So I just got out of the shower and had a marathon oil down session. I really need someone to do my back. I have short arms and my eczema is acting up again. It really sucks.
But yeah, I thought with this much hair I just might actually break my neck washing it this time. Of course I have that fear every time I get my braids wet because let's face it, dry this mess is an extra fifteen pounds on my head already. Add water to it and damn it's like someone attached a lead weight to the top of my head and swung that ish backwards. I have actually given myself a serious neck cramp washing my braids before. Hell one time I got in a pool and while the water felt so good (think orgasmically good) on my scalp while I was in the water, the weight of it pulled me backwards into the pool when I tried to get out. Trust me it was both hilarious and frightening. I climbed up and no sooner than my hair being free of the water did the weight pull me backwards so hard I lost my grip on the ladder and went flying backwards back into the pool.
A backwards flop into the pool is not fun when you are so shocked you gasp deeply. And get a mouthful of highly chlorinated water up your nose and down your throat. Lifeguard had a good time giving me mouth to mouth though. Then he laughed. Then the paramedics they called because I couldn't move my head (my neck hurt so bad I couldn't move and they thought maybe I'd fractured something so they called the EMT) laughed. Then the doctors are the ER and the xray techs laughed. It wasn't until a nurse at the er with longer braids than I had at the time told me that the same thing had happened to her before did I finally laugh. (Although I may have only found the humor in the situation because I had been given painkillers by that point)
But it's whatever. washing this mess put a strain on my neck but I got it done and it's actually almost dry now. I think I washed all the chemicals they put in the hair to preserve shiny and whatnot out because OMG my head feels so much lighter.
It also doesn't smell like pizza anymore.
Working at Hungry Howies has given my nose a new appreciation for the girly scents. Ask me if I gave a crap about jasmine and lilac before. I can assure you I didn't. And for awhile after I started working there I still didn't so long as I didn't smell like tomato sauce and cheese. But now lately, I am actually noticing the girly scents. Cherry, Strawberry, coconut, They're actually pretty mice. And random guys walk past you and say "Mmm you smell nice!" I'm seriously not kidding. I had a customer catch a whiff of my perfume once and tell me that I was the nicest smelling female he's smelt in a long time.
Mixed reaction. Just what do females in his smelling vicinity smell like and why was he actively smelling them and me?
I had a point to this blog, I'm pretty sure I did.
So tomorrow I will go back to First Mt Zion for the first time in maybe four months. I'm not allowed to blog about whats been going on but let's just say that my faith has been seriously tested by the events that have been taking place there. So much so that I didn't even bother to find another church like my mother did, I just would rather work on Sundays and occasionally watch someone pray on TV. Okay who am I kidding, I'm not watching anyone pray on TV. I think Queen Mary on Reign was blessed by a priest in one of the last few episodes. That counts, right? Yeah, that counts.
I'm 35 and I have to admit, my faith has been tested so many times that it's seriously not funny anymore. Two churches that I have been to now have been torn apart by it's members fighting, One was really a bunch of ex sinners trying to get right with God and although they took care of my family and I, I never really felt comfortable amongst them. But then at this point in my life I can honestly say that I have never felt at home in any actual church. I love the church family I met at FMZ but when it all boils down to it, it's the people I miss, not the church. That doesn't seem right to me. I really don't think I am the church going variety.
And some people aren't and that's okay. Not everyone believes that going to a building with people praying and preaching at you and around you is the right way to commune with God. I am one of them. I can be standing outside enjoying the sunshine and feel a particular need to say something to God and I know he hears. I don't need to dress up and go to a building to talk to Him.
But tomorrow I have to go back for one reason. Again I can't blog about what and why but I think after tomorrow if all goes the way it's supposed to go, I may be an infrequent visitor.
Eh, whatever... another rambling thought off the top of my head.
Which now contains dry hair so I'm going to take my melatonin and finish my beer (probably not one of those sentences I should put online) and grab some sleep so I can get it and go to church.
Night bloggers! Stay Frosty!