Sunday, November 28, 2010

Asking God...

So a very good friend of mine found himself standing on the very fine line between life and death/ sanity and utter loss and had serious trouble trying to find a reason not to take that final step over...

I swear until my dying day that whoever called the police to his house has my undying love and respect. Whoever you are you saved his life and had I seen the post before you and actually knew his address, i would have done the exact same.

Its funny how you never really know how deep your feelings run for someone until you almost lose them. If he had died i dont know when or if I would have been able to stop crying. He's too special to go.

This sunday at church, I was given the right hand of fellowship. For all that don't know, this means my son, my mother and I were welcomed into the church as full members. As I sat there in my pew later, i felt a sort of... I dont know... Fullness and when they did alter call I went up. Never in all my life have I gone to alter call, bloggers. I think it was because this time, I had a reason to go and a favor to ask.

I asked God to take my friends pound of sorrow that he's been carrying around for sometime now and put it on me. I will take his pain as my own and bear it as my own. Anything to help him out.

I dont know if I beleive that God will listen and answer me, I only know that I asked.

On the flip side, I also had a funky dream last night. I dreamt that another friend of mine started talking to me again. That one I doubt was anything other than a dream and it was closely followed by another episode in days of my dream life with the guy with no actual face...


Okay so The sims are re installed and I am playing again. See ya!

Single and Blogging is going simming!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Monday, November 22, 2010

I guess....

I should take this ungodly hour of the morning and blog since I have nothing else to do.

Hehe, I made a funny...

So Olivia passed through the snotting, coughing, body ache part of the flu and arrived tonight at cant keep shit in stomach... Yay me! We got home about eight something, I put them to bed at eleven because tonight was one of those nights where they NEEDED to shower. It's one thirty now and at this point, Olivia has thrown up twice. Shes getting no sleep and I'm kinda wondering if even the basest part of me can justify sending her to school in the AM.

On top of that, Jovaughn has kicked it up a notch on his asthma. Olivia tried really hard to share her cold, and I guess thats partly my fault because I could have had her stay in utter seclusion but instead I let her play with everyone. Only problem is when Jovaughn gets sick, he has to add his asthma to it. Can't breathe, can't run, can't really do anything but lay there and cough.

We had a bit of a fight tonight because once again, I had to tell him to take an albuterol treatment. He's old enough to know that if the treatments help you breathe and one needs good breathing to stay alive, one would take the treatment when one is having trouble breathing. No, he would rather build his city than fix his breathing. I got on him about thinking for himself because I am not always going to be awake, or there for that matter. I dont want a call from the police/ college/ girlfriend/ wife one day saying he's dead because he had an asthma attack. His dont come on suddenly. They never do. They creep up and give plenty of warning that they are about to smack him stupid. He has plenty of time to do something. Last year he ended up in the hospital because he couldnt breathe and was afraid to wake me because not being able to breathe wasnt on my list of reasons to wake me. See, we really need to work on that thinking thing. Breathing problems is right up there with massive amounts of blood loss and limb loss. Didn't think I had to actually clarify that but there you go.

So I think I am may keep Jovaughn and Olivia home tomorrow because she needs real rest, and he needs round the clock breathing treatments. Kayla will have to be a big girl and go to school on her own.

Times like this, I'm kinda glad I dont have a job because it would be hell having two sick kids and trying to juggle a well one and work with them. If Debbie was any indication, I doubt that new boss would be okay with me standing in her face telling them that whether they like it or not, my kids and my mom come before EVERYTHING and if they think minimum wage is enough to make me leave my sick kids to their own devices, they can kiss my ass as I walk out.

Your face is probably showing surprise and your mouth is probably agreeing with me but keep in mind that i actually did tell Dionza (the assistant mng from hell) this. Debbie replied that I needn't have phrased it that way but one, she understood, two, she partially agreed because no one should put a aside a job for their kids (I so cannot go into depth about that here so dont ask) and three, yay for standing up to the great red headed bitch.

