Hehe, I made a funny...
So Olivia passed through the snotting, coughing, body ache part of the flu and arrived tonight at cant keep shit in stomach... Yay me! We got home about eight something, I put them to bed at eleven because tonight was one of those nights where they NEEDED to shower. It's one thirty now and at this point, Olivia has thrown up twice. Shes getting no sleep and I'm kinda wondering if even the basest part of me can justify sending her to school in the AM.
On top of that, Jovaughn has kicked it up a notch on his asthma. Olivia tried really hard to share her cold, and I guess thats partly my fault because I could have had her stay in utter seclusion but instead I let her play with everyone. Only problem is when Jovaughn gets sick, he has to add his asthma to it. Can't breathe, can't run, can't really do anything but lay there and cough.
We had a bit of a fight tonight because once again, I had to tell him to take an albuterol treatment. He's old enough to know that if the treatments help you breathe and one needs good breathing to stay alive, one would take the treatment when one is having trouble breathing. No, he would rather build his city than fix his breathing. I got on him about thinking for himself because I am not always going to be awake, or there for that matter. I dont want a call from the police/ college/ girlfriend/ wife one day saying he's dead because he had an asthma attack. His dont come on suddenly. They never do. They creep up and give plenty of warning that they are about to smack him stupid. He has plenty of time to do something. Last year he ended up in the hospital because he couldnt breathe and was afraid to wake me because not being able to breathe wasnt on my list of reasons to wake me. See, we really need to work on that thinking thing. Breathing problems is right up there with massive amounts of blood loss and limb loss. Didn't think I had to actually clarify that but there you go.
So I think I am may keep Jovaughn and Olivia home tomorrow because she needs real rest, and he needs round the clock breathing treatments. Kayla will have to be a big girl and go to school on her own.
Times like this, I'm kinda glad I dont have a job because it would be hell having two sick kids and trying to juggle a well one and work with them. If Debbie was any indication, I doubt that new boss would be okay with me standing in her face telling them that whether they like it or not, my kids and my mom come before EVERYTHING and if they think minimum wage is enough to make me leave my sick kids to their own devices, they can kiss my ass as I walk out.
Your face is probably showing surprise and your mouth is probably agreeing with me but keep in mind that i actually did tell Dionza (the assistant mng from hell) this. Debbie replied that I needn't have phrased it that way but one, she understood, two, she partially agreed because no one should put a aside a job for their kids (I so cannot go into depth about that here so dont ask) and three, yay for standing up to the great red headed bitch.
So its two am now. Theres clothed in the dryer, I have listened to Lady Antebellum's "I Need You Now." For what has got to be the eight hundreth time, and I'm actually looking at tired.
So we will see with seven AM brings. Probably me home with two sick kids. Maybe three if Kayla objects too much at having to do a two day week on her own. Being Thanksgiving week, I could really care less if school happens.
God, I love this song...
Okay, maybe now that I have turned on the air so that Kayla will stop tossibg and turning, olivia can sleep Lcold puts her to sleep like heat puts me out) and Jovaughn can breathe. I am going to go play eskimo with my covers and cath a few z's by the tail.
Single and Blogging is so very amazed that I haven't gotten the flu yet... Hmmm... This shit's gonna whammy me for Christmas...
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