days.  It is entirely way too easy to grow feelings for some people.  I mean it.  There's really not much more I can elaborate on the subject but it's true.  Some people are just way to easy to fall for.  And Why does fate allow this to happen?  IT's not fair.

The guy I've been chatting with on Tinder was in town  for a few hours tonight and I actually wanted to go up to the truck yard to meet him in person but after the identity crisis Howies went through this afternoon/tonight I knew there was no way I was walking at at 930 tonight.  And I told him and he wasn't mad.  Partly because he had to be up and puling out of the lot at 2 am (Which is roughly one hour and 27 minutes from now.)  HE's a nice guy.  HE has an obsession with pretty underwear though.  And if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what it is since When I go to Lane Bryant and Avenue's online store, they don't even bother to show me real clothes anymore, they just go ahead and load the lingerie section.  They know I'm not going anywhere else.  So he an I might just really get along later in the future.  He likes to look at girls in pretty underwear, I like to wear pretty underwear.  I am currently obsessed with finding a pair of black polka dot panties to go with the bra I just bought.  Shut up.  I DO NOT want to hear you say it.

I should go to bed.  I should really go to bed.  I think I am going to take my meds and go to bed so that my burning arms can wake me up at 630.  I tell you my arms beat any alarm clock on earth.  Six thirty to six 45 EVERY DAMN MORNING they wake me up.  I got it twice this morning and once at work though I think I managed to hide the burning attack at work pretty well.  That or either no one cared that I was actually in tears at one point or they just chose not to ask.  I would rather think I hid it very well.

So Pizza Delivery complaint #101.  If you order pizza, can you make sure that your address is a findable one?  Not everyone has GPS that will take us straight to your front door.  And some of us have GPS that tell us we're right there when we're a block away because Google maps likes to do that shit sometimes (It also likes to give me all of my directions as if I am walking but whatevs...)  If you don't have numbers on your mailbox or your house, please don't be mad if by the time we find you the first time, we're in a slightly bad mood because chances are we may have had to lug your dinner to another house for them to tell us which house you are.  NUmbers people.  Also... LIGHT!  Turn your freaking light on!!  Let me tell you, there is nothing I like more than being out in what i like to refer to as Pickanigger country (Those areas where all you have is one house a a WHOLE LOTTA land and no one to hear your ass scream) and pulling up to your house only to find that your house is a) in the effing woods surrounded by eerie as hell looking trees. B) dark as hell and C) (My all time favorite) ringing the doorbell while standing on your step in the dark and the trees and hearing five million dogs that sound like they are the size of mountains start barking the second I make a sound out there.  One of these day, I am seriously going to just drop the damn pizzas and run for my life.  No I won't.

...And I just took a ten minute break from writing this.  My hands were bad.  DId I mention this is getting on my nerves?  Sigh.  I'm going to bed.  Blog ya later.

My advice for tonight: Don't sweat the petty things, Pet the sweaty things.  Especially if they have no shirt on and have pec for days. (really?  You thought I was going to keep that above board??  Go stand in the corner!)

NIght peoples!!


Monday, February 16, 2015

I'm sorry, Sunday is temporarily unavailable...

You see, it thinks it's Saturday and we are currently trying to handle this identity crisis...

Okay, see, Sunday is my happy happy joy joy day at work for a couple of reasons.  It used to be that way because it meant that I didn't have to see a certain shift leader.  Without him the store was like Disney land.  With him... eh not so much and a day working with Ambs was like working with any one of the great Disney role models that are just about always calm cool and collected.  And that's not me sucking up.  I'm serious...  On Sundays, Ambs is so chill it's like not work at all.  Even if we get a pop, it's no biggie. And after most Saturdays at Howies, Sunday's is a cake walk.  Nearly every Saturday at some point in the day one of us (Maybe more, maybe not, usually just me, Boss man has a song I love to hear that I can't write the words here because well, it's not very nice.) want to just lay down in a corner and cry because Sports and Bounce...  shudder... makes me tremble just thinking about it... Also I love Sundays because it means that Monday morning, I can totally sleep in so I just have to stay on my feet for a couple of more hours and then get home and Wham! Instant mini Vacation because my bed can claim me for up to 48 whole hours! (You know, unless I'm the on call driver which still means I can sleep in because they never need the on call driver until at least noon by which case 80% of the time I'm up and feeling mostly human by then so it's all good.)

