Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Well, It wasn't a shit storm, but I don't think it's finished yet...

Why is it that when you really want something in the mail it takes forever, but when you either couldn't care less if it gets there ever or are having second thoughts about something you've mailed, It seems to grow wings and fly from your hand their box??

As you can probably guess, the girlfriend's mother got my letter this morning.

What I was expecting was for her to call her daughter and in turn call the ex and have him bitch at me. (Which would have turned ugly probably) OR for her to call her daughter who still has my number because the ex used to call me from her phone when she wasn't looking who would in turn call me to bitch at me (Which wouldn't have gone anyway except to tone.  I feel our confrontation coming in a different forum and face to face.  I don't know why but I do.) 

What I didn't expect with any real degree of probability, was the girlfriend's mother calling me directly. I mean I know that she had to call her daughter to get my number but whatever.

So she called and first off I apologized because I realized AFTER I mailed the letter that Randy had probably never told her my feeling towards being called Grandma or whatever.  That out of the way, I prepared for an assualt.  What I got was a half and hour or having God crammed down my throat.  You can imagine how much I listened to that.   It was either fight that or go about my normal morning duties alternately mumbling "yeah" or "uh huh" when there was a pause.  I chose the latter.

I did however give her my full attention when she told me that, like her with her daughters' fathers' families, we will all be friends and maybe one day I will bring my children up to visit her should the ex never return from New Mexico.

I am so glad that my phone had a acessable mute button.  So glad.   I said such words that made my cat hide but I know she heard nothing because she kept right on talking.

She then mentioned their brother through their father (Their family has an expression, "Show which part of him/her is your half and then you can call them your half brother/sister" It's cute.  And since their fathers family collects members like the Bronx zoo, I'll not object to the boy begin just their brother.  I have no wish to harm an innocent child)  I told her he would always be welcome to come visit his siblings with his father, but I would most likely not be mixing my family with him. (It's more upbringing than anything else.  Even if he had come to my children's' family by more up and up means, I wouldn't have brought him around my family.  It's just not how its done in my hood.)  She wanted to know what he would call my mother.  Now I couldn't tell her the likelihood of them ever being in the same room as each other unless through some very uncontrollable circumstances was slim to none so I simply said that seeing as her first name started with a J as well, she would probably want to be call Mrs. J since my children have a special name for her. 

Small aside:  I realize that I should not be the one asking this given the whole issue but what if I marry someone with kids?  If their mother feels the same way I do about the Grandma thing, what would she have them call her???  I can honestly say that being that I have gone through this already, I would ask the mother what she thought was an appropriate name especially if it so happened that all the kids cohabited at some point.  I would allow my kids to call my new husbands parent whatever they want but not the grand parents of their new brothers and or sisters.  And I think they would feel the same.

So I guess finally she might have realized that she could preach at me as much as she wanted it wasn't going to budge me, we agreed to Mrs. J and left it open for another name in the future.  Future in my case being when they are adults.

I really don't think this is finished.  I think I am going to go through all three of them before this is over.  The ex I can handle.  The GF I can hang up on but I know that won't be satisfying enough to her and she will keep trying.  If she tries.  Big if.  Well not that big but still...

Sigh, bloggers.  It's hard being me because I think I was raised with much stricter values of right and wrong and it's outlaying if's and but's than most people.  I know that sometimes on some subjects I sound like a racist bigot but it's who I am.  It's not likely to change very much.  I will always have one view of what a family is that differs from someone elses.

Well, I'll keep you posted. 

You know is it just me or have the scattered thoughts from an unorganized mind become increasingly straightforward and the mind slightly organized...?  Hmmm

Monday, August 29, 2011

So today...

I did three things. Well technically four.

The first I re-arranged my entire living room. NO kidding I did. I know it's really not that exciting an action especially for those people who know I am apt to re-arrange a room simply because I can't find the remote but still it was something I was proud of and I wanted to tell everyone... Now I'm all sad and moody... forget it!! I don't wanna tell anymore...


Okay I'm over it. It looks pretty, so I'm happy.

My second feat today was that I caught a mouse!! A real live mouse. A baby and obscenely easy to catch because the poor little guy was so confused because Mommy is obviously not around to feed him but, still I caught him. For a moment, I was tempted to release him out into the great outdoors particularly around the house of the woman up the street because he was so little but then I remembered the mouse that the boy so kindly let go months ago and how the fucker came back and grew and obviously had babies and I flushed his adorable little tail down the toilet.

