Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beyoncè should be ashamed of herself...

You know I've said it couple times on Facebook but I'm gonna outright say it now...

Beyoncè just lost my respect as a person.  It's a baby. Women have them every day and at times more at one time than you have hit songs concurrently.  There is no need to act like just because you are a new mom you have to be the hospital diva and your baby is more important than everyone else.

I am so glad that I'm not in that hospital as a mom cause lemme tell you honey... I wouldn't care if you were the blessed virgin bringing in the second coming, you stop me from seeing my baby and your loved ones would he walking around wearing all black and singing sad songs.

Woman don't you know you don't come between a parent and their child??

The sad part is she probably doesn't even care that she just opened herself up to a whole bunch of lawsuits over this.  Why would you cover security cams?  No one wants to see a baby crawl out of your va-jay-jay...Trust me... Anyone that would put that video out has way more problems than you can fix with a lawsuit or a breakdown by your ugly ass husband!!

And while I'm on my rant, Blue Ivy??? What the hell is wrong with stars today??  Ya'll are personally making it so that when your kids are grown up, us normal people are going to look like freaks and outcasts because we name our kids Nathan, Sarah, and Courtney.  Can you imagine our history books in years to come?  Here's a preview...

President Apple Paltrow- thanks for that one Gwen Paltrow
Senior Vice President Blue Ivy Carter- wtg Beyoncè and Jay-z.
Secretary of State Knox Pitt-Jolie- awesome Bradjelina

Did you ever see Baby Mama with Tina Fey?? There was a bit near the middle where a woman called her kids and their names were Wingspan and something else.  The blond.one said those kids would he so beaten up if they had been in school with her.

Stars today are making it so that people who can't afford to have their kids surrounded by security 24/7 to protect them from bullies are now the freaks with the stupid named kids.

I pity this world.  I really do.  We have such creativity but its wasted.  Simply wasted.

On that note I'm going to lay down...