Sp I woke up this morning and it being the second of the month, I checked to make sure that my food stamps had been refilled seeing as how we are down to three packages of pork chops and one pack of hamburger meat and much to my surprise, they haven't refiled them.
In a way, I am not surprised. This court thing with the ex is really starting to annoy me. Out of four child support payments made by him, the state has delivered on two. I am $1098 behind in my child support and for the past two months, he and my mom have been covering my rent. And were were on a family health plan but the state made the ex get health insurance through his job. This is a good thing because now they can see more doctors but it's also a bad thing because the co-pay's for the medicine are 10 bucks per script, the doctors are clear on the other side of town, the copay for the doctors is 10 bucks, and I am not covered under the new health care as I am not his wife and I was kicked off medicare because we were on a family plan and they canceled the whole shebang.
But they have health care and in the end that's really all that matters.
Now food is another issue. As I understand it, they are required to give you 30-60 days notice before they cancel your benefits and I have received no such notice. I could have dealt with them *thinking* that my child support was actually getting to me and them reducing my food stamps but they flat out have stopped them.
So understandably I am just a little tweaked right now and not relishing the thought of having to get up on my day off and go find out whats going on with them. I really wish I didn't need these programs...
Single and blogging is a bit pissed off right now.