So its two am now. Theres clothed in the dryer, I have listened to Lady Antebellum's "I Need You Now." For what has got to be the eight hundreth time, and I'm actually looking at tired.

So we will see with seven AM brings. Probably me home with two sick kids. Maybe three if Kayla objects too much at having to do a two day week on her own. Being Thanksgiving week, I could really care less if school happens.

God, I love this song...

Okay, maybe now that I have turned on the air so that Kayla will stop tossibg and turning, olivia can sleep Lcold puts her to sleep like heat puts me out) and Jovaughn can breathe. I am going to go play eskimo with my covers and cath a few z's by the tail.

Single and Blogging is so very amazed that I haven't gotten the flu yet... Hmmm... This shit's gonna whammy me for Christmas...
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


You know, bloggers, I hate to complain, but this the week that I am allowing the sunny to disapear behind the clouds, but I really hate being female sometimes. If I could travel back to Adam and Eve, I would pelt that damn woman with every apple on the tree before she put one in her mouth. I would tell her what being a woman is like because of her and scare the fig leaf off her supposedly narrow little body.

Enough said.

So I had a text a thon with Carrie last night. We actually covered real subjects and very little stupid stuff. Her text could went from the seven twenty she was sharing with John to over thirteen hundred last night aand then I sent another two fifty while she slept so that her text count can go up. She/ we are in a competition with her daughter for bragging rights. As of this mornin Carrie was a mere four hundred some shy of doubling her daughters 5,730. She was at 10,997 I believe. I think its safe to say shes not going to catch up. Then again... She is a teenager.

It was fun. Carrie and I used to do shit like that all the time. Her text count would be low and we'd have a nightlong jam session. And in the morning her daughter would plotz. Did I mention I would LOVE to be a fly on the way when she sees the tally this morning?

Okay good mood returning.

Besides texting Carrie, I stayed up last night making them on the sims. I have managed to keep the same game for once long enough so that I have a chance of really playing me. Its cool. I might actually get to play my kids! I just need to finish making my friends so that i have people to talk and hang out with.

Grrr. Sorry had to yell at kids. Y do kids insist on wearing dirty socks over clean ones?? Everytime?!?!?!?! I don't get it. They would rather walk around with yesterdays crud on their feet than go upstairs and get more... Ugh!

Okay, back to happy.

It is now seven thirty four and they will be leaving in about ten minutes and i can go back to sleep.

I was stupid and stayed up till two playing sims and texting. Now I am paying for it.

No worries, another three hours of sleep will do me fine. Then lunch and outting with Mommy and return her car, amd instant sleep time tomorrow.

Okay, time to go do hair...

Love and kisses this early am!

Single and Blogging is doing the Sleepy Mommy Shuffle!
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Ho Hum...

Well, day two on the alien planet where i neither fbook or tweet. I think I'm doing rather well actually. Its sad but in a way, thanks to the drama, I really donMt miss it. I mean, I still browse my friends and it they seem like they need an e hug and i am able to text or email them i do, but no posting.

Hang on, my mom just got abducted by aliens... I told her to stop playing with the telescope...

What was I saying? Oh yeah no posts... Whatever.

So yesterday, the ex hubs came to take us all out for Kaylas birthday. We all went to Concord Mills for the day, then back to my moms for cake. Took the girls' friend Juriah with us, OMG! Loud!

Can whoever has my parenting guide for dummies please send it back?? I need to do some reading... I so did not know girls could be so damn loud. And the giggling. Someplease tell me they grow out of that soon...

My mom just got returned from outer space... Shes not happy yet she wants to do it again.. Hmm.

Ugh! Livy is sick, but its to be expected. Ms. I dont need my sweater cause I'm too cute to be covered up now has a mild fever, headache, sore throat and a stuffy nose. I so saw that coming...

Randy bought cold meds yesterday while he was here. Yippie! He also bought the girls coats, laundry stuff, and a couple of odds and ends I needed.

