When people decide to kill themselves, do they contemplate it for awhile, then decide they aren’t going to do it, then decide to change their lives, then something snaps and boom? Life over.
Problems for them done, problems for everyone else just beginnng? Like is there a thought process? Stages?
I’m pretty convinced that if there are stages, I’m at the life affirmation, deciding to turn it all around stage. That being said I wonder what stage is next? The one when you get extremely angry because you realize your ass is stuck? The one where you jus decide fork it?
I wish I could just kill me and not Roxie because it’s me that’s depressed. She’s not depressed. She’s angry that I can’t pull myself out of this depression. Not even having probably the best weekend of my life can pull me completely out of this hole.
And believe me when I say it was the best weekend I have had in so long I can’t remember a better weekend. But I was only halfway out of my hole when I had to go back to work and got blamed for shit that I wasn’t even there for.
My inventory was off. No prep was done. Truck was still in the floor. The computer was frozen. There was expired product in the walk in because of the two managers there, not one person realized that he sixteenth was two forking days ago and that the tenth was over a week ago.
But it’s my fault. Because I’m the general manager.
I’m both relieved and terrified to say that it took Roxie point five seconds to decide fork the cohabitation thing and shove me back in my black hole of nothing which is oddly becoming quite a comforting place since nothing and no one can seem to hurt me there.
Well the cheese can. The cheese and the hut can hurt me no matter if I’m in my deep dark blackness, at the beach frolicking in the waves, trudging through sand dunes tonsee a ighthouse that admittedly was really pretty, or even having a drink for my goddamn birthday. The cheese can hurt me.
Something happened to all the wings. I wasn’t there but it was my fault that we only had three bags this morning.
Have you ever seen two personalities fight over a text? I assure you it’s actually kind of funny. I mean when my ass began to get cheeed this morning I was like "but I wasn’t even here how is this my fault?" But Roxie was all like "You can kiss the part of my ass that I haven’t wiped after eating four day old Mexican food!" We typed the response text so many times and deleted it to rewrite it, that we actually got a text in the middle of it asking if we had an answer.
Sadly or maybe not sadly, an edited version of Roxie’s text is what got sent... the boss realized later in when she went off on the other managers for ignoring her but sitting up and clapping for the batshit crazy phsycho manager that is allowed to quit every damn day for two weeks and still have a store show. I swear. Roxie’s pissed off was felt in like six stores and the dm’s office/car today. She asked three times if anyone had any wings and no one bothered to answer. So finally she asked if she could be taken out of the chat because she was tired of being ignored. That she was always there if they had a question that she might be able to answer but it was amazing how when she needed one goddamn answer suddenly everyone’s phone was dead. She was immediately answered with no no one had any spare wings and the dm telling her to order some from the warehouse and he would personally go pick it up.
I can’t say how I came out of my black hole that Roxie places me in for my own protection but I’m out. Probably because she worked hard to correct the mistakes in the store today and when she’s tired here are less barriers for me to get through.
It’s okay Roxie. You sleep now. Tomorrow I will see the doctor and try not to sound like a blubbering mess that’ll get us locked up in an asylum when I try to explain how stressed we are. I never get to say this to you, but I got you. For right now. I got this. You rest.
I’m not out of the hole that threatening to swallow us both, but I’m out of it enough that for this one time, I can hold you and tell you it’s going to be okay for tonight.
It’s an aside, but everyone knows that losing someone very dear to them is horrible and there’s levels to your healing process but telling someone to stop complaining that they looked ugly on the morning of their fortieth birthday because every birthday is a gift and her husband didn’t get that gift is not okay. Not okay like at all and the person who pulled that stunt is so very very lucky that both of us have an immense amount of respect and didn’t go off in her for it because it was done to us at the worst possible time today.
I’m tired now. I think going t bed is the best possible thing I could do.
Ciao Bellas