Saturday, June 05, 2010


I sometimes sit and wonder who came up with the name of so and so... and I wonder myself into a headache or i go to Google and solve the question but this time I don't even want to know or why they call a migraine a migraine.  I just want to know the ultimate cure for it short of cutting your own head off or drowning your brain in alcohol.

I mean Why would God give man a pain like this???  It's excruciating!  I think this is one of those long reaching punishments for what that dapple headed dolt, Eve, did...  Man if I had a time machine...

Anyway, So I went to a BBQ today.  I sat in the car in the ehat and read and read and read and thenwalked to the store and came back to the car and read.  I'm a shade darker and my migraine isn't any better but you know what?  The pain reminds me that I am alive and I have days and days and days more of this rythmic pounding and stiffling pressure to look forward to!

So I'm going to go play with my sims until my excedrin kicks in... So if you don't hear from me for a few days just know that more than likely I am fine and my inner bitch hasn't broken free and killed someone.  I promise to come back and blog about playtime with the natives soon...

Single and blogging is in pain people!!


Okay, so as was evident, yesterday I was just alittle bit pissed off...

Here's the thing... There are a few states in this blessed union that have a law that not many people know about.  IN those wonderful states, a woman cannot be held responsible for acts committed when she is in a womanly way... all I can say is, that asshole better be lucky that I had no viable weapon near me yesterday.

SO I have calmed down a bit, I went to the store last night and after careful consideration of the abundant chocolate aisle they have, I chose a tasteful bag of almonds...

I so want chocolate but it's not going to help and I know that...

See and you didn't think I was going t let the rational thinking part of my brain go free ever did you?

I kinda think of it like this.  If I give in and eat chocolate, then I wont stop and I'll get fat again and then the only man I'll be able to get is some fat country hick that's spent his life being called Bubba and his only ambition is to work in some factory.  Call me a snob, I don't care I want a man that I want to look at. 

And call me a racist snob because honestly, I think I'm done with black men altogether.  I don't see what the big deal is.  I lived with one for almost ten years.  They are absurdly attached to their mothers, they make up horrible nicknames for their women and nine out of ten of them wouldn't know how to treat a good woman if he had Respect for Dummies sitting in front of him.

I am not going to make this long.  I do however want to issue an apology to the people that ignored the foul language warning and read the blog anyway. 

Single and blogging is busy today.