So I have gone back to major simming and this time I think I am sticking closer to the truth of my family history than I ever have. Part of me wants to skew reality (more than I actually already am) and keep my parents happily married. As sims its so nice (yes horrible nausiating) to see them kissy and huggy and much to my love of keeping dinner down, they want to woohoo <b>all the damn time</b> (for you non simming people, woohoo his the sim version of sex. Thank god you actually have to <i>try</i> to have a baby, cause OMG I would have me plus like ninety siblings by now, my mom would not have made it out of college.)
Where was I? Oh yeah, they are so happy and a part of me want to play it out and not have their relationship degenerate to the point where they need lawyers to simply decide who takes me school shopping where and when. (This didn't really happen. In actual reality my dad became the king of deadbeat dads at one time choosing his step children over me and lying saying that he realized when he left my mother he was killing all chances of a relationship with me. <b>aside: I was freaking six, all I knew was that my daddy wasn't living at home with me anymore. I went to therapy because I thought I was the only kid in the world whose daddy didn't love her. I think he could have saved that one. I <i>lived</i> for our few outings. He didn't sacrifice <i>anything</i>, he <i>threw</i> it away.</b>
Sorry, don't you love those little tangents of mine?
The last time I did this, I let them split up and the result was sim me was waaaay more screwed up than actual me is. The second time I split them up sim me was was awesome. The first time I kept them together, my sim achieved nothing and was so screwed up that even when my sim husband carried on a long term affair with the woman down the block including having multiple children with her, adult sim me was furious with him but effing in love with him literally <b>ALL</b> her wants were pleasing him and all of her fears were him dying marriage breaking up and death of her dad. The second time I let them stay together, I was an awesome person who not only dominated my marriage but made the choice to oust the ex. I <i>liked</i> her. So you see it could go either way.
Why is life so much more awesome in the sims? I mean its not the fact that I can control them or make myself super thin with long luxurious locks and grey eyes. Its just easier period. I build a house one that I love and we move in and everyone is happy and its all good. Or bad. But still very easy.
As usual my dreams will probably be in sim form tonight. I think tomorrow I will let them woohoo to their hearts content that I come into play. I think its time.
Well blogs and kisses, readers. I am going to bed. Whatever this is I'm catching has caught me and I just want to curl up and sleep.
Terminally Single and Blogging is signing off for the night!
Where was I? Oh yeah, they are so happy and a part of me want to play it out and not have their relationship degenerate to the point where they need lawyers to simply decide who takes me school shopping where and when. (This didn't really happen. In actual reality my dad became the king of deadbeat dads at one time choosing his step children over me and lying saying that he realized when he left my mother he was killing all chances of a relationship with me. <b>aside: I was freaking six, all I knew was that my daddy wasn't living at home with me anymore. I went to therapy because I thought I was the only kid in the world whose daddy didn't love her. I think he could have saved that one. I <i>lived</i> for our few outings. He didn't sacrifice <i>anything</i>, he <i>threw</i> it away.</b>
Sorry, don't you love those little tangents of mine?
The last time I did this, I let them split up and the result was sim me was waaaay more screwed up than actual me is. The second time I split them up sim me was was awesome. The first time I kept them together, my sim achieved nothing and was so screwed up that even when my sim husband carried on a long term affair with the woman down the block including having multiple children with her, adult sim me was furious with him but effing in love with him literally <b>ALL</b> her wants were pleasing him and all of her fears were him dying marriage breaking up and death of her dad. The second time I let them stay together, I was an awesome person who not only dominated my marriage but made the choice to oust the ex. I <i>liked</i> her. So you see it could go either way.
Why is life so much more awesome in the sims? I mean its not the fact that I can control them or make myself super thin with long luxurious locks and grey eyes. Its just easier period. I build a house one that I love and we move in and everyone is happy and its all good. Or bad. But still very easy.
As usual my dreams will probably be in sim form tonight. I think tomorrow I will let them woohoo to their hearts content that I come into play. I think its time.
Well blogs and kisses, readers. I am going to bed. Whatever this is I'm catching has caught me and I just want to curl up and sleep.
Terminally Single and Blogging is signing off for the night!