But today!  OMG!  No, today was so big that it deserves to be written out in all of it's Valley Girl glory.  Like, Oh My God to the max! Today was like totally, like crazy!

Okay, enough of the Valley Girl.  The older I get the less I can stand to do it, hear it, or think about it.

But seriously.  Today, I swear that Sunday was having an identity crisis and thought that it was in reality, Saturday part two.  Bounce had ten and thirteen pie orders and Sports... well, they must have thought that their calendar said Saturday as well, because Oh My Damn! Even though they weren't on the half hour all day, they had some whoppers in there too... I think one was like a twelve pie order and those sumbishes are extra freaking large.  Oh I'm sorry, did you just refill your sauce and cheese Claudette?  No, you didn't, you must have been dreaming.  Because your sauce bucket is empty... again and you can see the bottom of the make line through what used to be your full cheese lexan... No, you didn't just fill that ten minutes ago.

Today I learned that it is possible to pour two bags of sauce into the lexan at the same time without ending up wearing the sauce like a noob.  Have I seen Joe do it plenty of times?  Yes. Did I think that it was the coolest thing since like ever?  Hell yes!  Have I tried it before?  Yes.  Did I end up wearing most of one bag?  Yes.  Did a good bit of the rest end up on the make line and the floor?  Yes.  Did it today?  No because I was in too much of a damn rush to think about the fact that I was doing it until after I'd done it.  Then Mecklenburg Community Church ordered six pies and I really should have expected it because I took the damn order but when it hit, I had I think two Sports and a bounce... a really BIG bounce (Think eight pizzas and 50 howie wings) on the screen as well as some personal orders.

Oh and the party trays...  I got to do TWO party trays today.  Notice I said I got to do them not that I had to do them.  If you did my job, you'd know that round pizzas and even deep dishes are a dime a dozen and can be done in no time (If you don't complain and need remakes every two minutes... ahem) but a party tray!!!  I LIKE those.  Two extra larges and I think a small (Might be a junior) all smushed together and sheeted out into a dough tray, this thing is 30 slices, a lot of sauce, a shitload of cheese, and ninety freaking pepperoni! (I just want someone to order that sumbish in a works.  Just once!  If I don't get to make it, I at least want to see it!)  And they the ones I did looked BOSS!!  I thought I was on a work high when the owner watched me do one and said it looked good but damn doing two in the space of ten minutes and having them come out looking as good as they did was like an orgasm and a good five hits off a hookah combined with a very good top shelf drink.  It was that good.

AND NO ONE LOST THEIR COOL!!!  Picture it, four women in one enclosed space and a while lotta stuff going on at once.  tensions are going to run high.  But no one got pissed off, no one screamed at anyone, no one whined or complained and as soon as Joe walked in, Ambs took the ladle from me and sent me on break.  I may have look like I was pissed at that moment, but I so wasn't.  My back hurt like a bitch and I was holding that one complaint that I knew would break the good mood.  Trust me, I went and sat in my car and my back was like a little baby whining "Thank you God for sitting down!"

We got another pop later tonight. Not nearly as hard but still a good little hit.  We ran out of wings.  Had enough for one 20 piece order and they got mostly flats and maybe two drums.  I found a lone rogue winge under the racks as I was cleaning.  It was skinny and scrawny and I know what you're going to ask.  Hell yes I popped that thing on a bread tray and sent it through the oven.  Best damn thing I ate all night to that point.

So it's now officially Monday.  My mini vacay is officially starting.  I'm tired. And I have the time card to prove it.  See?  Look at those hours!  I'm a beast man!  I did it and I'm still standing like that awesometastic pizza vixen I am!  Okay, maybe pizza vixen might be going a little too far.... Nah! I make pizzas and I look damn good while doing it and I'm good at it so yeah, awesometastic pizza vixen.  That's me.

