Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Food Stamps...

So once again maybe nine friends on my news feed for Facebook have been passing around the post about the junk food tax and how it will affect people with food stamps.

Why are you so down on people with food stamps?  Contrary to what you want to believe, food stamps are not being paid for by your taxes.  At least not directly.  One would think that a mother/ father feeding their kids any way they can short of putting on a ski mask and robbing a bank or panhandling would be looked on favorably. 

True there are some people out there that seriously abuse this wonderful program.  They sell their stamps for cash and go get their hair done or they sell them to families who just don't want to pay food tax and some shit and some such but here's the thing... not everyone does that and going on a very social media and saying how you are sick of paying for my groceries or you support a tax that limits what we can buy kinda makes you look like a bit of an ass in my book because you are judging me, who doesn't do anything but use what she's given to feed her kids, by the Same standards as the woman down the block selling her stamps, getting her hair done, going clubbing while her kids are eating government peanut butter on stale bread.

You want to feel like you are paying for my groceries?  Fine next month when my kids need food, how about I come to you directly with my hand out and you come buy the food?  Then you can bitch and moan.

True I am not working right now but here's an FYI, I'm looking into going to school.  Even when I was working my job was barely paying my utilities and rent.  I had to beg and plead with my kids father to send money so I could buy food.  Have YOU ever had to beg your child's other parent for money to feed your child??  It's almost as degrading as having to stand in line for hours for the little bit that the government is willing to give.

Social media changed the way government benefits worked once before.  It changed WIC and not for the better.  Before you cold get real cereal and juice for children.  now you can only get basic brands.  No sugar, no taste, no reason to have your kids eat it.

Hey just for shits and giggles, I want to see you put your kid on a completely sugar free diet.  Ever drank Orange juice with no sugar in it?  Love those bland Cheerios with no sugar don't you.  Like that store brand milk that's kinda watered down and expires in three days?  Lets see if they still want to eat. 

You have your high paying job that affords you and your kids everything you want food wise and that great but some of us, we couldn't ask Mommy and Daddy to send us to that Ivy league school or buy us the suits to get that top level job.   We couldn't play sports to get us into a good college.  Some us got to that good college and one fateful night we made a decision that cost us the little bit of freedom we got at eighteen.  Do I regret getting pregnant and not finishing school with my original class?  Not one damn bit cause you know what?  Some of those top achievers who studied and avoided all vices have a pretty little piece of paper that says they can do something to curl up with at night.  I have kids that love me.

And just to clarify, I am not a skeez, a whore, a drug addict, or degenerate because I get help from the Government.  I am a woman that needs help.  Do I call you a uptight yuppie or anything because you think you are in a position to thumb your nose at me?

I don't feel like a real rant.  You out there that think I am a target for you unjust and hypocritical thoughts just remember that in this changing economy you may be on top one day and standing behind me in the social services line the next.  Keep in the back of your mind that the things you are saying you support now may just bite you in the ass one day....

Terminally Single and Blogging is going to step off her soapbox. 


  1. For someone that doesn't want to be judged, you sure do make a lot of judgements yourself.

    Whether our taxes are paying for your junk food directly or indirectly doesn't make a difference. We are still paying for you to eat junk. We didn't all get "Mommy and Daddy" to pay our way, and we didn't all make the right decisions, but many of us do get by.

    And not many of us can afford what you seem to be able to get. How insulting! You get to drink and have a pound of shrimp and take your kids out to eat on my dime! But I can't afford that because I'm working, paying my way and paying for my kids and not acting like I'm entitled to someone else's money.

    If you need assistance, fine! But don't act like you have a right to buy crap for your kids that mine can't have because it's too expensive. I fully support the limitations. A bag of crap chips cost more than a pound of potatoes. Crap spaghetti sauce costs more in the long run than homemade. A lot of people CHOOSE to limit their children's sugar and processed food intake, so that argument doesn't fly either. Btw, "real cereal" is oatmeal and similar, not sugary crap that you are talking about.

    And since you don't work and aren't going to school and play all day (online, jewelry making, etc), then you have the TIME to make stuff from scratch instead of getting junk, booze, and expensive food items. Where the heck are you getting the money for internet, cable (or other tv), phone, jewelry making items, netflicks, and so on?

