I like the purple glittery H...
And believe it or not it's been about an hour since I wrote that last sentence and I have completely forgotten what I was planning to write about... Oh wait... I remember...
So hair. Quite honestly, I don't get what the big hooplah is about it. Yes I like to have pretty hair; I'm a girl, it's hardwired into my DNA to want pretty hair; but do I go out and get hundred dollar haircuts and only go to salons to get it done? No.
And not because I'm broker than a joke and can barely pay attention. I'm the kind of person that gets a hairstyle and kinda sticks with it. Usually that's braids but lately I have decided to rock my actual hair. Well mostly my actual hair. I have tracks on the right side and my shorter hair slicked back on the left.
But OMG! I have seen people who hang their whole day on whether or not their hair looks good. Namely a certain girlfriend of someone that will remain nameless. When she first arrived here in Charlotte, every conversation, every stinking conversation started with, "It's so humid I may as well give up on straightening my hair." You think I'm kidding. Sadly I am not. I'm actually glad the humid days are over for now so that maybe her conversations can start with something else. (Not that I would know because she imagined some friction and used it to act like I have the plague. Yippee!!!)
And as I get older, I notice, it's not just the women. I know a few guys that own more hair products than I do and I have a bestie that works in a beauty supply shop so she keeps me in some pretty serious supplies. I actually had to go out and buy a shelf for my hair care supplies. Of course when I travel I throw like four things in a bag and I'm good. I've seen people who had a suitcase for their hair products alone. (Again, you think I'm kidding.. I'm not. I was once in the airport and I heard a guy freaking out because he could find all of his baggage except his hair suitcase. Whether or not he meant wigs or what I don't know but either way, a hair suitcase sounds scary. And a little like a diva, which is even scarier.)
Body hair is a whole nother issue. Let's just say that I prefer minimal. For both myself and my partner. Not saying anything about myself but on my partner, I'm not a big fan. Now that's not to say I can't accept it. Sometimes a little chest hair can be nice to twirl your fingers in first thing in the morning and more and more guys with a well trimmed beard or stache can do it for me.
I also LOVE bald guys. I don't know why. I have never known why but a bald guy with a small beard and stache.... swoon. Hell screw swoon. Insert very unladylike flirting action here. And staring. Stalker strength staring...
Now here in Charlotte. Hair doesn't have a middle ground. Here, either your hair looks banging or it looks like shit. Not crap... shit. Women here get colors in their hair that... well... mmmm (That's me shaking my head in complete dismissal) Hot pink wigs, blue and gold braids, Neon green weave. You name the color I have most likely seen it around here....

Yes, I actually snapped these pictures...
I just don't get the fascination with hair.
I just don't.
Oh well... Hmmm goodbye that starts with H...
Hasta La Vista, baby!!!