Oh yeah... other stuff besides work.

For starters, Kay got asked out on a date.  Yes!! My Kay Kay!  A date!!  I was so floored that I didn't know how to respond.  I did tell her that I had to work all weekend so I didn't think a date was a good idea but then an invite to go to the mall showed up for her and I suspected that the boy was going to be there and that was their way of having their "date" but I let it slide.  Kids today think that adults my age were never their age and therefore, we are monumentally stupid.  But none the less, I let my big girl go to the mall unchaperoned and she did okay.  She spent all of her money on her sister and myself and she didn't have the funds to eat and we're working on that whole sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish thing but she had a good time and couldn't stop smiling about it for hours.  So I'm okay with it.  If she wants to do this again I will just have to make sure she has a little more money to work with.  She may still buy stuff for me and her sister but even Kay gets to a point where she thinks she is spending too much and she stops only using more to buy food.  So if I send her with a good bit, she will eat and have fun.

This little one on the other hand.  Well, that one may not live to see`14...  She asked me Friday if she could go to the library to do research on her report with her best friend who this month happens to be named Jaiden. I said fine but didn't know how they were going to get there.  Jaiden's mom came and picked her up and because I had to work late that night said that Livy could spend the night (I kinda like my kids friends' parents) I said okay and went on to work.  Saturday I told Kay to ask Livy via text what time she'd be back so that my mom could pick them up and Livy informed the both of us that she had taken TWO sets of clothing and she was spending the weekend not just Friday night.

Take a moment to think about who this chick just informed she was spending a weekend.  THink about that.  Relax, I let it go. She's not getting off scott free though.  She doesn't know it yet and she won't notice until it's way too late, but she is about to catch  it for that.  As soon as I have had some time to rest and think and plan.

A little parenting advice: Never punish when you are tired or on the spur of the moment.  Always sleep on it.  Always think about it.  Always weigh your pros and cons and then just after you have lulled your child into a false sense of security where they think that you've forgotten because you're... well old (I mean come on, we had rotary phones, we're like, ancient!) then WHAM! hit them with that well thought out punishment and watch them crumble.

Okay, Y'all, I'm one tired little monkey.  I am going to take my meds and go to bed.  Sometime tomorrow, if I don't get called in, I am going to go fight with Time Warner Cable.  They raised my bill 14 dollars in the past month with no explanation, so I think it's time to say bye bye to them.  Night guys and dolls.

I would use my customary "Stay Frosty" but we are under a winter Storm watch for the one inch of snow we are expecting. Oh don't get on me I know I'm a true northerner.  I've been here long enough to know that snow turns to ice really quick here and people turn form moderately crappy drivers to really shitty ones in a heartbeat.

So get toasty with your special one (or pillow) and cuddle up (or burrow under your covers)  Gather the ones you love close to you and make hot cocoa and watch crappy cheesy movies (or play hours of Rock band)  Take time to hold the ones you love close because one day you might wake up and they are gone and you will only have your memories of them to keep you warm at night.

Stay Warm, loves.  Scatterbrain Dette Loves you!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Probably my Shortest blog ever!

There ya go!  Proof that I am still alive. LOL.

Last night I wasn't tired at all when I left work but my body said I needed to think again this morning.  I did attempt to get up.  Key word: Attempt.  I think I rolled over a couple times for the girls.  I think I may have said goodbye when they left for school.

I'm not sure.

What I am sure of is EVERYONE in creation tried to blow up my damn phone this morning.  And I wasn't having any of it.  I got four calls, six texts, a Tinder message, and a facebook message this morning and every single one of them went highly ignored until my eyes decided to pry themselves open around 11:30.  Normally around the third thing to try and wake me up I give up and get up but I didn't even hear most of them.  I heard the first text and amazingly enough my fingers typed an appropriate response (IDK) to the text.  The first call was from the drug store and the FB message, well I glanced at that and rolled over.

When I'm THAT tired, a circus arriving in a thunderstorm during an earthquake couldn't wake me.