    Two wrongs don't make a right. You may not be selling the food stamps, but you are stereotypical in a different way.

  2. See? This is what I like... Someone with just as strong opinions as myself coming up here and saying whats on their mind. Thank you!

    First. OF you must have missed the top of the page where I said this is my opinion. If it insults you, don't read it. You read it, you responded now I get to respond...

    1. My family and I do not eat junk. I use my food stamps to buy actual food. Meat, cheese, fish, cereal, milk and whatnot. Unlike the millions of other YOU ARE JUDGING ME BY, I don't buy cakes and cookies with my stamps.

    2. You obviously know nothing about food stamps or at the very least only a little. I cannot get booze on food stamps. no one can unless they know a corner store that will ring it up as something else and I admit there are some stores like that that exists.

    3. Lets go back to the top for a second. Yes I make judgements but again I didn't throw the first stone and I personally couldn't give a rat fart in space if I am judged. I simply do not want to be judge by what others do. If you feel the need to judge me or even feel that you have the position to do so, judge me by my actions only.

    4. That pound of Shrimp. You do realize that should I buy my family that pound of shrimp, it has to be raw and I have to cook it myself. You can't get prepared foods on Food stamps. nor can you use them in restaurants.

    5. I never once acted like I was entitled to your money. You don't know me personally so you can't know that I would rather go out and work 9-5 for the money so that I can feed my family and pay my bills at the same time. Like I said You don't know me so how could you know that to some level I find that I need government assistance just a little degrading. I simply Do not like to be judged by how others are abusing the system.

    6. When did I say that I have the right to buy the crap that you can't buy? Please point that out to me where I said that. The paragraph about sugar and store brands was about WIC or did you miss that too?

    7. Once again. I do not buy my household junk food. I am simply against the tax that would make it impossible to buy so much as a cookie should I actually choose to do so.

    8. Real cereal is not only oatmeal and similar. TYVM Please tell me what cereal I referred to other than honey bunches of oats. Again, you don't know me and you felt like yelling at me without looking in my cupboards so let me enlighten you. My children eat grits, Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal, and sugar free cereals. The only time they get any cereal with sugar in it it is when I get the the store brand cereals and malt o meal which has nothing wrong with it.

    (TBC in another comment)

  3. (Continued)

    9. You must a be a facebook friend to know about my gaming and my jewelry making. Did you try go through the REST of my pictures? Don't think you did, because then you would see that I buy the ingredients to make my bread rather than buy the bread at the store with the high fructose corn syrup in it. You would have seen the meals that I prepare for my children in the pictures I take. You would also note that I sell my jewelry for cash. When we have cookies, which is in the pictures, I make that from scratch as well. Any liquor I have which apparently is your business, isn't actually bought by my unless I made the money that buys it' I don't use child support and previously stated, you CANNOT use food stamps. Since you asked. My mother pays for my internet and cable. My netfix is actually someone else's account that they are kindly letting me use until I can pay for my own subscription. The jewelry items. I bought them with my tax return money that was left over after I paid my bills.

    Like I said before. i love it when people with strong opinions come back and respond to my opinions but you had to know that since you were basing just about everything you accused me of doing off of hearsay and the little bit you see of me on the internet, I was going to come back to clear a few things up for you.

    You still have a problem with me? Fine. I don't know you so honestly I don't care. AS I SAID IN THE ORIGINAL POST: DO NOT JUDGE ME BY THE ACTIONS OF OTHERS.

    Judge me, have fun doing it. Tell your friends that you have someone that you can look down on. Lord above knows that plenty of people look down on me and my kind for various reasons. That's nice and I feel honored that I gave a little bit of purpose to your day.

    Read up on things you can buy with food stamps and try asking a few people who get them how they spend them. Then you can come back at me guns blazing. Till then kindly do yourself a favor and sit down and listen next time. You not only proved that you are judgmental but that you are borderline ignorant on the subject.

  4. 1. I looked at food stamps and decided against them. The comments abouts booze was in regards to how you can afford all that other stuff and still have to be on food stamps and gov't assistance programs.

