Monday, September 03, 2012

A very very exhausting day...

I have not had.

Seriously I've done laundry, made bread, and cooked but other than that, not a damn thing.  All in all an awesome day really.

So, my phone has been curiously silent for a couple of days now.  I think I may have fallen off the grid and since I have given up on a certain someone completely I refuse to text him.  I mean, its not like I'm going to get a text in return.  (give me a few weeks and I will have forgotten about the guy ove given up on like he's forgotten about me.)

I must admit that when I made the decision to move on, I had a moment of feeling like I wasn't good enough.  For anyone.  I really hate that feeling.  Like hate hate hate.  The only thing I would hate more would be... Hmmm... I really don't know what I'd hate more hut I hate the feeling.  I mean I see women out Herr that really honestly could, IMHO, be serious contenders for America's Next Top Ghetto Posterchild and they are walking around with itty bitty brand new babies which suggests that either some guy was very very ... VERY drunk recently or someone found them attractive enough to look at them twice. Well, more than look at them but you get what I mean.

I talk well, I don't dress like my cootchie is on fire and I just have to to let it breathe by wearing the shortest skirts possible.  I don't have my blobs hanging out waiting for some hungry infant to come along.  I don't pretend to be thin when I know I am plus sized and despite my serious want for a pair of leather pants.

Yet they have the babies.  They have the men. 

So I tried to sign up for but they have an income minimum that I sadly, do not meet.  Whatever.  I'm not over it, but I am so not going to stress it.  I don't really want to start an online relationship. 

*I was sure had posted this but I guess not.... It's unfinished but there ya go.*

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