Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Running screaming...

I swear, I'm going to get drunk and run screaming into the night as naked as the day I was born.  You think I'm kidding but I'm about at the point where if I committed a major crime I would land in an insane asylum and not jail because I'm pretty sure whatever is left of my mind is about to jump ship.

This morning at nine am, I got a call from a telemarketer who woke me up to ask me what signs of aging have I noticed...

Bloggers, the lord was with him when he tied my tongue so that all I could say was that I don't get enough sleep because people call me early in the morning to talk about my aging....

The MBF and AW came to get me and happy of happy happy joy joys we went to Soho!  Of course one of my besties and one of my awesomely so good almost besties were there to see me so we could have hit a hot dog stand and I still would have had a big ass kool aid grin on...

Then real life had to stick is head in where it didn't belong.  We decided to hit the mall.  Wallet not with me.  Have to go to moms.  Wallet not at moms.  Wallet not at home.  Wallet has gone MIA.  Drove all over looking.

Called Walmart as it was the last place I remember having it and the bored woman on the phone first got my name wrong four times then after a shuffle where I'm not actually sure she went to the office to look she came back and told me my water was not there.  I corrected her and said wallet.  She said it 'ain't' there.  At Mommy's suggestion, I went by the wal-mart to ask and the woman who was there actually went and checked the safe and came back to say no but the woman who had answered the phone came in.  The woman who looked asked her if she knew of a wallet with my name and the bored woman (Who stereotypically fit the description I pictured from her voice on the phone) said, "What she come in for?  I told her it wasn't here!"

I won't repeat what I said to her.  I won't tell of the control I lost.  I will only say that she picked the wrong person in the wrong week to get snippy with.

Of course, my ex (who I'm not sure he remembers telling me that he was the better parent since he's been acting like nothing was wrong) in his infinite helpfulness told me about the time his wallet went missing or that his sisters was stolen just last week.  I'm sorry all I wanted to do was scream "I DON"T CARE!!" into the phone.  I don't know exactly what it was he said once I got back in the car, but I snapped.  My exact snap was:

"I have nothing left to give anymore!  I'm surprised I have tears left to cry over this?  What more do you want of me?  In the last 24 hours I have been forced to give up my home, the first place in a long time that's felt like home, I have taken my son out of my family on paper, I have found out that there isn't a damn thing in Charlotte that I can rent within my price range that isn't a total piece of ---- and now on top of all of that my wallet is missing meaning I have to cancel four bank cards, replace three social security cards, replace my food card and after this lady give me my twenty dollars back for these keys, I will have ONLY that to live on until I can get some new stuff.  I can't drive (legally) I can't even prove that I am me!  So what more would you like me to give because I can spare nothing else!"

And he was quiet for over a minute.

I think I may have laid a little more on him than he thought I had going on.

Anyway he met met me at the super small house and he decided exactly what I knew he would decide which was that it was way too small for us.  He wasn't paying for that.  The upside is now he's calling around as well.

I'm home now.  Not if I'm going to sim out or write out but I'm out.  I need to forget about reality right now.

Someone told me once that your friends should be like an expensive and well manicured art collection.  Today I got to see my Mona Lisa and my Girl with the Pearl Earring...