Sunday, August 18, 2013

So... Sunday... Kind of a ramble... If you can keep up, you're better than I thought...

It's Sunday and you know what?  I don't have too much to blog about today.  Went to bed last night with a headache the size of Montana and woke up this morning to find it had stretched it's way from the top of my head to the base of my spine.  Not a fun morning.  I actually shed a tear when my almost thirteen year old, looking me in the eye, daughter came barreling down the stairs and gave me her usual "i'm going to knock you down pretending I'm a still a toddler that can leap into your arms" hug.  But I didn't say anything because, let's face it... my days of getting knock you down hugs are numbered with a pre teen and a tween in my house.  One morning I'm going to wake up with no back pain and my daughters are going to great me with a sleepy nod of the head instead of tackling me.  So painful or not, I'm going to take my hugs and suffer in silence...

Still nothing on the romance front but then if the adage is true, I'm not having any luck because I'm looking for it.  But gotta tell ya, it's kinda hard not to look for what you want.  That's like loosing your keys right before you walk out the door and hoping that they magically appear.

I've been waiting for my happily ever after since I was 18!  I'm tired  Where is my Doofus in tin foil??

So okay I'm pretty sure that *if* I have any new readers you might be asking why I say doofus in tin foil and not knight in shining armor...

Knight's in shining armor don't exist.

Yes you read that right.  I have known enough males and read enough romance novels to know that the guy on paper, he doesn't exist.  Sure there are blond haired blue eyes Adonis-like guys that you wish would pay you the slightest bit of attention and use their deep southern drawl to turn your knees to jelly and their well honed muscles to drag you off to bed and give you the good time you know only he can... err... or raven haired and green eyed, brown eyed, sandy haired... whichever, sorry got a little off topic there... what was I saying?  Oh yeah... yeah sure we wish that guy existed but the reality is that the perfect guy is a myth. 

There is a perfect man for each woman, (excluding the women that love other women of course.  I am not pushing heterosexuality on anyone.) but just because he's perfect for you doesn't mean he's perfect period.

I have several friends that have found their Prince Charming and you know what, I'm pretty sure that when they look at their guys, they see sunshine and daisies and unicorns flying out of their bums.  You don't wanna know what I see.  It's often times not very flattering.  THEY ARE GOOD GUYS but I don't see the sunshine.

This may be because I have a skewed view of men.  I'm not overly trustful of them because the last one I let past my walls destroyed the fortress.  I mean took a serious battering ram to the place and made a huge mess.  And ever since the great clean up, no male has made it past the outer wall.

Wow, I get off topic really quickly don't I??  What the $#(&! was I blogging about tonight?

Uhm... I went from a killer headache/backache to the perfect (nonexistent) man... okay... sure... I can work with that...

Have you ever listened to the fine print talk at the end of the dating site commercials?  I have.

And I quote... "Joining is free!  Sign up today!"

They don't lie...joining is free.  actually meeting someone will cost you anywhere from $35/month to $160/year.  Trust me I know I have a profile (sometimes two) on just about every dating site out there from Christian mingle to single parent's dot come.  Did you know there is even a site for farmers??  No shit there is... But they are the free profiles because I can't see taking my limited funds and splurging to find Mr. Right.

But on the flip side, I can't seem to find Mr. Right so is it really that wrong to pay someone else to find him for me?  If you ask my mom and the news, yes.  That is wrong because no one is who they seem to be online and those that are, well aren't they just goody two shoes?  I ask my friends and they well... they give me loving advice that starts with "Are you crazy??  Don't you dare!" and ends with "If you have to do, which you shouldn't, make sure you text me and tell me where you are and make it public and... yada yada..." (This is where I tend to tune out because my resolve to do the online thing has generally buckled under the lecture so why listen to the rules I'm not going to need to follow anyways...)

Me personally I have this thing where I get hung up on one ideal and hell if I can't get off it.  I call it the curse of being an only child and being a spoiled rotten one at that. I always want what is always just out of my reach.

Know what?  Subject change, I'm tired of talking about romance.

I wanna talk about... my birthday.

My birthday is officially 28 days from now.  I know what I want to do but there are serious odds that if I expect that, I will be highly disappointed so I think I'm going to expect a quiet night at home where I'll be routinely ignored or reminded that I'm a mom. (Pretty sure that I won't forget that)  My b-day falls on a Monday this year... boo hiss!!  I'm hoping the ex will take the kids the weekend before or after so that I can at least try to be an adult. Maybe I'll treat myself to a movie.

I am going to stop rambling now and end this.  I have jumped from A to Q and back to B all in the same blog.

OOOOOHHH IDEA!!!! I'm going to pick a letter of the alphabet each day and choose a topic and blog on that.

Insert evil laughter here...

Ciao bloggers!!