Okay, I have officially had it!
First I got a wild hair up my butt to go re arrange the kids rooms this morning and moved furniture and found months of trash, and in Jovaughn's case chicken bones, cupcake wrappers, and something that I'm pretty sure used to be food but is now bio hazard material. (He didn't even bother to conceal the crumbs from the chicken he snuck up to his room last night) I also found mouse dropping which means that little Mickey found his way upstairs before he found his way outside.
Then I got out to get the stuff to fix my ottoman that the kids broke and my phone starts doing the reset and reboot thing (This is after I had to have Verizon reprogram it this morning because I haven't been able to make a phone call since yesterday afternoon.) In one of it's reboots, it erased EVERYTHING off of my screens. No widgets, no apps, nothing just blank screens.
Get home and my neighbors kids who have lent my kids MarioKart and a controller while they wait for their Gran to replace the Wii that got stolen from them have basically decided that since their stuff is at my house they can sit and play on my television ALL DAMN AFTERNOON and get all pissy when I explain that my kids are in trouble. Had the nerve to ask if they could come in and play Wii without my kids...
But wait, gets better, now I'm sitting here putting the widgets and whatnot back on my screens and there are widgets missing. Can't access the clock anymore, it's gone so no alarm. Can't do twitter anymore... It's gone. Haven't figured out what else is gone but lemme tell you if I have to call Damn Verizon ONE MORE TIME, those fuckers are going to GIVE me the incredible 2 for free just to shut me the hell up.
Seriously?!? I didn't have this much bullshit in my life when my ex-husband was sleeping with the horse and treating me like medical waste. What the eff? Why is my life suddenly acting like I'm the effing enemy???
Could my life at least let me have a man before it tries to fuck me over like this?