Sunday, January 12, 2014

What has television sunk to...?

So I'm sitting here watching this new TLC show called 90 day fiancee.  These American guys have at one point in their lives traveled and met these Russian girls and they fell in love and have been communicating for about six months to a year.  Now the girls have obtained 90 day visas to America and they have to get married in that time or be deported.

The first thing I want to say is Shame on you TLC.  I have said that before.  I said that when they came out with Breaking Amish because those people had not been practicing the faith they were professing to leave for at least ten years by the time the show started.  TLC is exploiting Americans and assuming right off that we are all ignorant and just plain stupid.  They further assumed we were when they came out with Amish Mafia.  But I digress...

Seriously?  How do you spend a few days with someone and then a year online and decide you want to be married?  That kind of commitment takes serious work.

Say I met and fell in love with a guy from the country.  I am a serious city girl.  Cannot tell you how serious I am about being in or near the city.  If and I mean if anything jumped off between us, I would have to go out to his element to see if I have a total nervous breakdown at the screech of a bat or the howl of a coyote.  Provided that after a night in the country, I wasn't stark raving mad, we might try for a weekend.  Then I would have to do some type of vacation with him.  All factors have to be explored before the choice of marriage even comes up.  He has to interact with my kids, my family, my friends. I have to interact with his family, his friends.  Because I believe that a wife should be the religion her husband is, I would need to go to his church to make sure I am comfortable. It's just so many factors.

There is no way that I could "Get to know" someone over the internet only.  And even if that were possible, I could not fly to a separate country and cram what should be a year of dating or more into 90 days and conclude it with a wedding. And there's no way that I could do it on television.

One of these girls is highly upset that her "Fiance" is a Mormon that lives with his parents.  First off, I applaud the Mormon religion for abstaining from sex until after marriage.  That's a good way to ensure that there aren't any oopsies.  He explained to the viewing audience why he still lives with his parents.  He works on an oil rig or something like that and is rarely hime.  It makes no sense for him to pay for a place of his own.

First of all on that.  If you are rarely home, why are you looking to get married? You aren't ever there and you are bringing this poor girl from another country and expect that she stays completely faithful to you while you are away for weeks at a time?  Do you think that after you've forced your decision to do this on your parents that it's going to be a happy happy joy joy situation at home while you are gone?  No, mom and dad are going to try hard to adjust to this person that doesn't speak their language but calls them mom and dad.

Second of all, the fact that you are very secure in your faith and okay with not sleeping with her until you are married and she says outright to you that you should forget your religion just one night and sleep with her.  That she wants you and she doesn't want to wait doesn't raise any flags?  Really?  Right there that says to me that in about three weeks from the night you give in, she is going to come up pregnant and you are going to be trapped.  Run dude!  Run!  So then you work out a thing where you now have an apartment with her but again you are clinging to your faith and your best friend is going to share the living room with you while she sleeps upstairs and she's not the least bit happy that you both are out of your parents house because you still won't sleep in the bed with her. RUN, Forrest! RUN!

I didn't even keep up with the other guy and his girlfriend slash wife to be.  All I see in this show is a couple of god digging foreign women and some stupid as hell men.  I realize that this how our race gets diversified but there's got to be a better way.

I mean these are just my thoughts/  Am I biased that even these women that I perceive to be gold diggers can land a man and I still can't, yes.  I freely admit that I am.  I am biased, I am jealous, I am green with envy.  That doesn't change the fact that I think the whole premise of this show is shit.

Ah whatever!  Good night Bloggers.  Sleep tight.

Rice Cakes and coffee....

Good morning bloggers!

Despite everything, it IS a good morning.  I woke up. I'm breathing, my kids are alive. The world is spinning, and there will be sunshine for the Panthers to play this afternoon.

I'm not a Panther fan per se, but I DO live in Charlotte and they are the local team and their colors are kinda okay so I guess I'm cheering for them today.  Besides, it's been almost 20 years since I rooted for the 49ers to win anything.  I only championed them in high school because a boy that I liked then and I was trying to get in good with him.  It didn't work.

Personally I think that football is one huge game of overpriced catch but far be it from me to down it for anyone else. If I were to ever find a guy and he wanted to spend Sunday afternoons in front of the tele watching the game, I'd make him snacks and then go about my business. It's a man's thing in my opinion. (Of course this didn't stop me from totally knocking down the other girls when I have to play powderpuff football in high school.  No clue what position I played I just know they tossed me the ball and I ran... sorta like Forrest Gump...)

So I'll not say I'm excited for the game because in reality I'm not but it would be awesome if they win.  This would spur the city to really make serious improvements to Bank of America Stadium.  They've wanted the Super bowl here for years and the Panthers making it to the bowl is just the inspiration they need to get on it. Let me tell you, if it ever happens and I'm still living in a house and the superbowl comes to Charlotte, I am so renting out my house for a week.  They say you can make like a grand a night.  Yes, I'm an opportunist like that.

So anyway, I'm sitting here drinking coffee and eating rice cakes.  They are about the only things I'm putting on my stomach right now.  I made Fried chicken wings last night with shortening and they seemed to go down and stay down but then I had a glass of milk and seven cookies.  I don't know what happened but oh my damn.  I expected the cramps and the well... you know because it always hits when I have milk (Actually not so always since my colon started acting up.  It's really a hit or miss thing.) but something said grab the big pot off the shelf, you're gonna need it.  So imagine if you will me sitting on the potty while also hugging a big red spaghetti pot.  It was not pretty, it's was not awesome, and to make matters worse, it happened three more times during the night.  I had no idea a body could throw up that many times.  I'm serious.  My experience with throwing up has always been one good one and then just dry heaves.  I can handle dry heaves.  I cannot handle my body finding stuff to throw up at all hours.

As I always do, when I'm not feeling well, I arranged the pillows on my bed to feel like my Mr. Right was there in bed holding me.  Nothing sexual, just so that it felt like there was another body there, holding me and making me feel not so alone in all this.  I hate being alone when I don't feel well.

Sigh so after this rice cake, I'm going to get dressed for church.  My xMIL didn't call yesterday so I don't have to go get her for church.  Kinda yay, kinda boo.  I like it when she comes to church.  I love my nieces.  I love how they come careening around the corner screaming "Aunt Dette!" and give me hugs.  I love it when my own kids give me running hugs too.  I'm going to miss that when they get too old for hugs.  I like hugs in general.  The ones you get from someone bigger/stronger than you that ask nothing from you but just go on forever.  Those are my favorites.

The world needs more hugs.

Okay well, rice cake finished, I'm going to get ready for church.  Enjoy your Sunday, bloggers!  Stay Frosty!