Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Grey walls

Roxie here... so I did a thing.

  A couple of things actually.  I asked someone for a play date but he said he was busy so I was faced with a couple of options.

One.  Deal with it.  Nope.

Two: respect his request for monogamy and find something to do with our time.

Three: screw his request for monogamy and go find us a plaything which would likely get us caught up in something we didn’t want to be in and the play date requested would find out and that would be the end of that.

We chose option two.  Or rather I did.  I chugged a shitton of starbucks and painted a wall.  With glitter.

And I only half finished it.

Claudette was a little peeved.

I need a play date.  I don’t think Claudette will handle it well if I paint anything else...