Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Backache and Spaghetti...

So this morning,I woke up with a wicked backache.  It's probably because I have a tendency to sleep curled up in a ball during the night and I always wake up feeling like I imagine the old English felt when on the rack just before their spines popped into a million little useless pieces.

So I popped another two arthritis strength asprin and kept it trucking.  Of course it didn't actually kick in till nearly noon so I was behind in today's chores.  I got my bed sheets washed and two of my big blankets.  I didn't get the plaid comforter washed this time but I did get it washed and not my beige one last time so the balance will he there.  I'm going to bed smelling my awesome fabric softener tonight.

I am out of fabric softener and soap.  By out I mean I have maybe one wash left.  I am not happy.  I'm one of those people that actually begin to panic a little when I am without laundry supplies.  I mean what will I do if something really messy happens and I can't wash it away?!?!

Stop laughing at me.  I know you are.  I fired the trained monkey that did tricks so I'm the only laughter target left....

So the re growing mt laundry will have to wait until tomorrow.  And I swear I am going to fold and hang it all tomorrow.  I need to.  Someone please remind me to get my lazy ass up and do the damn clothes...

So I'm going to sit here and finish watching Master Chef.  It's a good show I wish I could cook like they do.

So ciào!!

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