Tonight, I'm tired and I have a slight headache on top of it but I'm going to take my imitrex and Go to bed.  Might try and clean out a couple DVR episodes. (Who am I kidding I'm going to cue up Jane the Virgin on my computer and probably fall asleep in my chair)

So night night, loves!  Take care and stay Frosty!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wasn't a stellar day...

So there it is... Today's snapshot.  I probably could have summoned up a fake smile for the blog purposes but honestly, since the blog is supposed to be about how I'm feeling, a fake smile wouldn't be doing anyone any justice.

I found out last night that a very good friend of mine passed away over the weekend.

The thing about it is, I don't know how to talk about him.  He was my special friend.  He and I had a kind of bond that I don't think I've ever had with another man.  He is... was... in a sense the pargon that I held pretty much every other man against.  No man ever came close to him.

We met the year I turned 18.  I was in college and I was brand spanking new to the internet.  I even remember my email... It was  Laugh out loud.  I was on Yahoo! Games playing Gin Rummy when I was paired up with this guy that called himself Big Poppa.  I don't know what about, but we struck up a conversation that held over to actual Yahoo! chat.  And we kept talking.

When I found out I was pregnant, I turned to him.  When it was decided that I was getting married, I turned to him.  It's one of my long kept secrets that to Him and him only, I confided that I didn't love Randy and I didn't want to get married.  I wanted to have my baby and go on with my life and Big Daddy kinda convinced me that Randy had asked so that meant I at least owed him a chance to do right by me.  When things went south, he was the one that said outright that I'd given it the chance I was supposed to and now it was time to go on with my original plan and be my own woman.  Everyone deserves a chance.  It's what they do with it that defines who they are.

Big Daddy has been there for me since I was 18.  In three years, it would have been 20 years but I'm not going to dwell on that.  I'm going to remember the 17 years I did have the pleasure of knowing him.  I'm going to hold the memories that I shared with him and keep them close to me.

So I spent the day hanging pictures.  My canvas came and I was not happy with what I got.  I originally ordered a 30x70 size canvas but they emailed and called and told me that the image was horribly pixelated and they could not in good conscious print it so they scaled it down to a smaller size.  What I got was a miniscule thing that just made me mad but I solved the problem by incorporating it into a grand picture wall that I have to say takes even my breath away.

And my efforts today only cost me a wax warmer (That smashed to the floor) the use of my thumbs.  I swear, I love my hammer but my aim sucks ass.  I smash my thumbs pretty much EVERY TIME I nail something.

I wish I had more to say tonight, but I don't.  I'm just going to sit here and watch one more episode of one of my shows and sip on my beer until I'm tired enough to lay down.  I think it was a good thing that I didn't attempt to see anyone today.  I'm pretty sure I would have been a blubbering mess.

All day.  Because that's me.

Stay Frosty loves.  I'll be back tomorrow.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Rainy days and Mondays

Can't say they've ever got me down.  On the contrary, I love Mondays (mostly because unless there's an issue, I am off and I get to sleep in.  Seriously, my girls don't even expect me to be awake in the hour they take to get ready for school on Mondays.  Tuesday I may be a little more awake and human but not on Monday.) And Rainy days are always awesome.

I think it's something about the smell of a good rain.  It's like renewal.  Everything is washed clean.  As Martha Stewart says, "It's a good thing."

Seriously though, have you ever just stood at your door and watched it rain then taken a big deep breath (okay maybe I don't take a deep breath, I have asthma and it doesn't like the spring like weather)  IT's a metallic kind of smell, but I like it so much.  If I could bottle it into a perfume and a fabric softener and a air freshener I so would.  And Don't tell me that they make Rain Fresh as a scent because I have smelled those.  They smell nothing like a good clean Spring rain.