The nanny is watching me sleep. Stalker much, lady??

I think I am going to cancel my date Tuesday with Ty. I'm getting a not so nice vibe from him and I spend our few conversations fighting the urge to drive over to him and smack him.

He refuses to understand that I HATE being called baby. Hate it with probably the same passion that drove Hitler. He has not yet called me by my name. I asked him where he wanted to meet for lunch for our first date and he promptly answered at his house... Yeah uhm... I don't think so! So when I got him to understand it was public or nowhere, i asked him what he liked to eat. His response... "Beef, No pork, chicken, seafood, and you." Oh yeah, you read that right... So I'm thinking he didnt get the message that I am a lady, not a booty call hoe.

No stress. If he was interested, others will be and somewhere out there is a man that will see me as a lady and I will get my happily ever after.

As for the other issue in my life, eh... One friend is attempting the build a bridge project and I will meet her halfway when i go back to facebook. I always planned to. The other friend... Well now theres a sticking point. Shes just as stubborn as I am. (In Retrospect this is probably why we got along in the first place...) so she won't call and neither will I. I already admitted i took the statement wrong, and I apologized for my outburst. That is as far as I am willing to conceed so eh...

Again no stress.

The nanny is still watching me sleep... I need to wake up, she creaping me out.

On the job front, I have given it some real thought and I have decided I want to go to culinary school. Maybe after that people will stop telling me I am over qualified.

Do you like my possitive attitude? I am getting a jump on my New Years resolution to stay sunny. There is no point to being down about stuff I cannot control so I refuse to. So what if its cold outside, i have heat. So what if the kids are driving me batty, I was kinda halfway there already. Besides when I am angry I bake. In great quantities. And children flock to my door for it. They bang on the door, they ring the doorbell, they look in the windows.

Oh goody I am awake and get peaches for breakfast...

I also clean and get crafty until my fingers numb up. This is not good cause now i have a half a trillion pieces of jewelry... And vast quantities of very odd flavored bread. (The Book I have has everything from cajun spice bread to orange bread balls.)

Woman let me out of the high chair...

Okay, moms home from work, nanny go by bye. Time to age into a child.

I am going to sign off now, its a quarter to one...

By the way, I was playing the sims2...

Single and Blogging is going to stay single and sunny for a bit. Lets see how long that goes...

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Brief blurb...

I have denied twitterfeed access to my facebook for the moment so that my need to get things off my chest does not appear like I am breaking my self imposed exile from facebookland.

Why did I do it? Theres a simple reason really. I'm tired, bloggers. That's it. I spend my life being one way and when I finally decide that its a new season and time for me to stop hiding and be who I really am, things go horribly wrong.

Well last night was another in a series of non sleeping nights, of course. I didnt even try to close my eyes until near four am and if the white trails of dried moisture that framed my face starting at my eyes are any indication, I apparently cried in my sleep. Odd, I wasnMt aware that I ever did that. Blissfully, whatever images that made me cry were not burned into my memory enough to have me seeing them while awake.

In other news, the boys is well as can be expected again. I think it was a happening of he ate nearly five slices of pizza in one sitting and his stomach rebelled by rejecting it... Twice. After the second time, I made him drink a glass of water and take a benedryl as, being a coverall, they normally quiet any stomach. I know full well they are for allergies but broke moms use them however the need arrises...

So off to school they go and as per my usual, off to bed for me.

Did I mention that it galls me that I find that deamons dont chase me in my sleep when i sleep during the day?

Damn deamons. They should chase me during daylight hours like the rest of the union. Non union deamons...

As you can see, I still have a wry sense of humor. I dont think thats ever going to go away.

So its seven thirty two. The kids will be leaving for the bus stop soon. As soon as I hear the bus on the street i shall hit my pillow.

Till later, bloggers

Single and Blogging is a little bit sleepy...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, November 11, 2010

This will appear on Facebook

As will other posts but thats all I will be putting there for a few days. I am putting aside my twitter and my facebook but I will not put aside my blog. My blog is the only thing that lets me maintaince a semblance of sanity right now.

