Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What happened to...

When schools covered at least the basic supplies???

The point of public school was that you didn't have to pay for it, I thought.  Yet in the last few years,between uniforms and supplies, I'm pretty sure I've paid out more than I w  ould if I sent them to a private school.

I mean WTF?!?! When I was a kid the school provided the tissues, (I know because at least once a month a kid had to go down to the nurse to get a box) paper (at least the copy paper they used to make the copies of our work) and sometimes, if the teacher was into the germ fighting thing, hand sanitizer or soap.  My mother didn't have to buy a calculator because the school had them.  She didn't have to buy a compass because the school had them.

Tell you the truth, I'm not so upset about compasses and protectors as I am about the tissues and the hand san and all the other little stuff.

Olivia's teacher, like all teachers now, requested a box of tissues in her list of school supplies this year.  You know what.  I'm used to it so the one is fine.  But then Olivia came home yesterday and told me that her teacher only received three boxes of tissues from three kids and that she turned around and told those three kids that they needed to bring more.

Are you effing kidding me?? This right here is why I am the parent that send individual sided things for their own personal use.  Because when you do the right thing and send the big box that you KNOW is only going to end up in her closet or on her desk for everyone's kid plus her to use, she gets greedy and asks for more.

And copy paper.  Each ream has 500 sheets, right? If there are so kids in each class and each kid brings a ream of copy paper that's what? 1,500 sheets of paper.  I'm sorry but yes, I am the parent that's standing there wondering and counting to make sure that my child has 500 copied pieces of work.

Then there's the schools that change uniform colors every year.  Yeah cause I have the unlimited funds to buy green shirts one year, yellow the next, and blue the year after that.  Hello!! I have three kids!  I can't afford to buy brand new everything every year.  Yeah right now Kayla is using the boys old green shirts from a year and a half ago but they will not fit Olivia nor will they be in any condition to should I want to impose a really big shirt on her.  The only way that the shirts Jovaughn left and Kayla's wearing are going to fit Olivia is if the child has decent sized blobs to fill them out as she has always been my small child. 

Not that it matters because they have to make it through the Kayla year and ten sit for another year.  Yeah, no.  I don't see that happening.

I have no clue why schools have stopped providing the basis necessities for our children bit I'm pretty sure that parents are soon going to revolt and the schools aren't going to have anything in their supply closests because patents Sony send anything.

I'm half tempted to go out and get laptops for them to save on reams of paper and notebooks. 
I don't know what else to do.  Fall into line like all the sheep and do what I'm told and keep supplying the schools that don't always use the supplies we buy for just our kids or start the promised rebellion and put my foot down.

I just know that it posses me off and if I don't start the rebellion, I am damn sure going to join it...

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