I'm kidding of course. I've just been battling PMS this last few days. For many women that means being irritable or weepy but for me, this means being extraordinarily tired. Almost like it physically hurts to leave my burrow of blankets. Normally I give into it and just sleep because honestly when I don't get sleep anyway, I am one sideways look away from three mile island.
But Monday, I don't remember what I did, Tuesday was the avenue and rehab for Mommy, Wednesday, she had bible study and to get her hair done and today I had the dentist at the ass crack of dawn. Well not really ass crack, it was ten AM and then Mom had her nerve test at three.
The dentist wasn't bad. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't bad. I have a total of eleven cavities. It might be 12 if she was counting the chip on the front tooth that I told her today I wanted to keep. I don't know. She did the top right three or four. I lost count. They let me listen to my music and quite honestly the only thing that really hurt was the numbing medicine needle. I don't do well with needles so that in itself was a trial for me but even though she said all the shot in my mouth was benzocaine, I felt weirdly loose and very relaxed within like five minutes. She sat there and laughed because i was in a groove that one usually gets when they're in a room full of mary jane even if they aren't smoking. You would have sworn I was high as a kite. Even when she pulled out the drill that sounded like a jackhammer going off in my mouth, I didn't flinch. So the dentist wasn't bad.
I came home and basically faceplanted on my bed for like a half an hour wishing I could feel the left side of my face to absolutely no avail. About one-ish I started to be able to move and feel it so I went to go get lunch then go to moms house to take her to the nerve test. Let me tell you. If you insist on eating before your mouth has unnumbed, be aware that that shit also numbs your swallowing muscles as well. Now picture me driving while eating and discovering I can't actually eat. Yeah... no. It wasn't awesome. It was further not awesome when I got to Mom's house and almost choked to death trying to eat the sandwich. I discovered the ancient art of cutting that sumbish into tiny pieces with a sharp knife. I was getting my sandwich, dammit.
So we get to the doctors office with literally two minutes to spare only to sit there for the next 50 minutes because she was running almost an hour behind. Not for nothing but a friendly notice would have been awesome. We signed in and they said nothing. We waited five minutes then ten and they said nothing. It wasn't until I asked at the 30 minute mark that the one I asked hemmed and hawed until the receptionist on her other side turned to me and said forty five minutes behind. When the woman doing the test came out, she smiled at my mom and thanked her for her paitence. She didn't say anything, but I could imagine the look on my moms face based on the blanching of the other womans face.
I don't even remember half of the time in the office cause the rest of the benzocaine finally wore off and I leaned my head back and slept. Probably like a very tired and loud bear considering I had worried myself awake at five with dreams of a bug eyed monster coming at my mouth with a black and decker drill... So I'm pretty sure in my dozing I was snoring although no one said anything or gave me looks when I woke up.
Took mom home and came home. I worked on Tammey's necklace a little before my shows started. Now I'm sitting here until they are over. Tonight is scandal's winter finale. They have to take time for Kerry Washington to have her baby. That is if the news reports that she got married and then announced she was pregnant are to be believed.
OKay, back. Ten minutes in and it's good. Confusing but good. So I'm going to end this and go watch. Take care bloggies! Love you!!