Saturday, March 01, 2014

Car care and the Noob... Among other things...

So I'm a noob at some things, I admit that free and clear but I know that most things simply require a little common sense.  If it leaks, make it stop leaking.  If it steams or smells like it;s burning, cool it down.

My grandfather had this saying that I'm pretty sure a million old people say all the time. "If it moves and shouldn't; use duct tape.  If it should move and doesn't; Wd-40."  You have no idea how much those words have helped me in the last few years of my life.  I mean I'm pretty sure that he didn't mean duct tape something so that you couldn't tell what you were fixing nor do I think he meant drown it in a can of lubricant and let it marinate but then sometime you have to go a little apeshit on stuff like that.  Or at least I do.  I'm like that.

My window washer fluid drips.  No, not drips... drains.  In the past week I have been through two huge bottles of washer fluid and I finally figured out where the leak is coming from.  Yay me!  I just have to wait for the little bit I put in to find the leak to drain so I can plug that hole and go about my business.

And while I was at it, I got tired of eyeing the clear/orangeish bottle that had the thermometer picture on it.  For days now, I have been looking at it and wondering why it looked empty.  I mentioned it to someone but they said, no it was full.  It was orange slash red.  I wasn't convinced so today, I opened that bad boy up and stuck my finger in.  Dry as a bone.  No wonder my baby smelled like she was burning up everytime I drove!!  She was.  She was gasping for a bit of coolness and I was denying her!  I mean I noticed that she went from cold to middle of the gauge rather quickly for an old car, but I stupidly (For a week) figured that if it didn't go past that little boat, I was good.  So this morning, I hit the internet (God bless whoever created the internet) and found out what anitfreeze/coolant I could put in.  Thankfully that was an easy fix.  Hopefully the burning smell will go away as my baby isn't thirsty.  I got her a gas treatment as a lollipop.  Maybe she'll forgive me.  I hope she will.  I only wish I had the lifts to drive her up on so I could see under her.

I don't want to be that girl that doesn't know anything about cars.  That got me in trouble the first time.  I saw the check engine light and I said something but no one took me seriously.  I convinced myself that I didn't know what the hell I was thinking I knew and I let it go.  The result was me stranded on the side of the highway watching as my stationwagon turned into a hatchback Yugo.  That was not fun and I told myself, never EVER again.  And I'm going to hold myself to that.  If I have to bug every mechanic I can find, I will know about my baby.  All her knocks and purrs will be a language that I will understand.

More importantly, I am going to start urging my children to learn about cars.  Someone asked me about my engine the other day and I said Shiny.  I don't want to pass that to my kids.

I'll admit, having a car is like having another child.  It's a lot of work and if you don't treat it right it will have a temper tantrum and leave you looking stupid.

But enough about my car.

Did I ever mention that I love my friends?  I really do.  Just when I've worked myself up into a dizzying frenzy over what most possibly is nothing, they come in and they prove to me that it was just that... Nothing.

Lately, and for no reason that I can ascertain, I have been having very... weird dreams.  Well not weird.  Sexual.  I guess they would be the female version of a man's wet dream?  I don't know.  I know that they have been increasingly alarming me because in them, I am doing/getting my favorite sexual act-- Cunnungulis. (I don't much like the act of sex.  It really seems like a lot of grunting, groaning and putting square pegs in round holes and such.  I probably should talk to someone medical about it, but I'm pretty sure that it stems from my rape in college.  It wasn't my first sexual experience but it was the first where I was fully cognizant of what was going on. It's just since then, I find that if I can everything... over with by the time it reaches that point, I'm much happier. Several friends tell me that just because I haven't had the right experience but not even I know how to define the right experience so...) Anyway... in the dreams, I am being--- for lack of a better word--- eaten out and everything is good until  I look down in my dream and *SHOCK* it's my ex husband.

Really truly freaking out with no hope of coming back down to Earth now right?  How can I tell someone this and they not think I still have feelings for him??  I don't have feelings for him.  Yes he was my husband but he was really more like a roommate with benefits.  It sounds cold but there was never love between us, just good sex. (Or what I think was good sex. I don't really have much to compare him to...)

So I mentioned it to my best friend and she very calmly and concisely brought me back to the ground where I need to be.  She explained that I'm in a drought so to speak and seeing my ex in my dreams is my body remembering a time when at least the physical part of me was happy.  Case closed.  It didn't mean that subconsciously I was showing feelings for my ex despite what more than a couple of people around me have said.  So I'm not freaked out now.  It's all good.  I love my friends.  If I'm a mylar balloon that floating way up high and dangerously close to popping in thin air, they are the counterweights that pull me back down to a safe flying height every time.

In other news, I was wrong when I assumed that the audiobook contract that I was sent was a mistake in whole and not meant to be sent to me.  They mean for me to be in audiobook as well as print the name of the cook was just wrong on the contract, but seeing as how it's in MS Word format, that was just a backspace and retype move I could do.  NOw I just have to sign then, get them notarized and we're all good.  I hope we are able to get started soon.  I'm really excited.  I hope people want to buy my book.

Okay, so I need to get up and get out of here.  Things to do, people to see.  I want to go to the movies.  There's a couple out there that I'd like to see.  I also need to work on that whole going to the movies alone phobia.  I always think people are looking at me thinking that I couldn't get a date or a friend to come along with me.  Stupid I know but that's me. Even when I look like I don't care what people might think about me, I do and I exaggerate... a lot.  I always do. LOL.  It's fun being me.

But not really.  Not all the time.

But when I bounce back it's awesome being me!

God I am so bipolar sometimes!

Ciao bloggies!! Stay frosty!!