I have never been one of those people that does well with change. I can take it in stride to a good point ut it's the little things that piss me off about change... like all of it.
I didn't do well moving here. When I had to go over a month with no fridge and no stove I didn't handle it well. When my kids were still sleeping on air mattresses after five months, I admit it, I had a bit of a meltdown. Okay, not a bit, more like a Mt. St. Helen's size but it's whatever. They got mattresses and they got beds so we're all good.
When I got my cell number in July2010 I expected that even though Verizon says they don't recycle number less than 90 days young I would be getting calls for the previous owner for a few weeks. Well a few weeks turned into a few months and then a few months turned into a year and that turned into sixteen months...
I weathered them all very well. I explained to some people that she'd gotten rid of this number. I explained to more people that she didn't have that number... I explained to her gynecologists office that she didn't have this number.
I even told her bank when they called because she was over drawn...
And her best friend when she texted that I was invited to her birthday block party....
And her daughter when she texted me to tell me that I was going to be a grandmother...
To their credit, most of her callers are pleasant. Even her texters are pleasant. Every now and then I would get one that would be upset or angry but only twice have I gotten told off by one of her people. Today was the final time.
The guy that called today informed me that he met Amanda (That her name) in the club this past Saturday night and this is the number she gave him. He didn't know what game she and her girl were playing but the both of us could go to hell. There were some other expletives in there that were colorful to say the least but I handled. He may or may not be shitting bricks right now because after I ripped his asshole a few inches wider, I informed him that I had his number and knew that he was in Charlotte, NC and would be hearing from the police for harassment.
I then got on the phone and called Verizon. I explained to the lady that I couldn't take anymore and as of the 5th I will have a new number.
So why is this so hard? Because I have a memory like a sieve. I'm serious. Shit goes in and drips out like five seconds later ALL THE TIME. I sent out like fifty texts announcing my number change and immediately had to redo the text because I got my own number wrong. I mean damn... On Monday I will have to call the trash people, the gas, the electric, the realtor, two kids schools, make sure my mom has it, the ex has it, the in laws have it...
Seriously guys, you know me... you know this is going to be bad for a few months...
Oh I totally forgot, there is actually a twist to this... Amanda called me a few months ago and told me outright that this was her business number and she was trying to tell everyone to stop calling and texting (This was after I got her news of impending grandmother hood before her) to stop but it might be a few days. I was nice and said it was okay. That's probably why I let this go on so long, I was under the impression that she was trying to get in contact with her people...
I can only pity the person that get my the 8470 number after I do. There are some people that I am not giving the new number to only because I don't talk to them via text or phone and then some people that have been placed in the stalker bin but I just didn't bother changing my number.
So as of the 5th, it's changed.
This is going to give me a constant headache. I know it will. I can feel it coming. It's going to take until Monday to get here but that Bastard is coming... Groan... Why can't people just do what they are supposed to do?? If you meet a guy in the club and don't want him to have your number just give him Jenny's number. You seriously cannot go wrong with 867-5309...