Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Applying for the Pell Grant...

So I've decided to apply for the pell grant, finally.  I think that now that I am 32, I'm old enough to appreciate a higher education.  At 17 and 18 I can honestly say I didn't.  I really saw it as just when I thought I was free and done with classes, I had to sit in more classes only these were a whole new level of spectacularly boring.

I don't know what I am going to go for.  I want to go for Culinary but a very good friend of mine suggested I use my love of children and my like of educating them to go for special Education.  It's a thought.  Right now I am going to take the basic classes.

Excuse me while I cringe at the thought of a math class...  You have no idea how much I hate math.  I am actually one of the many people who would be totally and completely lost without a calculator.  Go ahead and snicker.  I'm laughing too but it's the truth. 

So let me go and get this done. 

I'm actually kind of excited about going back to school.  The thought of one day getting a j9ob that will enable me to pay my way without needing the help I'm generally scorned for is a bright bright star in the sky for me right now.

C'est La Vie!  Single and Blogging is going to work on going to get some higher education!

Food Stamps...

So once again maybe nine friends on my news feed for Facebook have been passing around the post about the junk food tax and how it will affect people with food stamps.

Why are you so down on people with food stamps?  Contrary to what you want to believe, food stamps are not being paid for by your taxes.  At least not directly.  One would think that a mother/ father feeding their kids any way they can short of putting on a ski mask and robbing a bank or panhandling would be looked on favorably. 

True there are some people out there that seriously abuse this wonderful program.  They sell their stamps for cash and go get their hair done or they sell them to families who just don't want to pay food tax and some shit and some such but here's the thing... not everyone does that and going on a very social media and saying how you are sick of paying for my groceries or you support a tax that limits what we can buy kinda makes you look like a bit of an ass in my book because you are judging me, who doesn't do anything but use what she's given to feed her kids, by the Same standards as the woman down the block selling her stamps, getting her hair done, going clubbing while her kids are eating government peanut butter on stale bread.

You want to feel like you are paying for my groceries?  Fine next month when my kids need food, how about I come to you directly with my hand out and you come buy the food?  Then you can bitch and moan.

True I am not working right now but here's an FYI, I'm looking into going to school.  Even when I was working my job was barely paying my utilities and rent.  I had to beg and plead with my kids father to send money so I could buy food.  Have YOU ever had to beg your child's other parent for money to feed your child??  It's almost as degrading as having to stand in line for hours for the little bit that the government is willing to give.

Social media changed the way government benefits worked once before.  It changed WIC and not for the better.  Before you cold get real cereal and juice for children.  now you can only get basic brands.  No sugar, no taste, no reason to have your kids eat it.

Hey just for shits and giggles, I want to see you put your kid on a completely sugar free diet.  Ever drank Orange juice with no sugar in it?  Love those bland Cheerios with no sugar don't you.  Like that store brand milk that's kinda watered down and expires in three days?  Lets see if they still want to eat. 

You have your high paying job that affords you and your kids everything you want food wise and that great but some of us, we couldn't ask Mommy and Daddy to send us to that Ivy league school or buy us the suits to get that top level job.   We couldn't play sports to get us into a good college.  Some us got to that good college and one fateful night we made a decision that cost us the little bit of freedom we got at eighteen.  Do I regret getting pregnant and not finishing school with my original class?  Not one damn bit cause you know what?  Some of those top achievers who studied and avoided all vices have a pretty little piece of paper that says they can do something to curl up with at night.  I have kids that love me.

And just to clarify, I am not a skeez, a whore, a drug addict, or degenerate because I get help from the Government.  I am a woman that needs help.  Do I call you a uptight yuppie or anything because you think you are in a position to thumb your nose at me?

I don't feel like a real rant.  You out there that think I am a target for you unjust and hypocritical thoughts just remember that in this changing economy you may be on top one day and standing behind me in the social services line the next.  Keep in the back of your mind that the things you are saying you support now may just bite you in the ass one day....

Terminally Single and Blogging is going to step off her soapbox.