I have figured it out!
Verizon is employed by a bunch of ruthless crooks. There is simply no denying it anymore. It has been staring me in the face for months but I just refused to believe it but now I can't ignore it anymore. They are a bunch of filthy dirty crooks.
So I recently had to have my Droid Incredible replaced, right. I had to have this happen when I first got it from Randy early this year. They sent me one but it was so jacked up that it wouldn't go past the HTC screen. With a hard reboot, it made it as far as the red screen with the automated alien voice saying "Droid!" but then it would reboot again. So I had to send that one back. They then sent the Droid 1 that I had already traded up from and then had to resend out another incredible. This one worked and is the one that I have been using for these last few months.
Then they did away with the unlimited data plan for $30. They were losing mucho dinero on this one because people like me use their phones as the mini computers they are meant to be and eat up data like it's being served at the last supper. They now have one that comes close to what I have for $40. But there's a loophole. As long as you have a smartphone attached to this plan they cannot take it away from you.
So I had to call about my Droid incredible because the power port was loose and it was a crapshot as to whether it would fully charge or not each night (not that it stays charged for long, the battery itself is getting old and dumb) So they sent out a new one and last night as I sit here playing with it, it started to do random reboots. I called Verizon and they said it was one of my apps and it was best to factory reset it and start from scratch.
Now I just spent about two hours or more redoing the damn thing to the way I like my phone and they want me to factory reset it and start from scratch?? I don't think so. Dette is going to wait out the temper tantrum thank you very much.
Well this afternoon, Mr. Droid Incredible (And let's face it, anything that boasts that it's incredible and clearly is not, has to be male.) decided eff you, I am going to win this round and you will factory reset me regardless of what you want. I am Mr. Incredible, hear me whine. And it rebooted itself over and over and over for two damn hours before I even got pissed anough to take the battery out. When i put it back in to try and factory reset, the result was that it said it was doing it but then farted around and did it over and over and over for another hour. Finally though I won out and it factory reset. So here I sit trying to set it up, again.
But phooey on Verizon because until this one stays on for two consecutive days, I am not sending my old one back.
See the thing about the unlimited plan is like I said, they are loosing mucho dinero on it and they figure if they send you a crap phone, you're going to trust them and send back your old one right away and then find that you are stuck with the crapper. You will soon find that you have to send that one back as well or do one of two things. One being activate an old phone you have lying around that is probably not a smart phone thereby loosing your unlimited data plan, or two stick out like the stubborn cow I am and just not have a working phone for up to three days four if it's a holiday weekend, five if the holiday falls on Monday of Friday, but still have the smartphone attached to the plan.
I am a stubborn fucking cow. You should know this about me up front. Damn them I will go without a phone for two damn days.
Just don't expect me to be completely sane by the time the new one gets here. Expect me to be sitting in a corner rocking or running around shouting statuses in people's face's screaming can you like me?? Can you like my status??
But there you go. Verizon is staffed by sheisty people, plain and simple and I am just as stubborn as they are and refuse to quit. One will emerge victorious. It will most likely be them but dammit, I'm going to give them a good freaking fight!
By the way since the last factory reset, this phone has shut off once. I like that. It means I win this round.
Now to set up my Handcent, again I really should pay for the actual service so I can back it up and don't have to do it so much.
Le Sigh!