Thursday, July 25, 2013

So Today

I woke up and decided that I was not going to think about the crap that my life has been lately.

At first, I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do but then I glanced at my closet and thought for perhaps the twelve hundredth time in the last six months that I should take the time to actually fold/hang the clothes that make up my very own Mt. Laundry.

Just so that you have something to picture, imagine dumping all clean clothes in a pile on your floor every time you do the laundry.  Yes, you pick and choose clothes from the pile from time to time but basically you are kinda living out of the pile because let's face it, you are way too lazy to do the right thing.  After six months, the pile is so high that one, you need a new pile just to step on top of it and two, once on top of it, you can see the very back of the top shelf in the closet very clearly... in fact, you are looking down on it.

So yeah, that's Mt. Laundry.  It used to be on the couch in the past but that just looked tacky. (shut up.)

And today, I decided I'm not going to have the passing thought, I'm going to DO something about it!

Took me roughly six hours to find my floor.  Clothes were thrown away... Clothes were put back in the wash to be rewashed, and everything that could be hanged, folded, and put away was done.  Bonus, I think I added square footage to my house!  I even washed my sheets and pillowcases.  My mom had jokes about that!  I am notorious for washing my sheets and putting them right back on my bed.  It's one of the few times my bed is made.  The other being when there might be a gentleman caller coming around.... so uh... never...

I have clothes!!  A lot of clothes.  Seriously more clothes than someone like me needs.  I don't go anywhere but I have several non church nice clothes.I even have stuff that I might wear to a club or a ghetto bbq (meaning I have a really short skirt that could be described as indecent) And I have TONS of work out clothes, but I don't work out!!  I would say I'm thinking of starting, but even I can't say that seriously since I'm sitting here eating Froot Loops for the second night in a row...

I think I'm going to tackle my bathroom tomorrow.  There is not a damn thing else I can do other than make a few phone calls.

Something else... My windows media player is hellbent on causing me to have a serious issues...  I put it on random play last night and tonight and damned if the thing didn't play every single bump and grind, sexual vision inducing song it had in it's cache!! I mean seriously??  I would skip one song and go to a light hearted song and the next three would be something that would damn near bring me to my knees because they'd catch my ear just that way.  I both love and hate that music can do that to me.  Confirmed my suspicions that I watch way too much late night television and read way too many romance novels that I get mental pictures of stuff that I haven't done in so long.

Sigh... whatever.  It was nice to have a good day and not a reasonable facsimile of one.  I had an actual stress free day.  Yay!


Kisses and hugs!!