Thank you everyone that stood by me. Both silent and vocal. I love you all and you did not go unnoticed.

There is no way that I am going to sleep without nightmares tonight, so I am going to make a pot of coffee so that in the morning I have some caffine to stick my game face on with. As it is, my daughter had no clue of how I was feeling and her simple statement that this was the best birthday ever made me feel slightly better but in the midst of the day Jovaughn got sick and threw up twice.

Where is my copy of parenting for dummies? Did i lend it out? Can someone read me the chapter on one child being happy and another getting sick? Am I supposed to go screaming into the cold dark night in my skivvies or butt ball naked? I cant remember.

So goodnight, good morning, good afternoon.

Single and blogging is going to get caffinated.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Shitstorm at my door...

If I could delete it, I would at this point but Facebook mobile wont let me and i cant log onto the site via web as theres no connection here.

I could be base and go to my facebook inbox and copy and paste this am's conversation between Michelle and I and truth be told I think it would clear some issues up if I did.

1. I did not demand multiple apologizes. As soon as one was actually offered, i accepted.

2. Yes Denise apologized. I think, I am still pouing over this mornings email bit by bit so that I dont take anything out of context.

3. My silence was not an endorsement my silence was me trying very hard to let the flames die.

4. I am done with it all and as soon as I can get to an actual computer trust and beleive it will be gone.

5. I said it before and I stand by it, Denise is too good a person to have that particular bit of her past brought up in that way. You werent defending her you were slinging an arrow in her direction and honestly i would love to see if she or her husband saw it as you defending them either. Like I said, shes outta your league.

6. There is a six. You are sitting at your computer thinking that you are playing mind fuck games with everyone here. You arent. You are simply making an ass out of yourself.

7. Yes I know you are expecting. Did I ever say anything about that? Nope.

I refuse to comment on facebook but I will not police my friends anymore because this has gone way beyond what it once was. It has become something twisted and ugly and not something I want any part of. I have tried to be adult and honestly think I did a damn good job at it. Anyone that actually knows me knows in the past, I would have gone off hours ago.

Thank you for ruining my daughters birthday for me Seargent family, I only hope that one day I can return the favor.

Single and blogging wishes the last twenty four hours would simply vanish into thin air.
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So today...

Is my first daughters birthday. She's ten this year and as the parent to a child that runs face first into life, I am shaking my head and smiling.

Not many people know that this is an exceptionally emotional time for me as well. Around this day my skin sort of thins out and little things hurt me alot more because on this day, ten years ago, another woman had to lose her baby so that I could have mine.

Ten years ago, I sat in Monmouth Medical all set to deliver Kayla when my dr came to me and said another woman just came in and the baby was in distress would I mind if they took her first?

Without a thought to the fact that my body had decided this was going to be the day come hell or high water and had swung into full labor, (not the intensity where you just gotta push, but the full levy of contractions every few minutes.) I told him to take care of her.

I will always remember the look on Dr. Lepis's face when he came for me. He never had to say a word. And as i walked to the delivery room, i cried along with the woman who could be heard clearly from the recovery room.

I always looked on that day as God had one cherub to send to Earth and he chose me to be its guardian.

Thats why this day is special for me. Thats why this day, my guard is down and things pierce my heart more easily. This is the day that God made a choice and I was the victor or sorts.

Single and Blogging wants to take this moment and get down on her knees and once again thank God for my gift and I hope I'm doing You proud.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

What happened last night...

Was that one person didnt take a step back and think that something she said COULD offend me because we had known each other so long. When I outright said that I was hurt and was subsenquently defended by people who took offense FOR me both the original parties skipped over the the part where a simple 'I'm sorry if you took offense" would have done wonders, strapped on battle gear and went for teeth.

And as usual, I am the one still catching the manure. Funny how that happens.

In less than twenty four hours two people that I have known nearly all of my life have decided that their own wounds are more important than the ones they inflicted and have taken their friendship from me.

