I kinda feel bad about giving them a less than stellar review on eBay now.
So you might notice I have a bandage on my wrist. No, I wasn't a bad girl with sharp knives again. I burned myself yesterday. I was baking a cake and didn't feel anything at all until HOURS later when my arm started to hurt. Like really hurt. I dealt with it all last night mostly because I didn't want to go to the ER and this afternoon, I got up and went to the urgent care in my neighborhood.she kept saying it was a burn and I kept telling her I didn't touch anything hot. Then she looked at my hoodie and asked if I worked ina pizza place and did I ever manage the ovens. I told her yes and that sumbish is 450 degrees so I would know if I had touched something hot yesterday and I was off... She said to me that if I was used to an over that was that hot, my piddly little 350 degrees at home wasn't anything and I probably hit the rack with my arm and never noticed. As a matter of fact, she added, I could probably curl up inside it at 350 and not feel a thing because of my tolerance... So she wrapped it up and made it feel better and sent me on my way feeling like a jackass because I didn't recognize a burn.
Is it just me or does that picture make it look like I'm wearing eye makeup??? I'm not vain or anything but that picture looks freaking awesome...
Er uhm...
God I need this migraine to go away. It's so full blown right now that I can't even sleep it off. If I laid down right now, I just might cry my head hurts so bad.
What else...
Work is going well. There are a few things that are staring to get to me but I can't put them here because well.. it would be petty and just wrong to complain. I mean, I have a job that I mostly enjoy which is more than I had a year and a half ago so why complain. It won't do me any good.
Love life, still zip.
Sex life, still zip.
I'm trying hard to still say life is awesome but at the moment my migraine and the facts in black and white are kinda making that impossible...
But hey, I woke up this morning. There's that.
So after two imitrex, my head doesn't feel like Irish Step dancers are doing a clog dance in wooden shoes on it. I think I;m going to take my butt to bed. I have to be at work by 10 tomorrow so I should sleep this off while I can.

Goodnight bloggers! Stay Frosty.