The third is that I have now gone basically two whole days without texting to the person I talked about in my other blog.  If you didn't read it, don't worry about it, it's not important.  The fact that I have not actually picked up the phone to say hello is awesome to me.  I means I have will power.

Now the fourth is a little tricky.  IDK if anyone remembers it but a few weeks ago I had a little issue with my ex husbands girlfriends mother wanting to be called grandmother.  I had it posted on facebook and even before that I had a blog about it.  The blog was forgettable because it was just an irk then the Facebook status was deleted because I was potty mouthed for no good reason... (it was NOT deleted because I didn't like what people had commented on it.  I don't actually give a rats turd what people think of this particular situation because it's a very personal one that isn't going to be and cant be changed by peoples opinions of it.)  But, it's whatever.

The situation is as thus:  The ex's girlfriend's mother wants my children to call her G'ma.  Short for grandmother or whatever.  Most people don't have a problem with something like that but you see most people didn't go through what I did.  The girlfriend wrote letters to a married man.  She slept with a legally married man, and lived with him when he was still legally married. An adulterer is an adulterer is an adulterer.  You can dress them up however you want but the shit still stinks.  Part of our divorce agreement was that the ex not have her anywhere around my children.  I don't trust her character and don't want her set up as any kind of example to my kids good or bad.  The ex ignored my wishes and had her living with him in VA when he had my kids and I reminded him of that agreement then.  His response was to tell the kids to not talk about what goes on in Daddy's house.  Then he moved down to NC to live with her.  And despite every hard hearted part in my body I let the kids visit because the alternative was making him come down here each and every time to see his kids which if you ever met him, you would know that it would eventually turn bad for my kids.

The first time my kids came home and called the girlfriends sister their new aunt I corrected them gently and told them that her family is not their family save the child that she and their father had together.  The next time they came home they sat in front of my mother and told them all about their new grandmother.  If you had seen the hurt in my mother face when they said that, you would have wept.  It was bad and reminded them that their father's girlfriend's family was not their family.  And I suggested that they call her Mrs. J.  It was respectful as well as slightly personal.  I also asked the ex to relay the message that I didn't want her to have my children call her grandma because she wasn't.  He said he would but he also said it in that dismissive tone that he gets when he just wants me to shut up.

There were no more occurrences of mentioning that family again until the other day when I open my mailbox and find that each of the children have gotten a letter from the girlfriend's mother.  This was actually fine with me until I noticed that she signed each and every one of them "Love G'ma"

I got past the fact that she spoke in her letter to my children like they were he blood grandchildren and to be honest that kinda of touched me a little.  But the fact that she still wants to be called Gma after I expressly asked she not ground my gears all the way down to the bone.  I mean ground them, broke them, and scattered the dust.

So I called the ex.  On one phone, no answer.  On the other cell phone I left a message.  I even waited a day for him to get the message.  I have heard nothing.  So I did what  probably should have done in the first place.  I sat down and I wrote the mother a letter.

It took a little while and more than a few drafts to work out my anger on paper from the written steel toed kick in the face it started out to be to the explanative missive it ended up as, but I'm more than sure it's going to cause a Shitstorm of a monstrous proportion.    I'm sure that she's going to tell the girlfriend who is going to in turn call the ex, who is going to in turn call me.  I am going to hold to my guns, however.  I tried to do this the coochy coochy way.  I really tried.  Bloggers I even hel my tounge when the girlfriend called me a year ago and told me that no matter how we met, we all have children by my ex and we need to be one big family that gets along.  I made a comment about a certain religion back then that I based on a television show that I was fond of but I offended someone who set me straight.  I will not make that mistake again.  But regardless, we are not a big family.  OUr kids belong to an ever growing family of people who think that no matter if you stood before god or judge to pledge your life to someone it's okay to go out and procreate with someone without the need of getting rid of the person you swore to be with.

What?? You think that it was just me that my ex did this to?  No his grandfather did it to his grandmother, his father did it to his mother and he did it to me.  I can't speak for the son he has with the girlfriend but I can assure you my son will not step into his fathers shoes and continue the tradition.

