I am warning all who tread this dangerous path right now. This is a rant. There will be cussing, there will be man bashing, there will be threats. Read it if you want to and if you have a weak stomach or a fragile constitution GET THE FUCK OFF NOW!
So yesterday the water company turned off the water to the house (four apartments) We didn't know why. So we (my downstairs neighbor and I) started calling the landlord to find out what was going on. Like usual, he wouldn't pick up his phone. So I texted him to please call Nikki or me and let us know whats going on. A half hour later I got a text that said BE ON SOON. I said OK. Two and a half hours later, we still had no water. So we called him, separately, to find out if shortly had a time. As per his usual, he didn't pick up his phone. So I called the water company to find out if they had a time. That is all I wanted to know. They told me that because he made the payment after 3, it would be on by 7:30 the next morning. Apparently he has a friend at the water company that turned the water on. Problem was he didn't see the need to maybe call or text anyone sitting here with kids to tell them that he had someone on it. He simply left it at the shortly from hours before.
We couldn't even flush the fucking toilet!! Who in the hell wants to go to the bathroom and go on top of someone else's shit?!? No one. I called the company to simply ask when, that's all. The woman offered up all his information to me telling me it was a payment problem and whatnot. She then told me that if I had him call they could turn it on immediately. There was a 100 dollar reconnection charge that he was going to have to pay anyway but they would just apply it to the next bill. I tried to get him to tell him this but again, he wouldn't pick up his phone. Instead I called the former handyman who is/was a friend of his and asked him if he could get in touch with Sko and he said just go around back to his mother. So I did and I told her what the water company said to me. She said to call them for her. I did. They told her it was going to be 100 dollars. He hadn't bothered to call her so she told them charge it and turn the water on.
No sooner had I hit END on the call did the water come on.
So Sko is mad because his mom told them to charge the hundred dollars (which I might point out the water company told me he was going to have to pay anyway) and he got charged even though he had a hookup fix the problem.
The problem in the whole equation is that he is horrible at communication. He stood there and yelled at me telling me that I had no right to go over his head. If that pansy ass wanna be a baller motherfucker would take his swelled head out from between his his own fucking legs and stop puffing his ego by giving his own blow fucking jobs, he would see that I didn't go over his head. I only called to get information.
Then that pissant shithead is going to stand there and tell me that he is the best landlord I am ever going to have?!?!? Fuck him!!! Daffy fucking duck would make a better landlord. So then we covered the communication issue.
I told him about when I was trapped up here with no heat in the middle of a fucking blizzard. HE said he came and fixed it that day, I said yes but I had to call him for six hours first. is response was I should leave a message and just wait. HE will get on it when he can. WTF? No sorry that is more than the abbreviation WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!? If he listened to the mesage I was asking him to please call me or text me and talk to me.
Then he says I shouldn't call over and over because problems like that aren't even that major... I reiterate, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? In what universe is being in a blizzard with three children NOT THAT MAJOR?!?!?
His thing is unlike everyone else I know he isn't sitting by the phone waiting for me to call. First off, motherfucker don't go assuming anything about anyone I know. Second off, I don't expect him to be sitting by the phone but having someone else to call when we have an emergency (and again am I wrong in thinking that no heat in the middle of a blizzard/ or no water on the hottest day of the year with kids is an emergency?!?!?) who can get to him to let him know something is wrong here would be nice. Thirdly, fuck it, no heat/no water is a fucking emergency!!
I am so fucking tempted to do a midnight move and a drive by throwing my keys at his house attached to a brick. He is such a fucking prick!
Did you know that this asshole can't even be bothered to update my lease every year??? My fucking lease still says 11/01/2007. There has been no amendment to say I'm still lilting here. There's even an end date of 11/01/2008 still on the lease. Yes that right, I have been here for almost two years with no actual legal lease. Knowing his foul slumlord ass, he's going to use that to bilk me out of my security deposit.
I hate him, I fucking hate him. If I had a car that I could customize, I would attach spikes to the front of the car and run him down. Then I would back up and run him over. Then I'd castrate him and put piece of him up for auction as a Cannibal version of Ebay. (In my mind this site would probably be named something like IEat. Bear with me, I'm running on flames of fuel)
I am so fucking mad right now, bloggers. You just don't know. And the worse part is rage is clouding the better judgment part of my brain. IF the better judgment part was active and free, there wouldn't be so many cusses or any threats because I know this is the world wide web and what you say always come back to you but damn it, I've locked up the rational part of my brain and it's being guarded by the same guards that were responsible for the beating of the Iraqi war criminals.
So fuck it.
You know fuck is a very underestimated word. The more I say it, the more rage is released.
Single and blogging is pissed off.