Monday, January 17, 2011

Fed up with Facebook! (And people)

I admit it, I'm about to go into bitch mode and not for any 'real' reason. As a matter of fact this is probably going to come across to some of you as a whine. Here's a truth I may not have shared before: I don't really care if that annoys you. Ooops! Sorry my inner bitch is fighting to get out but if you look at the top of this page, (the blog page not my facebook page) it does say that this is MY blog and if you don't want to be bothered then move on.

Anyway, now that I've scared the men out of the room by waving my box of tampons like a flag (no I'm not ragging not that any of u need to know when that is happening, ever; it was a metaphor) let me continue.

One would think that with the movie the social network coming out, facebook would he one of the hippest places on the web and that people would use it as the social network it is, and maybe they are but none of my friends. To be very clear and fair, I have three people that post on my wall in response to ANYTHING I say. No I take that back, four. Four people.

Awhile ago I was outraged about the Brittish professor basically re writing Huck afinn because of the over use of the word Nigger. Uh oh go get the pc police I said the dreaded n word. Anyway, I posted an actual question about why people get so touchy about that word. For example its okay for blacks to fix the letters at the end and say nigga and use it as an endearment. We walk around all damn day saying what's up my nigga. But god forbid a white person say it in any form, we're ready to beat the hell outta him. Does the same hold true for whites? They want to beat the hell outta blacks for calling them crackers (something I have personally done once in my life and it sounded bso fucking absurd I couldn't do it with a straight face) but do they take off the er, replace it with an a and walk around saying, "what's up my cracka??" Personally I would stop in my tracks and laugh so hard I'd probably hurt myself. Anyway, I posted a serious question like that and one person responded. God Bless Sarah. She stepped up where everyone else was too chicken. When I posted about the professor only Robert responded.

There's the stupid shit I post. Jason responds to that. Love him so much for that.

There are the times that I let my romantic side out so that she can get shotdown in a love driveby meaning I suddenly remember that not one damn person on this earth wants me in anyway but a fucking friend and she starts crying. Bambi my love responds and reminds me that true love does exsist. She tries hard to reassure me that someone out there loves or will love me as much as her husband loves her.

Then there's the people that see something on my facebook and who text me. I love you to but if its not a direct question like "Where do I send bail money?" Then blow up my facebook. If it needs to stay private I will let you know. Nine times out of ten if I put it on facebook, its not private.

I rarely do private. Private is for people that like having something to themselves. I've don't the by myself thingbfor too long...

Let's not go into the people who would rather not use the world biggest social network outside of texting to talk. I am not a phone person. There's a remarkable large quantity of my friends who are still trying to change me into a phone person. If Blind Tom over in the corner can see that I would rather post on FACEBOOK that I'm so sad I could eat a whole cheesecake (again metaphor). What makes the people who actually know me think I want to use the phone shaped button on my phone which it still just as shiny as a new penny and talk???

I like my facebook. I like my texting. I like that faceless but still intimate connection. People that I actually talk to on facebook and text are special people.

But lately, my facebook has become a farmville notification machine. I can open my facebook for droid app and see thirteen notifications and get so bloody happy... until I see that they are from farmville.

Every now and then I wish I had never started playing that game.

Okay, bitch me is spent and sentimental me is coming to the surface. This may be a blogging night... we'll see...


  1. Have you ever thought that it is not a you thing but a facebook thing? I have avoiding facebook because it is a time suck at work. It isn't that people aren't responding to you its that they are not on facebook to see it. ALSO not everything shows up in newsfeed. There was this whole scientific study about what gets included and excluded in feeds. Maybe your just not in the feed.

  2. I have considered the people that don't always use facebook and the ones that are basically to busy irl to peruse for one of my thousands of daily posts actually. I've also counted out the people that have a gazillion friends that also post. I'm mainly grousing about the ones that live on facebook. The ones that breathe it like newbies do. Lol. But there are people that subscribe to my posts. God only knows why they would subject themselves to daily constant doses of my minds outpourings but I love them. Some of them pick and choose. We all do it, heck I do it but it still irks me. I've become hypercritical and a practician of double standards. That's why I blog. To just put it out of my head.


  3. Claudette, this is the first time I'm seeing your blog and I have to say that this is exactly what a blog should be. Let out what's on your mind, if you get a response, great,if not, you got it out and people know what's up. I totally agree that Huck Finn should not be re-written, I don't agree with the n word itself (it's degrading and completely unnecessary in any form) but I think that Mark Twain wrote it that way for a reason and it should stay in tact the way it was originally. Your knight in shining armor will eventually find you and you will be so overcome and showered with love that it might be too much at times but he's out there. Don't give up hope. Texting annoys me but that's only because I don't have a keyboard on my phone, just the regular keys but I understand about not being a phone person. wait I am for a few people but not in general. Can't wait for the next blog.

  4. @Johnny, thanks! I would love to be the one that says I try to blog daily but I don't want to lie and any number of perople would step on each other to correct me and say I go weeks without saying a word. I mostly blog when the thoughts in my head need to run out and play. I used to have a myspace on that spanned years but I shut it down without thinking to save the blogs! Hope you enjoy future one and just a warning I go off into man hating tangents at a moments notice so be prepared.

    Terminally Single and Blogging :o)