So I know that some people out there will tell me to chill out or calm down and or ask what is the big deal.  The big deal is that I have different character standards than that of other families and in my upbringing you don't mix shit with sugar.  This meaning, if she had slept with him, lived with him, and had a baby with him AFTER we were divorced instead of being one of the major reasons we got divorced I would have no problem with her or her family wanting to be apart of my kids life.  I still wouldn't like the whole G'ma thing but it wouldn't grind my gears so badly.  But the fact remains that she was a major player in my divorce and the events that led up to it.  She  did sleep with my husband before he was my ex husband, and she  did have a baby by him when he was still legally married.  Three of us caused the home my children knew and the life they lived to be uprooted.  I admit that.  I also know that even though the split and divorce would have most likely happened had she not entered the picture it wouldn't have been so nasty.  HE and I had our differences and they were bound to end the marriage that actually never should have been but her presence in the whole debacle made it so much worse that a part of me will never ever forgive either one of them.

Like I said.  my feelings can't be and won't be changed by what others say or think.  This is very personal to me and as you are entitled to your opinions, I am not bound to change mine because of yours.  Apologies if that sounds harsh but oh well.

So that's my day.  The thoughts are off and running in the blog yard.  Have a good night!!

More scattered thoughts from a highly unorganized mind another time!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lazy Sunday....

So Mommy called last night and said that she really needed a lazy Sunday so church was off. At least for us. Wow, I can almost feel the looks of scorn from my very religious friends. Haha no I can't but I know that disappointed someone....

So I'm having a lazy Sunday. I'm on my computer a little bit and I'm in my bed mostly. And other than getting up to check my gourmet ranch and spend time with my babies, I'm going to catch up on my television watching. The kids are catching up on their wii.

I love Lazy Sundays. They are awesome. They rock!

My brain is so totally on pause and I think I like the feeling right now. More scattered thoughts later!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hey there!

...So for awhile nothing new huh? Well there were some new developments but that's been developed and done. I hung that picture on the wall and have stared at it so much I broke it, ha ha.

I make jokes but in a way it kinda hurts.. But then I always make jokes to make the pain ebb.

So for a hot second I had some lovin' in my life. Doesn't matter who I did or didn't tell. It's a ghost matter right now.

The problem is, I'm not sure that it was ever meant to be anything long term or what. I've only dated Randy so uh... kinda fuzzy on relationships and the mechanics. Whatever. I've got one problem. I've got this feeling that keep nagging at me...

Yeah, have no clue what the feeling is. It's actually kind of annoying, really. IDK I mean, I keep my phone fully charged like night and damn day in case he texts and I get this happy jumpy and lemme tell ya, horribly annoying feeling in my stomach when he does. If I am in another room and have actually let my newest body part stay in my bedroom or where ever for more than five minutes, I practically have phantom limb syndrome. But at the same time, I'm pretty sure it's now just a friendship and well... Can I say I feel like it just might be slowly killing me.

Okay that is a very grandiose exaggeration of it but you understand. That flowery, sickeningly happy jumpy feeling in my stomach becomes a steel toed boot that's kicking hard. Here's the odd thing. I could say this is all one horrible crush but it's not kicking my heart, it's kicking my lungs.

I mean, WTF?? Someone wanna enlighten the girl who is new to this world of having a guy actually talk to her? I mean I should take what I can get and run with it. Right?? Am I right??

Good freaking Lord. the feeling is annoying. What the feeling turns into is annoying. the fact that I am living this but have no clue what it is annoying.

And OMG my air conditioner is freezing me to death, hang on I'm going to turn it down... Okay back...brrr...

So in high school I had major massive crushes that took hold and regardless of the fact that he, whoever he was that year was either clueless or fully aware of my *love* (and I use that term so very loosely you'd swear I had butter in my hands) I held on relentlessly. Freshman year of high school there were two. The trumpet and the drummer... Oooh the drummer... sorry flashback. Sophomore year was the saxophone and the trumpet player. No flashbacks there. Junior year... hmmm... obviously he was forgettable whoever he was and senior year... now that was a landmark year. I set my little heart so high on the social ladder I couldn't even see it anymore. I *loved* two of the classes biggest socialites. That year they both knew. I know this for a fact. One of them even thanked me for the tons of secret admirer cards I stuck in his locker in my yearbook....yeah...

See? I have no clue how to handle anything with the opposite sex. You guys!! Help!! I feel a serious repeat of high school happening and I feel like I'm on that runaway train that you see in stupid old comedies where they try to hit the brake and it pops off and then they try the anchor and the chain breaks and they keep careening down the hill...

Yeah okay, now I'm blathering. Sorry but you know I tend to do that when I'm picturing the tremendous wreck that's going to happen.

