Dude! It's not even fully into summer yet and I can already see it turning into a pisstastic one.
So last night, my mom calls me back after talking on the phone with my ex husband and her opening line is "You Owe me!"
This never ever bodes well for me. Ever.
It seems that after I had put my foot down no more than a week ago and told the ex that HE had to find someplace for the kids to go when he went back to school in July because frankly I needed a break and I was going to take one, he decided that he was going to wait until he absolutely had no choice and then just bring them back over here. As in the night before that fucker left for Oklahoma probably.
He does this shit all the time to me. He will pretend like he's doing what he supposed to do and then he will dump a half finished half assed project on my doorstep and say "Okay! Your turn!" and walk away. In this case it was going to be our daughters summer vacation. Instead of them staying at his new home and watching television all day he was going to expect them to stay at my house watching television all day. Because his girlfriend/fiancee was going to be working all day and she didn't feel like babysitting at night. What if she wanted to go out?
Excuse me?? What is she wanted to go out?
Excuse the expression but, nigger please. You better check yourself before you completely wreck yourself...
What kills me is this is the man that thought it was okay to file a motion with the courts to take my children away from me. HE thought that it was okay to restrict me to weekend visits with my kids while he ahem... reaped the benefits of being the full time parent. He can go around dumping kid on people's doorsteps and screwing up their plans because he has plans of his own.
Nah boo boo. It's not going to work that way this summer.
And yet it will. It definitely will. My mother told him flat out that he didn't want to mess with my summer. He just didn't want to and suggested that maybe the kid got to his sister's place for five weeks. I highly doubt that she will say no because they are family but all the same, my ex mother in law lives with her and I can just see this biting me in the ass. She's going to work her damndest to undo years of rules and raising to implement her own tactics and then she's going to convince that asshat that I'm a piss poor parent again and file for custody again. Yes, I know she was behind the last filing. I'm not stupid.
Please God don't let my summer turn pisstastic on me...
Little warning this is going to be an evolving rant. It's not going to be finished until I know for sure that the ex is going to find a way to hold up to the custody agreement. There may be days when I go balls out on him. I will try to warn you before hand but expect them.
*Walks away muttering random cusses...
Stay Frosty Bloggers. Hopefully tomorrow I will be in a better mood.