It hurts but what else can I conclude that if I can be nixxed so easily was i really ever that important to you? It really doesnt feel like i was right this moment. Right this moment i feel like i was always deadweight and this last conflict gave them both the very sharp knife they needed to cut me loose.

I will not concentrate on this today, i will enjoy my daughters birthday.

I doubt either is reading this but i never ever meant either of them any hurt, harm, or ill will. In the back of my mind we will still be friends although the bond feels somewhat weaker.

Travel your path I will travel mine own. If again shall we meet, may the reunion be sweet. If this wound will outlast all time as we know it, then thats how it must be. Wounds made by familiars will always be deeper than those by the faceless.

Single and Blogging is hurting but I will not stop being who I am.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yeah, but you kinda expected a blog tonight...

I mean after very public temper tantrum like I just had its to be expected, right? If I were someone reading my facebook page tonight, my first thought would be, "Whoa, she's kinda pissed off." And my second thought would be, "wonder how long until a blog appears." I'm so predictable it can be sad.

But not really. I'm not even going to elaborate on my temper tantrum. It's on Facebook read it there.

No what I am going touch on is the fact that for years, I have been content to put out a subtle vibe when I am hurt and not outright say it unless I said something in a blog and even then it was subtle... No more. What happened on facebook was the straw that broke the camels back.

Have you ever looked around and really looked at some of the people you let into your life? How they're supposed to know you inside and out but instead they don't seem to because they feel that they can say something to you and regardless of the way it might make you feel, its ok? I actually have more than a few people in my life that do that. Believe it or not, a good number of those people arent on facebook and they're people that you wouldnt normally think Id associate with.

Take my old boss, Debbie. On the norm, she would say something offhandedly that would slice me down to the marrow in my bones with hurt, but I passed it off as 'simply her personal opinion' and fumed in silence. Or a customer would say something degrading and I would just say, 'oh they don't know any better.'

But what do you say when the person who spoke from the innermost depths of their ass is someone you've considered one of your closest friends for years? Ask me that a few months ago, I would have said, 'they just had a slip, I'm annoyed but I'll let it slip... Again...' But thats then this is now, and my answer now is to let them know.

I know i joke on twitter, facebook, and blog about almost any and everything and I usually use my blog to spout my hurt like a diary but eh...being subtle hasnt helped so far, I still get shitted on from time to time so I've decided to be direct, grow a backbone.

I will still blog when I have a thought that needs to roam free, and though I may not Twitter that I applied to however many jobs that day and occasionally, I may facebook about being bored but hereMs the thing, and I say this so often, it should be a tattoo on my face, it's MY twitter, MY facebook, and MY blog. I read all comments, respond when I feel it deserves one. If you feel the need to reach into your innermost supply of snottiness to reply to something I wrote on MY venues of vent, why dont you save yourself a headache and just hit the delete friend button because as of this day, this hour, this minute, IF YOU PUBLICLY SHOW YOUR ASS ON MY FACEBOOK, TWITTER, OR BLOG, I WILL CALL YOU OUT ON IT. I WILL LET YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE WRONG. I WILL LOSE MORE REPECT FOR YOU THAN U COULD POSSIBLY THINK THAT I WOULD.

I am not your shitting post. I have feelings just like everyone else. I take yours into consideration, you need to reciprocate.

Single and Blogging just got another ounce of steel in her spine...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Missing New Jersey...?

No, I dont miss New Jersey at all. I miss the friends that I had there. I gre to love most of them like family. Stable whole hearted Denise who, whenever my idea were in danger of being preposterous, grabbed the balloon string and safely guided it back into our atmosphere. Funny but just as stable Andi who left the forest and found her ultimate dream showing me in the process that life after divorce is indeed obtainable. Wild and crazy Kristen who was unpredictable yet very predictable which only served to make her more loveable. Kindred spirit Michelle who shared my love for handmade things and things that werent on the beaten path but slightly to the left. Only she would understand that so really dont even try.