    2. I'm not on your facebook. I saw about your gaming on previous blog posts here.

    3. I saw your intro at the top of the page; it's a standard concept on blogs. If you put it out there publicly, I can read it, and I can respond.

    4. You are being judged by your actions and your inactions, according to what you posted on this blog. You are choosing to live the way you are, regardless of your excuses. You aren't the only single mother out there and you aren't the only one that didn't get to go to college. It's just another excuse, given previous entries.

    5. A pound of raw shrimp is still more than I can afford. I choose to go with out it, and if I did get it, I wouldn't eat it in one sitting on a whim!

    It's pretty sad that you also feel it's okay to use other people's accounts, milking their friendship or sense of kindness to get other comforts.

    When you make yourself so easy to judge by how you behave and make the rest of us look, then don't be surprised when they point their fingers back at you. I mean, hell, you complain about not finding a man so much, well what do you have to offer? And yet you flip out at your friends for feeling the way they do about food stamps, or about other things on here, and you call them liars. I'm glad I don't know you. I'd be even more pissed by how you portray yourself and how others may view people like me because of the few similarities.

  5. See again, there's that stone of judgement being thrown. You have a whole bag of them don't don't you?

    Where did you get that I buy a bag of shrimp and eat them all in one sitting? I'm actually confused on that. Can you please tell me where you are getting that or anything about shrimp.

    I did actually go to college. I was one of the people that made the life changing decision. I never said it was a bad one. Don't know where you got the bad decision thing either.

    At what point did I say I was the only single mother in the world? You seem to think that I think this.

    As to what I can afford. I explained that. I sell my jewelry for the little cash I have. If I decide to go to the store and get a small bottle of Kahlua rest assured that I will not be looking to you to pick up the slack for my groceries because my bills are paid and my house is full of food WITHOUT YOU.

    Yes I choose to live my life the way I do. I'm sure you choose to life your life the way you do. Good on you. So because you do so can I call your life decisions excuses?

    I actually wish one of my friends would come on here and set you straight about using their accounts. I wonder if they see that me using their netflix that THEY OFFERED TO ME IN THE FIRST PLACE is me milking their friendship...

    Lets not get into what I have to offer a man. That's a subject best left out of your concern. If a man should want me for the material that I can bring him then he isn't worth my time.

    So what if I flip out. My blog, I'm allowed to post my opinions. And the blurb on the top. What might be standard to you is not standard to me. I actually follow what I write. My page, My opinions, you don' like it, don't read. You want to to read fine. I can't phase through your computer and make you close the page.

    Honestly what do you see me portraying myself as? Please tell me. Cause you make me sound like some horrible person.

    And what similarities? You freaking made a blogger profile just so that you could respond to this. Please...

  6. Hm... I pay taxes, some of which goes to food stamps, which end up trickling down to feed your family. How is it bad to feel that I should have some say in how that money is spent? Especially with rants like yours? I work to earn money and I work hard to make sure I am careful with it. I pay my bills and buy food for my family on my own dime. Your "house full of food" is paid for by me and other taxpayers. I don't make excuses; you can't say the same.

    We are both single mothers (you with 3 kids, me with 4), we are both divorced, we both don't have a college degree, and we are both black. People lump us into the same groups. I get judged because of people like you.

    Which is worse? Making a blogger account to respond to an blog I found through google because I don't have the time or feel the need to maintain a blog just to waste time whining and raving? Or being the person who has a blog just for those purposes, insulting my friends, whining about all sorts of things, raving when my sense of entitlement is questioned, etc? To quote you, "Please..."

    Of course, having written that... why am I wasting time reading your blog? To take 'inspiration' from your entries, Single Madda is exiting this sad excuse of a time waste and won't be coming back. Have fun on your gov't paid soap box.

  7. I want so badly to blast you like you but you really aren't worth my time. You've made it abundantly clear that I am a wastrel and degenerate in your eyes. That's fine. It's whatever. You go ahead and continue being an intemperate, illogical, disrespectful, uneducated, hypocritical troglodyte passing for a human being. I hope that when the economy turns you will have a chance to go to the store and buy your kids two pounds of shrimp for 7.99. Cause if you can't afford that, maybe you need to take a second look at food stamps.

