So another day has passed and the apple was put before Eve.
My mother had Facebook on the entire time I was at her house and I glanced at it but remarkably, I wasn't tempted to go on my own. I'm starting to think that I wasn't as attached to it as I thought I was. I would say maybe the need to separate myself from it was all in my head. Whatever, I'm not going back just yet. I actually enjoy my phone having a spaz attack every time it refreshes and tries to log on but hits a brick wall. IT all but begs me for an updated password and I have nothing for it.
This is actually the most fun I have all day.
I started a new book. It's called Wildacre and oh man, this ish is off the chain. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
First this girls started off loving her papa and being raised on the family farm estate and loving the land more than life itself and her older brother was sent away to school. Then as she grew her father told her that as a girl she got nothing, her brother the bookworm. Somewhere around fifteen she has a summer long affair with the Gamekeepers son and it's kinda hot actually. But then the brother comes home and the father begins to favor the son over the girl and she and her lover talk for like five minutes about killing the dad and cheating the son so bad that he goes bankrupt and they buy the farm and live the life of riley. She wakes up the next morning realizing that she was kinda horney and didn't mean it when she agreed that her father could have an accident but she doesn't reach lover boy in time and Papa has an accident that afternoon and son is in charge. Girl is all bloodthirsty because she loved her papa and she sets a man sized bear trap for lover boy and leaves him to bleed out but he doesn't and his body and his mom disappear. Time passes and little miss hot and horney begins to get very unsister like feelings for her brother (Eww) (Seriously EWWW) and it takes her a couple of weeks but she achieves her goal and he falls in love with her and within the first 24 hours of this sick affair I can count that they've screwed five times. (Did I say EEEEWWW? Cause... EEEWWWW) But now brother is getting married and she's weaseled her way on their honeymoon so she and brother can continue sleeping with each other. Then she hears from the fiancee's mom that there's been bread riots in the north led by a one legged man on a big black horse that has two big dogs and can reload his pistol while on horseback. Apparently lover boy that she left for dead after the man trap killed one of his kneecaps had two black dogs, if he survived, he would have one leg and he could reload his gun while riding a horse. So now she thinks that he's going to come and get her for leaving him to die after he stepped into her revenge you die now trap. Add that to the fact that she's kinda getting the hots for the country doctor that's treating her for her new found anxiety.
IT's like a train wreck, You can't look away. I have wanted to throw the book across the room because it's grossed me out like soo many times but I can't, it's just... like I said, I can't look away.
I'm having a bit of a drink. A vanilla flavored black russian. I love the feeling of immense warmth that spreads through your body when you have a good drink. It's like an Orgasm that you can feel from head to toe.
Speaking of Orgasms, I'm leaning toward making that my O blog. But I'm not sure about that considering that my experience with this is rudimentary at best. I mean my whole married life I didn't have one sober orgasm. I'm not sure if I ever had them drunk although he says I did. But then I earned a Woody award for best pornographic scream. He bought it for over nine years.
I have had a couple. And I mean that... a couple. The last guy I slept with managed to acquaint me with it but not very well.
I'd like to be better acquainted with them. One day. Soon.
I have a little more thinking to do on that blog hence why it's not up yet.
So back to my book...
Ciao Bellas!