So my mom wants me to start looking for another job.  She says that I am slowly killing myself.  My bones can't take it and I am probably doing more damage to myself in the long run by staying.  She didn't get far though.  I pointed out that in the past year (which honestly, I didn't even realize it's been almost a full year until the other day when Amber and I were talking about it) I have lost almost fifty or so pounds, my happiness is through the roof because I get to see something besides my four walls everyday, and I have money that I didn't have to ask anyone for.  I no longer want to take long walks into traffic because my serotonin levels are just amazing to the point where even my doctor noticed the last time I saw her.  She said, and I quote, "In the past three years that I've known you, I have never seen you smile as much as you have in the last few months." Even my kids are happy.  Mommy doesn't get to spend as much time as she wants to with them so the time she does spent is made extra special and memorable.  So no, mom, I'll be keeping my job so long as my job wants me.

I fixed my dryer today.  Donald showed me how and told me where to order the part and took pictures so I'd know how to reconnect things but I put that sumbish on all by myself today and it works!! I have a working dryer again!

Rainy days and Monday always get me happy.

Plus, tonight is walking Dead night with my Patty and Joe!!! I get to go over and watch a show that I didn't want to watch but they talked me into watching and then hooked me on watching and I get to go be with them!  Yay!  Love my P and J.

So you may or may not have noticed that with each blog I now take a webcam picture.  Don't worry they WILL get better, I just ordered one that is supposedly 50 MP but I have a feeling that it's really 5.0  It's whatever, it'll still be a better picture.  I think I will keep up the picture thing because sometimes, when I'm reading someone's blog (yes I do follow other peoples blogs) I sometimes wonder what they look like or for the ones that I read daily, I wonder what they look like that day.  You know they can be describing that that they look and feel like crap and I wonder, do they really?  So yeah.  I think when I blog from now on, I'm going to include a picture.

Valentines and Easter are dangerous holidays.  Food Lion had Dove Chocolates on sale buy one get one free.  so of course i got two bags.  And Ice Cream.  And M&m's.  I've been sitting here snacking on Dove Chocolates since last night.  I think I am going to go make myself a milkshake.

I so Love Mondays!

Alight luvs, Stay Frosty.  I may or may not blog later tonight.  I may just let this be todays blog and wait until tomorrow to come back.

Stay Frosty!

So, a little bit of pissed off I guess...

I grew up with a teacher for a mother.  I've seen every trick and scheme that parents use to get their kids to do well in school.  If seen children work hard and get sneakers or a game or some treat.  And to be honest, even as a kid I thought it to be a disgusting parenting practice.

Why would you pay your children to learn??  Should the fact that they will grow up not to be an ignorant dumbass be reward enough?? If you pay your kids to learn they are only learning to get something and that something is not the satisfaction that they have learned something.

My ex has for years been paying my kids to learn and no matter how many times I ask him not to do it, he insists that they need an incentive to get good grades.

Here's an incentive:  They get good grades, they get into a good college and they might eventually get a job that will let them be independent adults and not depending on Mommy and Daddy for everything because they didn't have someone paying them every time they did well.

But no matter how many times I get mad, every quarter they get the report card, they get $5-10 for every A and $2-5 for every B.  Olivia came home with $10 this weekend while Kayla came home with $5.

I don't want my kids to think that the only reason they need to pay attention and do well in school is because Daddy is going to give them money.  It's like when they were little.  I gave then quarters for losing teeth.  Their Dad gave them five dollars per tooth. I took them to the dentist to get them to learn proper dental hygiene but no they wanted that green so what I got was kids trying string to a tooth and the other end to a doorknob or a (god help me but  am not lying) bicycle.  They tried anything and everything to pull their teeth out so that they could show them to Daddy and get the money.

My choice of word then: "Stop paying my children to rip teeth out of their heads!!!" his response? "I'm not! The tooth fairy is!"

If the tooth fairy were real I'm pretty sure she would have knocked him upside his head for that.

So now, I say "Stop paying my children to learn!"  He says, "I'm not, I'm giving them an incentive to keep it up!"

No, Randy you are not.  You are paying them to learn.  You are paying them to do their homework.  YOu are paying them to better themselves.  They need to want to better themselves because it will make them better people!


Also he has been updating my mother on his plans for my (okay I really should say our) kids.and not me again.  I really hate it when he does that.  I just found out via my mom that he is taking them with him to Oklahoma this summer.