I even had a guy that i could always turn to, my John. Nine times out of ten he was there to listen if absolutely nothing else to my foolish moments, my crying moments, my really in pain moments that i covered with vodka and tried to laugh off. And Steve. One of the two husbands that I trust with just about all aspects of my life. The other being Aaron. I trust these guys so much that if anything happened to me, i would trust them and their wives to raise my children to be strong outstanding adults.

But do I miss the North? No. I never finished school and I didnt do that well in high school because neither really interested me. The reult is that I will never be anything in the job market. I have retail skills but more importantly, i have the knowledge that all the skill in the world isnt going to help me when faced with someone who has a piece of paper from a school saying that they know how to do it in theory. They will always get the promotion. They will always be able to raise three kids on that salary.

I live in New Jersey for three years on my own as an adult and trust me when I say that when the opportunity to leave came along, anyone of my friends can tell you, I didnt waver for a moment. In fact several of my friends remarked that they'd never thought I'd actually do it. I dont know why. I grew up uncomfortable in NJ so it came as no surprise to me when coming back as an adult sucked even more than being there as a teen.

Let me explain. In middle school I developed an identity crisis. I seriously thought that my skin color was a grandiose mistake on Gods part. He meant to make me white, I just knew it so I acted white. I said like every third, like, word, and I like, couldnt, like, stop, like, saying it. My family hated talking to me because of that and judging by the fact that simply typing it all these years annoyed me I can understand how they felt. I also had a body image problem. I was fat. I was very fat and judging by the looks of my family tree I wasnt going to get thin. My growing addiction to chocolate which made my emotional state plateau didnt help my physical state which cause my emotional state to then plummet.

It was a huge culture shock when I moved to North Carolina and discovered much to my horrible dismay, I was black! Insert huge thatrical gasp here. I found out that the way I thought was wrong. The way I dressed, was wrong. The music I listened to was wrong. Even the way I ate was wrong. Ribs??? WTF?? Why would I want ribs?? Sweet potato pudding?? Eeewww! Cole slaw, black eyed peas, cabbage, like even! Pigs feet and chitterlin?? You have lost your fool mind! I was used to my family turning their nose up at me when i turned down 'good southern cooking' but a campus full of other black people wondering what planet i had come from because i sneered when they ate parts of animals I hadnt even dreamed of touching...

So i learned to eat ribs. I even learned to eat pork chops. You can hang up the rest of this sentence including the other foods. I'm past the color crisis and they still will never touch my lips.

But this amazing thing happened. The 'blacker' I turned, the more wanted i felt. I cant explain it but coming south made me feel accepted. When I got back to NJ at Christmas time i stared at my friends and for the most fleetingly embarrassing moments wondered what the hell we ever had in common.

Skip forward over those bad years and think of me as an adult. I lived in the south with the roomate i called husband and actually liked it. Hated the accent. Hated the fact that where we lived i swear it was one big pond of inbreeding. I liked it. I could afford it.
Skip a few more years. I moved to Nj and suddenly all those feelings of finding someplace I belonged went poof in a puff of smoke that I couldnt even see the vapor of. I had my friends that have always been more like sisters than anything else but now I was a grown woman and we all had lives. My friends had other friends and those friends didnt exactly want me around.

I never had that problem with Denise. We mainly dealt one on one and then one on two when cuddly David joined the picture. One on two when Steve was here, and it was comfortable. The rare occasions when Michelle and I met up, there wasnt much talking because honestly there never really needed to be. We're both people that are content to be with people that we can be ourselves around. Now Andi. God I love Andi, shes my dearest and oldest friend (we have quite literally been friends for 22 years almost) I dont have to do anything but be me when I'm with Andi. The problem. Me had changed. I was now an insecure person that didnt want to pulled out of her shell but at the same time kept casting the line out there to have someone pull. She always pulled. Thank God for her pulling. But when i got around her new friends i suddenly felt like 'WTF?? I dont belong here!' They tolorated me because I was Andis friend. If I had to pick anyone out of that group that treated me like I was their friend with or without Andi, besides Aaron, it would be Kristen and Katie.

