I have now missed my Thursday night shows as well as my Sunday night shows. I have them on DVR but I'm supposed to be cancelling my time warner tomorrow or Tuesday so I need to get to watching or get to downloading.

So I got my smart watch today. It was $100 cheaper if I attached it to my account and got it as another line so now I have two phone numbers technically although when the thing is paired to my phone I don't actually think the calls directly to the watch come through. I still have to play with it to see. And play with it I shall! It's not really a bother to wear either, I'm used to wearing big watches. I haven't actually worn a watch in the past.... five years or so (I used to wear one when I worked at Michaels because I HAD to know what time it was and if I was caught pulling out my cell phone it was a long lecture I would rather not ever hear again.) When I quit that job, I stopped wearing a watch. But I always wore big mens watches anyway so the screen on the smart watch isn't really a hindrance. I'm also going to be honest here, I think only dainty petite women wear ladies watches. I mean come on! A face THAT small?!?!? Who do they think is going to be looking that hard? Certainly not me. If I need to see the time I literally want to glance at my watch, not pull out my bifocals (I DO NOT WEAR BIFOCALS) just to see the time.

What else?
Ah, a random thought that is circling my head and has been for a few days. It is entirely way too easy to grow feelings for some people. I mean it. There's really not much more I can elaborate on the subject but it's true. Some people are just way to easy to fall for. And Why does fate allow this to happen? IT's not fair.
The guy I've been chatting with on Tinder was in town for a few hours tonight and I actually wanted to go up to the truck yard to meet him in person but after the identity crisis Howies went through this afternoon/tonight I knew there was no way I was walking at at 930 tonight. And I told him and he wasn't mad. Partly because he had to be up and puling out of the lot at 2 am (Which is roughly one hour and 27 minutes from now.) HE's a nice guy. HE has an obsession with pretty underwear though. And if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what it is since When I go to Lane Bryant and Avenue's online store, they don't even bother to show me real clothes anymore, they just go ahead and load the lingerie section. They know I'm not going anywhere else. So he an I might just really get along later in the future. He likes to look at girls in pretty underwear, I like to wear pretty underwear. I am currently obsessed with finding a pair of black polka dot panties to go with the bra I just bought. Shut up. I DO NOT want to hear you say it.
I should go to bed. I should really go to bed. I think I am going to take my meds and go to bed so that my burning arms can wake me up at 630. I tell you my arms beat any alarm clock on earth. Six thirty to six 45 EVERY DAMN MORNING they wake me up. I got it twice this morning and once at work though I think I managed to hide the burning attack at work pretty well. That or either no one cared that I was actually in tears at one point or they just chose not to ask. I would rather think I hid it very well.
So Pizza Delivery complaint #101. If you order pizza, can you make sure that your address is a findable one? Not everyone has GPS that will take us straight to your front door. And some of us have GPS that tell us we're right there when we're a block away because Google maps likes to do that shit sometimes (It also likes to give me all of my directions as if I am walking but whatevs...) If you don't have numbers on your mailbox or your house, please don't be mad if by the time we find you the first time, we're in a slightly bad mood because chances are we may have had to lug your dinner to another house for them to tell us which house you are. NUmbers people. Also... LIGHT! Turn your freaking light on!! Let me tell you, there is nothing I like more than being out in what i like to refer to as Pickanigger country (Those areas where all you have is one house a a WHOLE LOTTA land and no one to hear your ass scream) and pulling up to your house only to find that your house is a) in the effing woods surrounded by eerie as hell looking trees. B) dark as hell and C) (My all time favorite) ringing the doorbell while standing on your step in the dark and the trees and hearing five million dogs that sound like they are the size of mountains start barking the second I make a sound out there. One of these day, I am seriously going to just drop the damn pizzas and run for my life. No I won't.
...And I just took a ten minute break from writing this. My hands were bad. DId I mention this is getting on my nerves? Sigh. I'm going to bed. Blog ya later.
My advice for tonight: Don't sweat the petty things, Pet the sweaty things. Especially if they have no shirt on and have pec for days. (really? You thought I was going to keep that above board?? Go stand in the corner!)
NIght peoples!!