Saturday, December 21, 2013

Okay sleepy sleepers.

One last blog before I tuck in and hit the hay.

Stomach was a little better today.  Well no not right off but it got better.  I had to break down and take a tramadol in the middle of the day.  Something I never ever do because of the sleepy element in it.  Good news!  Tram doesn't put me to sleep apparently... Yeah I can so see the look of reproach on your faces right now.  I'm not shivering in my seat.  Well yes, I am actually but that's because the AC is on so that everyone can breathe at night and my covers are screaming my name.  If life were just a little bit crazier than it already is and furniture was alive and had rights, I'm pretty sure my bed would sue reality for custody of me because honestly, our relationship has gone very downhill.  Not enough quality time by far spent with each other.  The sad thing is it wouldn't even have to sue reality, it would really need to do a joint suit against my desk chair and my bookcase.  Maybe the car.

Mom had her car for two days.  I worried that she wouldn't be alrighty okay but at the same time I was so copacetic to sit back and not do a damn thing.  I totally forgot how relaxing that is.  Of course I was maroon on Isla De Dette for a real reason but still.  I got to lounge in my bed freaking two mornings in a row.  That was probably a druggies equivalent of smoking crack... for free.

Tomorrow is the Christmas performance at church then Christmas shopping with the kids and Church on Sunday then doing Christmas with Mommy and I on Monday and I think I am going to take them to their dads house right after dinner.

Is it sad that thing I am looking forward most to this Christmas is adult time?

I'm always an adult but for the moment I'm considering my Christmas Gift that I don't have to be Mom for a few days.  I know I say this way too often for it to be considered TMI now, but I could have nekkid time if I wanted to. (I talk about nekkid time way too much, don't I? Eh oh well...)

No shit, I just sat here for a full five minutes picturing what I'm going to do with my time.  I see myself sitting in this same spot or curled up with my books.  I started the second book in the Wideacre series.  The second book is vastly better than the first one.  Beatrice was killed by Ralph at the end of the first one by the way.  I know I stopped giving synopsis (Synopsi?? Synopsises??) of it but that honestly because you didn't want to know anymore.  She helped plan Ralph killing her dad, she slept with her brother had a baby girl by him and got his wife to take her as her own, then she had a baby boy by him and got married and tried to convince him that it was her husbands son but old boy was a doctor and new better.  He got piss drunk for maybe six chapters and he figured out where the baby came from and the night he came home her mother caught Bea and her bro on the parlor room floor so she overdosed the woman on Laudanum and there went Mom.  Husband started to put pieces together and she had him committed and then she tanked the family farm and Ralph came back to kill her.  Seriously.  If Someone says you should read Wideacre JUST SAY NO!  You don't want to walk that path.  Especially if you are the type of person that has an OCD complex that drives you batshit if you don't finish a book even if it is a spectacular work of crap.

The second one is better.  The girl is secretly betrothed to her cousin who her mom thinks is her half brother but is reality her full brother and they are trying to forbid it.

God I wished I lived in the times of arranged marriage.

No I don't.  No.  I don't.

Sometimes I think an arranged marriage would be better than this lonely single act.  Can I go ahead and get my grammy for best leading actress in a Non fiction non Romance Reality-esque drama so I can retire? I would like to retire.

Slightly embarrassing moment yesterday.  Livy found my pad of paper that has two pages in it.  Last summer It was put to me that I should have some expectations as far as men were concerned and in my unique style, I wrote them down.  Like I'd forget them. Anyway, I had it in a secret spot (Which is to say I lost it.) and she found it.  I think I got to her before she read them.  Crisis averted, I know where they are now.  They haven't really changed but I know where they are now...

Okay loves.  Melatonin is kicking in.  Eyes are droopy.  Sweet dreams await me in the recesses of my mind.

I would say stay frosty but I'm shivering enough for all of you combined and the freaking air just kicked over again.  Goodnight!

By the way, I have a houseful tonight.  It's a good thing.