So I think I am as connected as a person can get down here. I have connected my blog to my twitter and my twitter to my facebook, and my facebook to my gmail and my gmail to my actual phone. It's actually still really sad when you examine it up close but thats why I put up the red velvet lines.
No, I am not drinking. I'm just in one of those rare good moods for no reason. Well, not NO reason; i got a two pound back of shrimp at the store (as well as cherry pepsi and a few bags of Dove Chocolates) and tomorrow I am going to have a good old fashioned shrimp fry. And just to clarify, I'm going to eat as many of these things as I can cause the Bayou Girl in me just love her some fried 'scrimps' (I really hate when people pronounce it that way...)
So, I took a good look at Livy today when she dressed for school and I realized, my baby is badly in need of a trip to the girls department for her first real bra. Kayla is also in need of this trip but I cant help but have one of those moments where I look at them and remember the nurse placing them each in my arms. (Okay So the nurse had to convince me I had indeed had a baby with Olivia but I blame the morphine...) They Re not supposed to need things like bras already... Next it'll be the other womanly thing that no mom really wants to face. (Trust Me, you will see numorous drunk tweets when this day arrives.) I also pity Jovaughn with a serious passion when this day comes, cause he'll be the ONLY male in a house full of over hormonal women. Hopefully I will be involved with someone that will take him out for a mans day that day...
Who gave kids permission to grow up? I'm pretty sure that parents are required to sign a permit form allowing them to step into the real world where DORA is annoying as hell and sugar is a sin. I signed no such permit.
As much as I see this as one step closer to that magical day in the year 2019 when I can stand in my living room and watch my kids try to get through the door after I've replaced the locks, I am not happy to see it. I am envious of my friends who are just now having their babies. One because I miss the smell of baby powder and my kids run from it. (It Signals mommy is on a baby kick which means i am going to be extra sappy and extra attentive and they won't get away with shit.) And two because they got to LIVE before becoming mother. True when all of them are up to their elbows in pre teen angst, I can look out of the window (remember I'm changing the locks so they will be outside) and think, "Wow, I am so glad I'm not dealing with that anymore!" I promise to think of you while and wearing my tshirt that says "I survived my kids teenage years!" While on my celebatory cruise to the Carribean.
I'm not ready for them to grow up. It's too soon. Part of me really wants to sit down in the dirt and threaten to hold my breath until they promise to stop it right now and be my babies forever. (The Other part of me is too busy looking up locksmiths.)
Crap, it's after twelve... Time to take it down...
Single and Blogging really envies all of you out there with only boys...
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