JUst once I'd really like to know what's going on with my kids before my mom knows.  I'm just saying.

I have nothing real to bitch about.  Just the ex.  He hasn't pissed me off in a good long time because he really is a good guy most times.  HE was a shit husband and can sometimes be a sub par human being but he's very rarely been a bad dad.

On another note, how awesome is it that this is ALL I have to complain about??  I mean life is awesome in just about every single aspect besides the ex.

I have a charmed life and I love it!

Smooches!  Stay Frosty luvs!!

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Lacy Nighties and freshly wash hair..

So yeah, this is me right now.  Don't even try and blow up that picture to see if you can see anything. You can't.  I took this picture five million times on purpose so that you couldn't see anything.

So I just got out of the shower and had a marathon oil down session.  I really need someone to do my back.  I have short arms and my eczema is acting up again.  It really sucks.

But yeah, I thought with this much hair I just might actually break my neck washing it this time.  Of course I have that fear every time I get my braids wet because let's face it, dry this mess is an extra fifteen pounds on my head already.  Add water to it and damn it's like someone attached a lead weight to the top of my head and swung that ish backwards.  I have actually given myself a serious neck cramp washing my braids before.  Hell one time I got in a pool and while the water felt so good (think orgasmically good) on my scalp while I was in the water, the weight of it pulled me backwards into the pool when I tried to get out.  Trust me it was both hilarious and frightening.  I climbed up and no sooner than my hair being free of the water did the weight pull me backwards so hard I lost my grip on the ladder and went flying backwards back into the pool.

A backwards flop into the pool is not fun when you are so shocked you gasp deeply.  And get a mouthful of highly chlorinated water up your nose and down your throat.  Lifeguard had a good time giving me mouth to mouth though.  Then he laughed.  Then the paramedics they called because I couldn't move my head (my neck hurt so bad I couldn't move and they thought maybe I'd fractured something so they called the EMT) laughed.  Then the doctors are the ER and the xray techs laughed.  It wasn't until a nurse at the er with longer braids than I had at the time told me that the same thing had happened to her before did I finally laugh. (Although I may have only found the humor in the situation because I had been given painkillers by that point)

But it's whatever. washing this mess put a strain on my neck but I got it done and it's actually almost dry now.  I think I washed all the chemicals they put in the hair to preserve shiny and whatnot out because OMG my head feels so much lighter.

It also doesn't smell like pizza anymore.

Working at Hungry Howies has given my nose a new appreciation for the girly scents.  Ask me if I gave a crap about jasmine and lilac before.  I can assure you I didn't.  And for awhile after I started working there I still didn't so long as I didn't smell like tomato sauce and cheese.  But now lately, I am actually noticing the girly scents.  Cherry, Strawberry, coconut, They're actually pretty mice.  And random guys walk past you and say "Mmm you smell nice!" I'm seriously not kidding.  I had a customer catch a whiff of my perfume once and tell me that I was the nicest smelling female he's smelt in a long time.

Mixed reaction.  Just what do females in his smelling vicinity smell like and why was he actively smelling them and me?

I had a point to this blog, I'm pretty sure I did.

So tomorrow I will go back to First Mt Zion for the first time in maybe four months.  I'm not allowed to blog about whats been going on but let's just say that my faith has been seriously tested by the events that have been taking place there.  So much so that I didn't even bother to find another church like my mother did, I just would rather work on Sundays and occasionally watch someone pray on TV.  Okay who am I kidding, I'm not watching anyone pray on TV.  I think Queen Mary on Reign was blessed by a priest in one of the last few episodes.  That counts, right?  Yeah, that counts.

I'm 35 and I have to admit, my faith has been tested so many times that it's seriously not funny anymore.  Two churches that I have been to now have been torn apart by it's members fighting, One was really a bunch of ex sinners trying to get right with God and although they took care of my family and I, I never really felt comfortable amongst them.  But then at this point in my life I can honestly say that I have never felt at home in any actual church.  I love the church family I met at FMZ but when it all boils down to it, it's the people I miss, not the church.  That doesn't seem right to me.  I really don't think I am the church going variety.

