So without warning or explaination, two of my shift leaders decided fork this and walked away. One of them had the thought to tell me she wished I had become the gm earlier and she probably wouldn’t have left but here’s the thing. I worked a whole day with her and she never once said she was leaving. I’m pretty sure she even still has her key.
Then I thought I had an opening manager here this morning but apparently I didn’t do guess who’s working a double? Yeah me.
I’m going to need to have a staff meeting because one I need to meet everyone and find out when they are available to work because the last gm basically told them when they were to work and would brook no questions about it. Fork that.
I can’t say I’m coming in here trying to be people’s friends but at the same time I’m not coming in here trying to be the whip snapper either but I think I’m going to have to.
I havent quote gotten back to the I wanna go home phase but I’m getting there...