  8. People like you??? What does that mean? I get food stamps, tho ive nevr been married I have 2 kids and I will have my BA in november...I currently don't have a job but I have always held a job until the last few months of my last pregnancy. I am ACTIVELY looking for a job and also studying for the LSAT. do you feel that I make excuses as well because I get food stamps?

  9. Educated and Informed. Was that Aimed at me or Single Madda. I don't thin I said people like you but I may have...

  10. Oh okay. I was just wondering. Thank you for reading... although I think Single Madda has decided the best way to win the battle of wits was to walk away. Pity, I was kinda enjoying the back n forth...

    Not all my blogs are politically charged. Most of them are fluff. You know, just to get thoughts out of my head...

  11. Lonely Chica, You do what you need to do to get them thoughts out!!

    I am the friend that has loaned her the NETFLIX, and thats funny she taking advantage of my friendship? You are way I do mean WAY off base there. If anything I use her friendship with my whining and complaining.. LMAO :)

    She is a DAMN good mother, sister and best friend, she is not judgmental or hypocritical. She is the most genuine person I know, She's true to herself and most importantly to her kids. Those children come first, if that means she has to get public assistance then she will. Her children come FIRST!!

    And so what if she has internet, cable or she makes jewelry? So what if she has a few drinks once in awhile? Her bills are paid, her children are taken care of.. Her children know who their mother is, unlike some parents have them in child care from early morning to late afternoon. She goes without so her children have.

    So before you get on your soap box and point fingers, know the facts and the true person first!!

  12. as a person who has worked where people use food stamps i agree that some people abuse the shit out of them.ive rang up people who have there platinum cards driving around in there bmw's and they are using food THEY are the people that abuse them not you whoever you are single madda please do us a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP!you dont know dette and im sure shes better off without you in her life you judgemental tool.ty and have a swell day

  13. $7.99 for 1 lb of shrimp. For that, I can buy 8 lbs of other meat (chicken, pork, and some beefs). Are you suggesting someone go onto food stamps so they can have some leeway to make poor shopping choices?

    People are being hit by hard times. They may have lost their job. A BMW that was paid off and a platinum card that they don't use isn't a sign that they are milking the system. I know a tech engineer that lost his 6 figure job, lost his home, and is now working at Home Depot. I don't behoove him for keeping his paid off high end car.

  14. I have nothing to say about the latter of your post but as for the top. No I was not suggesting someone go on Food stamps to buy a pound of shrimp. It was a personal comment made at the woman he responded first because she accused me of eating a pound of shrimp on her dime because I am on food stamps. It was meant to mean nothing to anyone else.

    NO i do have something to the latter of your post, I take that back.

    I do not behoove your friend of keeping his car either. Of course if it were me (and this is only if it were me . I am not suggesting he do anything) I would save it until I absolutely needed money and it would be the last thing that I let go of from my old life.

    The thing is, there are some people out there who are very unlike your friend. J.P was pointing THOSE people out.

    BTW. What store do you shop at that $7.99 could buy 8lbs of meat? I need to shop there...

  15. Your words: "I hope that when the economy turns you will have a chance to go to the store and buy your kids two pounds of shrimp for 7.99. Cause if you can't afford that, maybe you need to take a second look at food stamps."

    This reflect poor money handling and is saying that if she can't afford something that is pricey, then she should get on food stamps so she can.

    Does JP. know those people personally? Did he ask for details before coming to the conclusion that they are milking the system? It was JP. that I was responding to about my friend.

    With weekly sales, certain cuts of meat can be as low as $0.89 to $0.99 per pound. Normal prices on some cuts are usually less than $1.99 per pound. Even $2.99 isn't bad by comparison. Much more bang for the buck. Redners, Shoprite, Shoppers Food Warehouse (not a club store), Acme, A&P, Food Lion are just a few that I heard have gone to. Chicken leg quarters and whole chickens can be as low as $0.69 per pound and sometimes even lower than that. My friend bought a bag of leg quarters from a grocery, usually considered higher priced store, for $0.49 per pound, bulk, fresh and not on sale (no coupons or Managers Special either).
