Monday, July 14, 2014

And people ask me WHY I choose to be antisocial sometimes....

Because social media is going to make me act on my horrible thoughts one day.  I swear I don't know what runs through people's heads when they post on a website that's available to millions.

So I had this woman, Karen, on my facebook for the longest time.  I mean probably years at this point.  I have talked to her a few times via message and twitter and once over the phone.  She generally is/was a very nice her friends.  But she dislikes a good bit of her family and has no problem calling them everything from Cunts to whores, to bitches ALL OVER FACEBOOK.  She wishes they would die, get deported, have houses fall in on them, yada yada yada, the story and the spew of threats and horrible wishes for them doesn't stop.  For a couple of months I actually unfollowed her.  Not unfriended her, but un followed her because I simply tired of seeing it.  Then in a moment of sympathy when she asked why I didn't respond to her posts anymore I told her I couldn't see them and I told her why I had hidden them to which she promised that it wouldn't happen again.  So I allowed her posts back into my news feed.  And you know what?  For nearly two years, all was copacetic. And then this year she started going off again.  At least fifteen times a day eff this eff that person hope this person dies," "my mothers sister is a dumb bitch", "hope my good for nothing son and his illegal cunt wife get deported", stuff like that and I posted on my facebook, the following:

Shortly thereafter by which I mean less than two hours, I held to the promise and deleted and blocked Karen as she chose in that short time to go off on another tirade about this time going to wal-mart and some woman asking about her aunt and her responding that she's a dumb bitch.  Whether or not she had time to see my warning I don't know.  She then took to twitter to contact me.  Hence a screenshot of the whole conversation:

After she said the part about me being desperate, I stopped responding completely.  I didn't feel that it required me to respond because I know myself and I know that I was already having a bad day so I didn't want to go off on her in typical Dette style.  If you know me you know that had I responded, it probably would have gone way downhill, taken a right and flew out into the stratosphere in no time at all.  So I said nothing.

This morning, I opened my Facebook inbox to check that I didnt have any messages in the OTHER box (The one that non friends get sent to until you check it?  I try to check it once a week)  A lo and behold I had a message:

I cannot respond any further because I blocked him.

So from this I gather, that my name is now mud in Omak, Washington State.  Damn, and I had a reservation to go visit on a quarter past never.  I'm going to have to cancel my trip now.

I don't understand how two people in the same conversation can see things fifteen different ways  I really don't.  But I guess this is what social media does to friendships.

I've made some really good friends via Facebook and I intend to keep them as long as they want me around.  But here's the thing.  It's Facebook.  It is NOT the bible.  It is NOT the Holy Grail.  It is NOT the edict by which ANYONE should live their life.  It is a website created by a kid in a dorm room one night when he was bored.  That is all.  Nothing more.

Shaking my head at all of this.  Just shaking my head.  Stay Frosty bloggers, I'm going to find something to do with my Monday night.  Looking like Orange is the New Black might be my plan right now.  Not a bad show. Pretty funny actually.

Take it easy!  Smell ya later!!