Oh yeah, another hilarious anecdote. About three weeks ago, I had a major and I mean MAJOR mental breakdown and almost called him (Gasp) to tell him that once my kids came home we'd be done. No shit I did. My two besties in like the world quashed that one in the ass. Really quashed. I had convinced myself that I'm not worth the time it would have taken to be with me. Funny huh? For once my insecurities might have actually saved my ass but I'm going to have to wait until Cupid puts me at the top of a mountain with a rail car and no brakes to find out. of course seeing whats happened, my besties are probably going to let me tank that one and it will be the worst thing I ever do and I will be mad that I followed my instincts.

Frack!! Why can't life come with a manual? Why must everything be so damn difficult? I'm pretty sure I asked that awhile ago in another post.

So tonight I'm not going to stay on the computer all night. I'm actually going to do what I need to do and then go read in bed and call it a virtual night. I have church tomorrow and I am determined to stay awake this Sunday.

I still want to scream obscenities...

Okay. Good night my loves. Happy blogging and happy living. More scattered thoughts from a highly unorganized mind later!!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Annoyed.... Grr...

So it's raining outside and I am spectacularly annoyed at the moment.  NO, I'm not annoyed at the rain... How can you be annoyed at rain?  Psht!.

I'm annoyed at the ex's girlfriend's mother and family.  They seem to want to see just how black I can really get...

When he first moved in with her and my kids started going up to stay with him (and consequently her), I didn't balk.  I grew up and figured sooner or later if he was living with her, my kids would have to spend time around her.  True I thought then and to some point still do, think that she's a home wrecking bitch but that's besides the point. 

Anyway, my kids came home last Christmas telling me that they had a "new Grandmother".  THis annoyed me and it hurt my mother.  I mean really hurt her.  I exaplined then that their father's girlfriend's mother was not their grandmother and it was very hurtful to their actual grandmothers to say she was their grandmother.  Regardless of how other families do it, this woman was not their grandmother.

Aside here for a second.  I know several people who have grandmothers who aren't really their grandmothers.  To quite truthful, the woman I call my Grandmother was in reality my aunt but that's another story for another day.  I also know that sometimes when your parents marry another faily the new parent's parents tend to become people's grandmothers.  Thats fine too but they are grandparents to the married in kids because they act like grandparents.

This woman never calls  (Although I can't really say that I would allow or disallow this.  It's never been tried) She doesn't send them birthday cards she doesn't seem to care about their well being when they are away from her.  IMO a real grandmother (step, adopted or blood) at least cares about her grandchildren when they aren't there.  When I asked nicely why this woman insists on my children calling her grandma the explanation given to me was she didn't want to confuse the baby.  He's freaking one!!!  I don't think that as he grows up and sees that his half brothers (I don't actually emphasize the half as much as I am here.  He's their brother half or not) and sisters aren't calling his grandmother Grandma, he'll ask and he'll be told and I'm pretty sure he'll be perfectly fine with the answer.

Maybe I'm over reacting.  Maybe I'm being a little bit harsh.  Whatever, It just seems to me that she wants the title from my kids for stupid reasons and regardless of how the grandmother GOD gave them feels or my wishes, she's going to go ahead and insist on this just to get her way.  I think it's sick and wrong and I think the time is fast approaching when I am going to have to go and tell her to her face. 

Another aside, the ex's gf's father does not want my kids to call him grandpa.  according to my kids he said, "They aren't my grand kids.  They can call Mr.(First initial of his name I forgot what it is) but they don't need to call me Grandpa or pop pop."

Now why can't he get his wife to think like that...

Thursday, August 04, 2011

First Chapter of my Story....

