I would set my kids up for college and I would take care of my mom, I would... well I wouldn't really have much after setting up three kids for college, I just wouldn't, and that's reality.
So when it rose to over 300 million dollars I said, "Okay. Still not gonna play because I have better things to do with the money but respect. I'd be a little stupid with my millions after I did the smart thing."
I actually considered buying a ticket when it was over 600 million and I didn't make it off work in time to buy a ticket when it hit over 900 million.
As of this morning, that shit was worth over one point three BILLION dollars which means after taxes you have more than half a billion in your bank account...
A friend of mine, JP asked on Facebook this morning, what would we do if we won?
I'm not even going to pretend. I'm going to be stupid as hell! Oh don't get me wrong I would do the smart thing. I would set my kids up for college, I would set my mom up, and I would even pay off all of my bills. I definitely won't tell my boss to kiss my ass and that I'm never coming back but I would so tell her boss exactly which parts of my posterior he could kiss for all the promotions that he has walked right in front of my face. Not his brother though, I like his brother. 1/4 of my bosses looks like Papa John. And that's kinda funny because I work for Hungry Howie's. 1/4 of my bosses look like Daryl Hall from Hall and Oats (Hall recently, not from the 80's though I imagine in the 80's he might have still looked like him...) And 1/4 of my bosses is just a big ol Teddy bear with no hair and sporting a pair of shorts year round. Saint Jimmy is awesome. The one I would tell to kiss my posterior is a really good guy as well but he doesn't believe in me and that would be the ONLY reason I would say what I would say. Not because he's a bad guy because he's not. He smart, and nice, and when he cracks a joke that others outside his head can understand, he has a cool sense of humor. BUt he doesn't believe in me so if I win the powerball.... yeah

But I would be soooo stupid. I would be like Oprah. You want a car? You got a car. You want a house? you got a house! You want your electric bill paid? You got your electric bill paid! You want that cute puppy your saw in the window? You got that puppy! You have a mystery illness you need diagnosed? I'll send your ass to the mayo clinic!
As for me, I would move to England. Maybe not Westminster because that's pretty much ALL upper class. Not that I couldn't afford it, I would be able to but I would rather have a quaint little house not very far from London. It would have to be on the underground line. I have been on the roads in London and oh my God! I would die in five minutes out there. First off all they drive on the other side of the road. I'm not going to say the wrong side because to them, we drive on the wrong side but they drive like americans do and that's scary enough! We drive like maniacs. They drive like maniacs but on the other side of the road! The entire time I was in London, I swore I was going to die. Hell the entire time I was in Paris, I swore I was going to die in traffic. And they do it on our side of the road!

I was going somewhere with this.
Oh yeah, the lottery.
I can't really say what else I would do. I mean it's money. I would help out a few mom and pop shops but mostly I would just life comfortably. In England. I have no desire to continue living in America really. But that's a whole nother blog for a whole nother day.