Sunday, March 06, 2011

It's Raining, It's pouring!

So this morning, I had a nice visit from my neighborhood cop.  Seems the neighbor has been calling in someone pulling up in their driveway and sleeping in the car, FOR TWO NIGHTS NOW.

Gee, you think that might be something you'd want to mention to your neighbors with kids??

So anyway, the cop rings the doorbell and he tells me that the backdoor on the car is slightly open.  It wouldn't really be the kind of thing he noticed but seeing that he had a call about someone sleeping in a car in someone's driveway seemingly staking out the nighborhood he thought it might be connected.

What ensued from then on was me making sure the car would start (How would I explain that to my mother after just bought a new battery???)  And then remembering that I have this horrible habit of shoving my wallet in between the seats so that you have to be in the car to see it but so that I have it when I am in the car. (It was actually in my coat pocket for once)  And then thinking about the stereo.

Thankfully the car was untouched.  No one noticed that the car was open because it was closed enough that the light must have gone off.

How did this happen?  The boy.  Last night Jovaughn went out to get my pocketbook because there was something I needed in it.  I kept asking him did the car honk??  Because if the car alarm honks when I am locking it, it means all doors are closed and all is good in the hood.  He kept saying yes it honked. (Liar!) so finally I believed him and secured the house. (Did I mention I LOVE my new security system?  It has a keyfob that lets me secure my house from my bedroom in the back of the house, where I can't see the car.)  I even checked the outside before I shut off the lights and went to be last night (this morning).  It really was, for all appearances and whatnot, all good in the hood. But It wasn't. 

But all was there and all was good.  So there was no worry.  I didn't even feel the need to remind the boy that should he have left the door completely open whatever happened would have been mostly on him.

Oh well. 

Terminally single and blogging is happy all's good in the hood!