Let me show you something: This was Feb. 16, 2013 here in Charlotte...
was Feb. 2010 in New Jersey and that was about three days after the plows came through. JUst to show you that Charlotte snow means absolutely bupkiss to me, watch this:
I'll give you a minute to stop laughing. In all seriousness that is what I am used to dealing with in the wintertime and that particular day, I left my house as normal to go to work and three quarters of the way to the bus stop, my boss called and said that they had closed the store. When I called her an hour earlier BEFORE I went out in that mess, she said the store was still open (we later got in a fight as to why I left my house with the weather the way it was. She denied ever telling me that I should start out and if I didn't get to work my job would be in jeopardy from the beginning, she swears to this day up and down that she told me to stay home and wait and that if they kept the store open and I was late it would be fine...)
And one would think that I dislike snow based on the fact that if on the the off chance we get enough of it, I am trapped inside with my kids but it has nothing to do with that. I have no problem being in the house with my kids, they ignore me anyways.
I've always equated cold snowy days with sitting in front of a fireplace (Or a tv with a fire on it) snuggling with someone and my kids have passed the "let's snuggle on the couch and watch the snow" phase, they're more into the "Yes! School is closed so I'm going to play xbox all night" phase. And my love of sitting with a hot cup of cocoa and watching it fall died too I guess. I wish I still felt the same excitement I felt as a kids for snow but sadly, I don't.