IT's something I've learned to live with. Not well because the last eye doctor I saw told me that I will most likely be completely blind within the next fifteen years or so and that it was a miracle I wasn't already legally blind. I have ways or helping to prolong the diagnosis. I wear sunglasses everywhere and I have colored contacts that block a good bit of light from my eyes because they are opaque. I avoid going out in direct sunlight and I will make myself late for something if I can't find my shades.
Today I made a rookie mistake. I was sitting outside soaking up some much needed warmth from the sun and I took off my shades. I know... stupid stupid me, but I hate the suntan my face gets when I tan with them on and I ALWAYS tan. There is usually a definite distinction of where my shades where when I sat out in the sun. Anyway, I was soaking up the sun when a co worker called out to me and I opened my eyes into direct sunlight. Boom instant migraine. It was a very awesome thing that Amber let me go home early tonight or I wouldn't have been able to function much past when I did.
Add to that that I spent all day working with two people I probably shouldn't have. The first is a female that well... yeah. I like her okay but she's loud. I'm pretty sure that when she speaks, Pizza Hut can hear her clearly and they are two parking lots over. The concept of personal space is sometimes lost on her as is privacy. Today was no exception. She was loud and on top of that, she was in a bad mood for God only cares what reason. (It was her only day off and she got called in I kinda would be mad as hell too but sometimes you really do just have to get over it.)
So working around/with her was kinda uncomfortable but nowhere near as awkward as being alone in the same room with the guy that you have a crush on who happens to be one of your managers. The last guy I had a crush on, it kinda came on gradually. It worked itself up until one day I was in full blown like. This guy, Freaking day one, I looked at him and piece of me stopped mid track just to oogle. Put that together with repeated interaction with him because we work together and awkward hits a new level that borders on high school but since we're both adults it's like high school in your underwear awkward. At least for me. I'm pretty sure he feels NONE of the awkward I feel. I guess that's good because two awkward people will never have a chance at dating. They will simply avoid all awkward situations until the other goes away.
It's a quarter to twelve and I'm tired. Long day. I just want to sleep. So I'm going to do that as I have a lot to do tomorrow. I completely forgot to make my besties bday cake and her party is tomorrow night. So I will be baking and going to get her gift. Then going over there.
Yawn! Love hugs and hair grease!!