Saturday, August 28, 2010


Sometimes every now and then in the past, I felt like no matter what I did for my kids, it was never enough. I felt like I would just miss the bar that said I did a good job as a parent that day. Now more than ever these past few weeks, Ive felt like that bar is getting farther and farther away and no matter what i do to try and reach it, it just keeps getting further out. I think moving here was a bad idea. Nothing is really going my way. I have only been able to cook three full meals in as many weeks and job hunting is hard when you have to walk a mile to the closest bus stop. I think I made a huge mistake. In my effort to get my kids room to grow I stunted them horribly but bringing them someplace not even i can survive. What do I do? Im lost and dont think I can find my way out of the hole this time...
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