Chapter One

            Paige rolled down her window and propped her free arm on the door, letting her hand float on the wind as she drove down the highway at seventy-five miles an hour.   Her cell phone was ringing again.   She reached down and picked it up.   Glancing at it over the steering wheel, she saw it was her mother calling again.    She didn’t want to talk to her mother.   Not yet.
            She pressed the button on the side of the phone and the display changed to fifteen missed calls.   A moment later, it chimed that she had a new voicemail message.   
            Paige could guess what it said.   It probably said the same thing that the first one had said; that she was making a big mistake and she needed to go back to Steve and her girls.
            She wanted so much to just chuck the small, silver colored flip phone out of the window and keep driving.   Instead, she tossed it onto the seat next to her and turned up the volume on the radio. 
            It was a long stretch of road ahead of her, and Paige’s memory unwillingly flashed back to three weeks ago.
            She and Steve were sitting in the living room of their townhouse watching television and it suddenly hit her that she wasn’t living the life she always envisioned for herself.   She wanted out and, more importantly, she wanted to live.   She had no idea what inspired this thought, only that there it was and she couldn’t ignore it.
            As luck would have it, the very next Monday at work, Keith Ortega, her boss, came to her and told her that the restaurant she worked, Pandora’s Box, at was opening a chain in England and that she had been chosen to lead up the kitchens in them.   A dream come true job.
            She raced home to tell Steve over email.   When she saw his car in the driveway, she thought even better, I can tell him person!  She raced up the stairs and began looking for him in all of his usual spots: the study, the living room, the game room and the backyard.
            It was while she was looking in the backyard thinking that if Steve’s car was home he had to be home as well, that she heard what she thought was a playstation game coming from their bedroom.
            I’m going to get him! She thought I told him he was not to bring that game system into our bedroom.  That’s why we have a game room. 
            Paige ran up the stairs and flung the bedroom door open only to find Steve and his boss rolling around in the sheets of her and Steve’s bed, having sex.   
            The door hadn’t hit the wall and the floor was carpeted so neither Steve nor his boss knew Paige was standing in the doorway.   The woman got on top of Steve and they continued.   It was like a triple x horror film to Paige.   They were so absorbed in their act, that neither of them yet noticed her.   Suddenly, as the woman came, she tilted her head back to enjoy the sensation and that’s when she saw Paige.   Paige upside-down, but still, Paige.   She screamed loudly.
                        “Oh yeah, baby! Scream for me!” Steve said.
                        “Oh I’ll scream for you.   In fact, I did.   Last night.” Paige said.
            Steve pushed the woman from on top of him and sat up in bed.
                        “What are you doing here?” he accused “You aren’t supposed to be off work until five.   It’s only noon.”
                        “Forgive me for coming home early to tell you a bit of news.   I can see that you’re busy, I’ll come back later.” Paige said.
            She turned and walked out of the bedroom.   Then she stopped and thought about it.   She was about to leave her house while that woman stayed.   Then again, what did it matter?  She was going to England.  All the same, a little fun wouldn’t hurt.  At least, it wouldn’t hurt her.  She walked back into the bedroom and grabbed the woman by her long brown and red hair.   She hadn’t had a chance to put any clothes on yet so she was still naked.   Paige practically drug the woman out of the bedroom and down the stairs then took her to the front door and opened it.
                        “Oh please, let me get my clothes and I’ll leave quietly…,” the woman begged.
            Paige smiled.   She lived on a heavily populated street that had traffic going to at least ten other streets coming up and down it regularly.   She tossed the woman out of the door and shut it with a bang.   On her way back up to the bedroom, she turned the sprinklers on.   Waste of water, she knew, but still fun all the same…
            Next, she went to the kitchen and got a kitchen knife.   She marched back up the bedroom and confronted her husband.
                        “What are you doing with that knife, Paige honey?” Steve asked.
                        “You move one muscle off of that bed and you’ll be wearing your balls as earrings.   You got me?” Paige said
            Steve nodded.   
            Paige began packing bags and gathering her jewelry.   When she had finished, she glanced around the room.   Seeing nothing else that belonged to her, she left to go downstairs.   
            In the study, Paige calmly sat at the computer and logged onto the banking site she and Steve used.   She transferred every penny in their joint account and his personal account into her personal account and signed off.   
            In the living room, she took two pictures of each of her girls and tossed them into her bags.   She wrote a note to her oldest daughter, Juliet, giving a brief explanation about why she had left, that she would be in touch soon, and to tell her sister to do their best and run Daddy ragged.   She had taught her children French a long time ago and this was what she now wrote the note in since Steve could neither read nor speak it.   She placed the note in a Juliet’s journal, which she kept in the bookcase.
            Finally content that she had taken everything she wanted out of the house, she went out and put her bags in her car.   When it was packed, she went back to the front door and opened it.   The woman, who was now cowering behind a bush to avoid the crowd that had gathered, looked up at her pleadingly.   Paige stood aside and nodded for the woman to come inside.   She was a mere blur as she ran in the house.   Steve had dared to don pants and come downstairs.
                        “Here’s the deal,” Paige said.  “I don’t want any of this anymore.   I have a job opportunity overseas and I am taking it.   You are going to be single dad unless Mrs.  Silicone and Liposuction here wants to marry you.   You get the house, you keep your car, and I get my freedom.   Plain and simple.   You will hear from my lawyer in about a week to a month.”
           Steve just looked at her with a stupid expression on his face.   Paige shook her head and turned to leave.
                        “It’s been fun.” She said.  “I would wish you nothing but happiness in your new life, Steve but instead I’ll offer my sympathies to the new little woman.”
                        “Don’t walk out on me Paige, you’ll regret it.” Steve said in a warning tone.
                        “You are daring to threaten me?” Paige asked.
                        “It’s not a threat.   You leave and you don’t come back.” Steve said.
                        “My my, but the yellowtail has a backbone now.” Paige said.  “I had no plans on coming back.   At least not to you.”  She turned and walked out of the house closing the door behind her.
            And that put her where she was now: driving down the highway headed toward the East coast to sign the papers saying she was to be the head chef in the new chain Pandora’s Box and then catch a flight out of the states to England.
            Her cell phone rang again.   She glanced at the caller ID.   This time it was Steve.   He was probably calling because by now, he realized how stupid it was to give her his net banking password and that she had all the money and had already withdrawn it.   This time, she really did throw the phone out of the window.   
            That one probably didn’t get service in London anyway.

