So my neighbor, whom I really do like since she and her whole family adopted me from almost day two of my living here said to me on Tuesday, "I thinking a party for my friend here at my house. It's invitation only and I have one for you sitting on my nightstand, I just have to find time to give it to you. MAtter of fact, when you get off work, just come on by." What she really meant to say was, "I'm having a get together at my house and IF you manage to get in your driveway before midnight, you sure as hell WON'T be able to get the hell out until sometime Sunday morning in the wee hours that you'll probably be asleep for. We may or may not be loud as hell and we the men that will as always stand outside of my house WILL fill your trashcan with their empty bottles making your trash company think you have a SERIOUS drinking problem..."
That's what she meant to say. I'm pretty sure it is because when I got home at a quarter to 10 tonight, I had to play a rousing game of "Am I going to hit this car? Can I squeeze through? Oh I can, but I'm not going any damn where for the rest of the night."
It's an awesome game. I get to play it about three times a year. I have to say though, this is the first time I have had to play it since I got a job and coming off of an eight hour shift made playing it SO MUCH FUN!!
Oh yay, the guys have decided to compare crotch rocket engines! We're revving them up now... This is going to a fun night.
So how many of you caught all that sarcasm?

Oh well, it kept me from going over and asking my neighbor to keep it down and or move a car or three... One day, there will be a medical emergency in my cul De Sac and there will be a party and I'm pretty sure about thirty cars will be getting tickets and or towed...
(the more I look at the pictures this new webcam takes, the more I like the cam. Also, I become just a little more vain each time.)

LOL, I'm done peeps!! Sleep tight!
Stay Frosty!!