Have you ever had one of those moments when you just want to throw your hands in the air and just say, "Fuckit, I'm done!" And not in an angry, pissed off at the world kind of way, just in a matter of factly, the straw hasn't quite broken the camel's back but you just can't do it anymore kind of way? I guess that would mean a bone weary tired kind of way.
So in July, I went overnight camping with a couple of friends. The next morning I was needed to go into work early so I ran by home and dashed back out again. When I returned home from work that afternoon/night the police were here and apparently my alarm had been going off and the cops had been called. I had been robbed once again.
And once again, because of my gut telling me to hide the most important stuff, the only thing they were able to get was the Wii. At first I said fuck it, they can do without since the had the xBox. But after a few weeks of self pity I found myself to a pawn shop on South Blvd. where they had a Wii. No cords, no controllers, just the console. I paid sixty five dollars and brought it home. Then I hid it in the drawer. I figured I would need to find a way to prepare the kids that they would have to make their Mii's again and all their Data wouls have been lost and then back it up with at least I got them a new one.
Skip forward to tonight. The subject finally was broached and the kids were tld. They took it better than I thought and the way I hoped. They were fine as long as they at least had a Wii. They took it, they hooked it up and called me screaming.
Why, you ask?
Because there was all of their information right there as if the will had never gone missing. Their Mii's, our info, our games... it was ALL there.
I paid sixty five bucks for my own damn wii.
I paid for my own wii. Across town.
Patty advised me to call the non emergency line for CMPD and tell them that I've found my own wii. Maybe they'll go with me back to the pawn shop where the report can be shown and since it was my property to begin with, they'll give me my money. Considering they bought stolen merchandise the least they can do is give me back my money. I'm going to ask Mommy if she will take me tomorrow. Or at the least Thursday.
On the news of the car, it now won't start. I'm going to junk it. I won't put any more money into it. I've actually just contacted the place that first fixed it up for me and asked them if they buy old VW's. I'll see what they have to say before I call a place that more than likely shove it in a junk yard and let it rot further.
I'm not upset, I'm just... Whatever. Life is testing me to see how strong I am and I refuse to give in. I'm not going to buckle.
Cooked dinner for the girls tonight. Fried Whiting and french fries. There goes my fatty meal portion for the month. They told me they miss me being home and they love it when I cook. Guilt trip much?? I must endeavor to actually cook on my nights off from now on. I know they enjoy it. I think next week we'll have roast beef.
At least life is NEVER boring around me.
Stay Frosty bloggers. I'm going to finish out season two of Call the midwife...