And some people aren't and that's okay.  Not everyone believes that going to a building with people praying and preaching at you and around you is the right way to commune with God.  I am one of them.  I can be standing outside enjoying the sunshine and feel a particular need to say something to God and I know he hears.  I don't need to dress up and go to a building to talk to Him.

But tomorrow I have to go back for one reason.  Again I can't blog about what and why but I think after tomorrow if all goes the way it's supposed to go, I may be an infrequent visitor.

Eh, whatever... another rambling thought off the top of my head.

Which now contains dry hair so I'm going to take my melatonin and finish my beer (probably not one of those sentences I should put online) and grab some sleep so I can get it and go to church.

Night bloggers!  Stay Frosty!

Thursday, February 05, 2015

So about now...

Is when I post the usual "I hate Valentine's day" post.  Or I go all over Facebook saying how I hate the toddler with the smelly diaper and the sharp stick...

But this year, I'm not going to do that.

I'm just simply... not.

I don't actually hate valentine's Day.  I never have.  In reality, I kinda like the day.  I mean it's a day dedicated to love and I am a hopeless (Key word: HOPELESS) romantic. how can someone who loves romance NOT love Valentines Day??

No, what I don't love is watching all of my friends who have partners amp up the love and PDA five million times.

I mean seriously, I look uncomfortable and nod absently when you guys tell me ALL ABOUT your love issues, now I'm supposed to sit and watch you make out.  Nope, I'll pass.  Love you bunches, but... I'll pass.

But it's whatever.  This year there are two movies that I want to see and I'm going to see them.  Not on Valentines day because Valentines Day is a Saturday.  I will be a captive of Sports Connection from like eleven AM on.  YEs, I know who I work for.  No I did not change jobs.  My job is the whipping boy of a little gym called Sports Connection every single Saturday.  We bend over and they whip away.

But We love it.

That sounded way less dirty in my head.

Who am I kidding, no it didn't.  LOL.


I want to see the 50 Shades of Grey Movie and I want to see Kingsmen.  Both come out the day before Valentine's Day and both will hopefully be there the following Monday.

I don't really have a reason for why I am not going to hate on Valentine's Day this year.  There's no man in my life.  (If you remember, I kinda screwed the pooch on that one a few months ago and even if I hadn't he's no longer apart of the work scene and I have the feeling that even if we were still anything to each other he wouldn't have given a shit to my feelings when he left.  I'm pretty sure that his quitting would have been our break up since he assumed I hated him as much as anyone else and never said a word to me when he left.) There's no romance there whatsoever.  BUT I do have good friends, a good job that I enjoy almost more than writing, and my kids are happy and healthy.

So why be down?  Because I'm not getting laid?

Please... sex isn't everything.

It's nice, don't get me wrong but I've reached a point where it, or rather lack of it, isn't going to break me.  I'm perfectly fine with or without it because I am perfectly fine with myself.

Also, I have stopped getting a million different colors in my hair.  I am down to black, grey and silver.  That's right, I'm rocking grey hair and loving it.  I mean, you tell me, how do I look?  (And yes, that is a webcam snapshot so this is what I look like as I type this.  I know, I'm a hottie dot com.  I did not just say that... Also, no cracks about how I need to clean off my bed. I know it's messy)

So it's late and I have to be up for work tomorrow because it seems I am a morning person.  Hehe, I'm not.  Far from it.  My boss thinks I am and I play the role fairly well as long as there is caffeine nearby. Although I'm not sure who the caffeine helps more.. Me or the people around me....

Yawn!  Tomorrow is truck day and my shift leader has promised me that for the first time in a  year... I will be helping to put stuff away.  The fact that I moaned and said "But I'm a girl..." didn't help plead my case that I really don't want to lift anything.  So I will be taking my tramadol to work tomorrow.  Pray for me, this may be the last time that I walk upright for a few days... LOL.

OKay, stay frosty, chickies!!

I love you.  I always have, I always will.  Just make sure you love yourself and life will be okay!