Less than 48 hours...

So yeah, my kids have now been home for a little less than 48 hours.

I love them dearly, but I'm kinda ready to give them back now.

Don't worry this is a daily feeling.  I bounce from it to "I'm so glad to have my babies home" in the span of an hour multiple times a day.  I still love them and while I cry when their Daddy pulls out of my driveway, I am always happy to see them return home.  Always.

They scare my cat.  Hell they scare me.  I sent them to their father for a little over one month.  I sent them as children and he returned them as near teenagers.  My son, Holy Damn!  He was standing at my shoulder when he left on June 22nd and when I got him back, the boy is now standing at my chin and very nearly looking me in the eye.  My baby girl, let's not go there.  It's a running joke in our family that whatever clothes you buy Livy, she will be able to wear them for YEARS.  I'm serious, she can fit into something she had when she was five (And does so regularly... I think I may be at the start of a problem here...) Well, not anymore.  She can still fit some of her clothes from a few years ago, but her butt popped and well as she gained a half a foot.  So those shorts that were getting too small now scream HOOTCHIE MAMMA!  I mean damn!  She wears these only in the house now.  She tried to get out of my house wearing them yesterday... she didn't make it past the stairs.  And Kayla!! Wow.  She slimmed down a little bit this summer.  She's about to slim down some more because we're all going to start taking walks and running and whatnot.

I missed my kids.  I really did.  And while I may have moaned and complained  about my loss of freedom once they come back I'm still glad they are back.  I missed them.

Of course I really didn't loose that much freedom.  They are all ten and above now so Mommy can date and hang out with her friends for a little while now.  They can stay home for a bit and it's all good.

Even if their dad decided to take that job in New Mexico.  Yep, you heard me.  New freaking Mexico.  As in across the country.

Wait see, you might be taking that last to mean I'm not happy as a fat kid in a candy store reading a sign that says 'EVERYTHING YOU CAN CARRY FOR A PENNY!"

I am jumping for freaking joy!  He's moving ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!  I don't have to do the, "I'm coming to get them on Saturday" calls on Thursday anymore.  HE actually has to plan to see them and give me massive advance notice.  He's not in the same state as me!  I love my life!

Sorry had a rush of emotion.  I just wanna cry I'm so happy.

Now if I could just get my personal life to line up as nicely, I could just fall out right here with a smile... No wait, I did that last week when he said he was taking the job... Oh well, I'll find an equally exuberant way to celebrate.

My son starts football tonight. I'm not sure how I feel about this.  He's already strong, this will make him stronger.  HE can already outrun me when he gets in trouble, this will make him faster.  So far the only good side I'm seeing to this is that it will help work on his asthma and he will get slimmer. (Of course this will mean that Daddy will have to buy new clothes which he will do happily if his son looses weight...)  I just have to find an activity for the girls.  Kayla wants ballet and Livy wants to do karate and or kick boxing.

I'm wondering should I be concerned that my ten year old wants to learn kickboxing... hmmm

So okay, back to writing I go.  Oh yeah, I'm writing again!  Isn't that cool?  I think I am actually going to send it to an agent this time.  I'm going to work hard on getting published.  I've made it one of my goals...

Claudette is signing off for the moment... I may or may not be back with more happy gushy moments!