So when I made the choice to leave NJ it as painful because of those people, but now let me explain why it wasnt painful.

I already expained why I would only be able to work menial jobs. I never liked school and being an adult didnt help. As much as I wanted a better life for my children and I there was no way in hell or Gods Green earth that it was going to happen. I couldnt even afford school if I had wanted to go back. I had no childcare and although I could take the bus almost anywhere, it was tedious and long and took me away from my kids. All i ever wanted to be was a wife and a mother. Being away from my children is physically painful but in NJ i had to leave my house and work for people who abused me and made me feel like a piece of gum somone spat out and a dog pissed on. Finally I couldnt take it.

North Carolina has afforded me the chance to be here for my kids night and day. It sometimes ,makes me want to scream but oh freaking well.

I get to raise my children in a house where my sleep doesnt depend on a noisy neighbor. I dont feel like my kids are growing up to be thuggy aliens that think promiscuity and drug use is cool and that speak a whole nother language not meant for civilized ears.

So if I say I miss NJ on facebook or twitter , please know that I miss the people that I left behind. The state itself could boil away into the ocean for all I care so lomg as my friends got away safe.

I may cry a little when I see pictures of Andis wedding because I had fun there and encountered my very last crush. I may cry when I see pictures of Denise pregnant with David because Ive gotten to know him as a baby and I am going to miss the weekly lunches because I am missing him grow up.

I am adult who battles cronic depression. I cry, I get moody, I look at pictures of my friends and watch on facebook how they go to parties and concerts, and I cry a little more than I go on MY facebook, or MY twitter, or MY blog and whine about missing them but at least Ai am venting on my outlets instead of running back up to NJ where i was miserable and in one huge loop of depression with highs and lows that didnt really seem different. I am an adult. I will get over it. I will relapse. If you see the whine simply serve cheese, admire the violin playing a sob song in the background, make sure I am not in posession of a rifle and not near a tall bulding and move on.

This too shall pass and come back. It will be okay and I will be okay. Im closer to where I belong and while I pretty much blabbered and jumped around this whole blog, you understand and get the point and more importantly you who care know that if I can release it, Im going to okay for another day.

Single and blogging has a signifigantly lighter chest at the moment. Dammit now my bra wont fit...

LOL! Made ya laugh!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Friday, November 05, 2010

Y dont things...

Work the way they are supposed to?? I had a cute little blog that i tried to post last night but I'm doubtful that it went through because i kept getting a captcha warning... I sincerly hate thsoe. Well good morning!

Single and blogging isnt finished sleeping off the drug called chammomille...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.4

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

I guess...

I was meant to be bored with life after all... The guy i met either isnt used to talking to women and therefore is as uncommunicative as I am or has already lost interest. Whatever. I find the giggly feeling has mysteriously slipped away so all I feel is indifference. I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure thats not good for any relationship if after less than twenty four hours of no communication the only feeling I can work up is indifference...

I still have hopes though. Hes a nice looking guy and maybe something might come of it. He says he doesnt mind that i have kids and he doesnt seem to want any of his own if he doesnt already have some but I wonder if his bubble (if there is indeed one) will be burst when he finds out that I couldnt have anymore kids without a medical miracle. Few men wants a woman like that now adays and I've come to the conclusion that when I had myself, for lack of a better word, fixed, i fixed myself for a life of singlehood. If I could go back about nine years ago and tell myself that my marriage wasnt going to last and there would be very little sex after Olivia so no chance of getting pregnant again so there was no reason to have such a drstic thing done.

No sense trying to change the past with wishes though.

I need something to do. At this point I'd almost be willing to do the blind date thing.

Well back to the grind. Or rather non grind. Theres nothing to doo here at all...

Single and blogging is terminally that indeed...
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