Bad because last Saturday night, whatever I have been dodging by working with patient zero FINALLY caught up with me and punched me hard. At the end of the call back shift Saturday night I had such little voice that I had to wait until I got to a stoplight to text my manager for the next day to let her know that I was feeling like shit because I didn't have enough voice for my text to talk feature to pick up.
Stop looking at me like that, yes I text while driving but not actually text. The text while talk lets me keep my eyes on the road and I really only do it at lights anyway.
I'm withering from that look. And you know who I am talking to.
Anyway, Sunday Morning, the awesometastic Ambs texted me and said not to come in and to get some rest. She is awesome have I said that? She is. I probably didn't get out of bed until like two in the afternoon and then I firmly ensconced my tushie on the couch and crocheted until the girls came home. But I should go back and explain Saturday.
Saturday was one of those nights at work. Just one of those nights. K was out sick so J1 asked the drivers (Which I was that night) to stay an hour later which meant that J (or rather for the purpose of this blog, since I try not to use names, shall be referred to as J3) had to stay until 10:30, F was free to go at 9 (which she did, happily) and I was there until 1130 (No big deal I'm okay with this because aside from listening to J2 talk (whine) and talk (complain) and talk (bitch) all night I get tips because people tend to tip females on Friday and saturday nights so I was totally fine with this PLUS, I was headed into overtime so... yaya!) At ten ten J2 decided to let J3 go which, he had been there all damn day, so awesome! At ten twenty J2 decided to let me go which left him with only 1 driver for the next hour and a half and if anyone has ever worked pizza, you do not want to have only one driver on Saturday night. You just don't. But despite anything and mostly because my throat already felt like the highway to hell, I left. I got to Walmart and bought my over the counter drugs to feel better and made it 90% of the way home before J2 texts me talking about one driver and six orders on the screen.
In no happy alignment of the universe are six orders going to line up perfectly for one driver to take. I doesn't happen. It's one of those miracles that not even God can make happen. Not on a Saturday night. I ask him point blank if he needs me. He says yes so I hotfoot it back to work.
OMG total and complete chaos. That is the absolute only way to describe what I walked into. He seemed to have run out of everything on the make line so there's all these lexans on top and he's kinda working around them but I don't know how. I take a double, T takes a triple. I get back and need to take a triple because T has one waiting for her in west bumblefuck. (In retrospect she probably should have taken the triple as I had to have a remake because I tripped on the carpet and dropped the third person's pizza on the carpet outside of their room... Seriously doubtful T would have been that clumsy.)
The whole time B was there. At one point he was putting the bags in the trash cans for J2. I noticed that J2 sat and texted while I did the cut table for some of the time. While the make line looked like D day but... No judgements. (Total judgements)
I'm sorry to say that my burning throat put aside my need to have at least my makeline look decent and I walked away after the second run and left. I was not going to stay and help clean for someone who was on his phone texting when he could have been cleaning before. And it sounds totally mean of me, but I don't care what time he finally got out because a lot of Saturday night could have been avoided if J2 had just done what J1 wanted and kept drivers until the hours that J1 asked the drivers THEMSELVES to stay.
But whatever.
Sunday as I explain was spent in a nyquil/Dayquil haze.
Monday I was feeling better enough to go get steaks and potatoes to fix the girls an actual dinner and we sat and played life and watched Twilight breaking Dawn until bedtime. It was nice to spend time with my kids. They are awesome. Tuesday I crocheted. nothing really happened. Wednesday I did go into work but I had developed a cough by them so J1 promptly sent me home. Like I did some stuff off the clock but Mommy brough K to the store because she picked her up from school and was going to pick up pizza for the girls and take them home but J1 was like "Go home. We're dead and you're still sick. Go home." Thursday, I still had the cough but I made it through work so yay!!
Now today was a special kind of hell in itself. I got like maybe five hours of sleep last night because my asthma has decided that even though the cold seems to be about done with me, it is not. So last night was spent trying hard to breathe. Like almost needed to go to the ER trying. I would have gone but I could barely breathe long enough to sit up right did you think I was gonna try to drive? And call an Ambulance and have no way home when they finally release me? No. Just no.
Managed to get to sleep about three ish for K to wake me at 730. I had to get up and get dressed because I had my very first rehab for my shoulder today. Got there and had to walk so far because the directions said to park in the garage which was around the bloody corner but only for me because I had an old copy of the directions instead of the new copy that said to park in front of the damn building. Did I mention that it was freaking cold?
Got there and waited like forty minutes to be seen in which time I helped one woman open a door that she thought was automatic while the receptionist just talked on the phone pretending to ignore said woman because well... she was confused about a door. (There was a pad on the wall that says wave your hand in front of it for the door to open. She waved her hand in front of it maybe thirty times and the door stayed shut so she thought it was broken. I had compassion for two reason. One she was old. Like way old. She had a cell phone but it was one the oldest flip phones I had ever seen. I think it might have been a cousin to the original razor. The second reason was because the exact same pad was on the outside of the door and I had stood there for five minutes waving my hand in front of it like an ass before figuring out that I would in fact have to use the door knob.) Then a woman that bathed in perfume came at sat next to me which started a coughing fit. When I moved away she said "Thank you because honey, I do not want to catch what you have." To which I replied "I have asthma and whatever perfume you bathed in is setting it off." She got offended. My excuse, when there is sever lack of oxygen getting to my brain, please don't expect the guard at the gate between mouth and brain to be conscious to do anything. Then I got called in and stat there while the woman told me that since I am a medicaid patient, they can't do anything for me because medicaid doesn't cover therapy. Like I'm sorry, was this not something you could have told me over the phone yesterday when you called me? Like ever? Cause an hour of my day or more was just really wasted when I could have been trying to catch those Z's that were so elusive last night.
Anyway, went to get breakfast, took my boss a espresso shake and then came home and crashed like it was the end of a hard day only to be woken by mom.
So now I am off to work. I am hoping that today is going to be okay. IT's going to be a long shift. I like those but sometimes when I'm feeling like maybe forty percent they can be killer. But I'm not the type to complain and honestly I put two complaining statuses up on FB already so I'm going to hold all complaing for a week. I'm not a complainer...
Please go let tonight be a good night!
Stay frosty bloggers!!
So yeah... Welcome to my blog. This is my little piece of the world where things that are on my mind (and probably shouldn't be) get dumped. Keep in mind that to read this is to take a peek into my brain and sometimes I don't even like to be there so beware. If you think I am talking about you, take a minutes and ponder why I might have a thought about your that I'd want out of my head and understand that I put it here so that I didn't go off on you! Anyway, have fun reading!