Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year, Bloggers!

Well, another year bites the dust and Im still single. Ah well, used to it now. Don't see it changing no matter bwhat my friends say. I wasn't slated for real happiness.

So tonight, I'm going to go out and drink myself way stupider than I normally pretend to be. This of course means that I am going to drink until I am the epitome of every blonde joke anyone ever came up with. I'm sorry thats not nice. I know some very intellegent blondes. Hell, I know some really smart bleach blondes too.

I just want to get kissed at midnight tonight. I will promise here and now that if I get a kiss at midnight tonight, Ib won't whine (outloud) about my single state for.... Three whole weeks. I will fill the time with something else...

Yeah right. If you buy that, I know a bridge you should purchase...

Happy New Year, Bloggers!

Single and Blogging is going to prettyfy herself for tonight...
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