...it was pouring, I'd still rather be snoring... that is if I did snore... WHICH I DON'T... no matter what anyone tells you, I don't snore... lol...
It's just one of those bleach! kinda days. I'm sitting here and I have done all the facebooking I can do and even though I pay for pogo, it's just not holding my interest today.
So someone else on my facebook got engaged and posted it. I am happy for them. I haven't seen this person face to face since fourth grade but I am still happy for them. Then this morning, after reading that of course, I went back to bed simply because I was in a blah kinda of mood to match the bleach kinda of day and that combination usually means go back to bed before my fingers start insulting someone.
Guess what dream I had!! Go on guess!! Oh you're no fun! Oh, wait! You in the back with the baseball cap on! What'd you say? Yep! You're right!
I had another dream about him.
It's funny how every dream is more and more detailed in every way except his goddamn face. Can someone please tell me that I know he is slightly taller than me with black hair that's sprinkled with a touch of grey, he speaks in a baritone, and isn't thin but isn't pudgy? Huh? I mean, WTF. I can tell you he has a daughter (maybe a son) but no one ever says her name because everyone in the bloody dream knows it. The few sentences that my subconcious can retain are very fuzzy. I don't even know what the conversation in the dream was about only that he has a really really deep baritone voice. The kind that rolls over you like Barry White.
This one I think we were at a party in New Jersey. I can't tell. Andi was there and Kristen was there. John was there as well as a host of people that I know but sorry to say weren't prominent enough for their faces to stay in my subconscious mind's eye. Anyway I think it was just a regular run of the mill party because I don't remember anyone dressed up. And it was outside. I actually think I was picturing Andi's Engagement party because the scene so much as I can remember looked exactly like that. Or maybe I'm just associating that party with the get together I saw in my dream.
You know somewhere, somehow, I hope he's having dreams like this where he can hear my voice and at times see my body but never my face and never hear my name and I hope that it's driving him just as mental as it's driving me.
Hehe! Maybe we'll meet in the mental ward when both of us finally go nuts!
Okay, that wasn't really funny, but still.....
I'm tired. I want to find someone. Part of the purpose of moving down to Charlotte was to find someone that could make me happy. To stop trying to flirt with guys who would never in a million years want me like, for example, Brent. He was a guy that I really liked in New Jersey. I mean really really liked. I hadn't had a crush like that since Chico Perotto in high school. He was out of my league and part of me knew that but a small part of me thought maybe, just maybe I might twitch my ass just the right way and he'd ask me out. I tried, lord help me I tried. I would get all tongue tied around him and not know what to say and where as in my mind he had to see that I was infatuated with him I know that what he really saw was a brainless twit that couldn't have a decent conversation with him, but bloggers I wanted him.
Could it be that Randy was my only shot at companionship that I'm ever going to get in this life? I no longer feel like I fucked that up. But then I'm currently mad at him so when I reach a plateau where we're on speaking terms again I might have one of those moments where I examine my behavior during that time period.
Was he the only person in my life that's ever going to want to make love to me? He never actually loved me so does that mean I'm not ever going to know the kind of love that my friends have? I'm just the one whose smile gets hollower and hollower every time they announce one of those milestones that only true love can get you to? I am going to turn out to be that old lady who was married once and never had a man again. I just know it. I can't even put gratuitous one night stand sex on my have done list. (okay I can but that was before I was married and I was very very drunk and well... it didn't count.) Mainly because I never get to go anywhere that would put me where I could meet a guy to have nameless faceless sex somewhere with. (not that I would want that. Okay you caught me, I would like that once or twice in my life so that when I'm old and telling my life story to my grandkids, I can say "I did that!!")
Times like now I really wish I had slept with that guy I had a date with in college. The one that pulled out the fifty at McDonalds. (You laugh, but that really happened to me.) Maybe if I had my life would have been a totally different life right now.
Le Sigh!
Terminally Single and Blogging is going to sign off for now. Maybe go watch Shrek Forever After.
So yeah... Welcome to my blog. This is my little piece of the world where things that are on my mind (and probably shouldn't be) get dumped. Keep in mind that to read this is to take a peek into my brain and sometimes I don't even like to be there so beware. If you think I am talking about you, take a minutes and ponder why I might have a thought about your that I'd want out of my head and understand that I put it here so that I didn't go off on you! Anyway, have fun reading!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The sun is out...
... But it sure is hell picking spaces to shine down here in the Queen City. Aside from the obvious historical reason, I still have yet to reason out why they stick to that ridiculous nombe de plume. The only thing queen about this city is the ever so sweet but much in need of a serious makeover drag queens (Think "To Wong Foo" but somehow the mirror they were looking in was a funhouse mirror) and the self deigned divas that think they should be crowned Queen, the name really is stupid.
If you haven't noticed I haven't actually managed to be in one of those spots where the effing sun is shining.
So the other night, I got called a Lazy Fuck by my ex husband. I will forever thank John for being there to talk me back down to where the humans are that night but you know what? It kinda hurts that he's the only one. I have mass amounts of "Friends" but out of all them, he's the only one that bothered to take the time to ask me how I'm feeling.
So today, I went and filed for child support since "it" has decided to act like I'm the money grubbing bitch in his life.
I'm not going to detail about that somewhat hellacious hour of my life but suffice to say, I have more than a pretty good feeling that this is going to end up in court and I'm going to have to walk a test of fire.
I don't like fire. I live a fight fire with fire kind of life and unfortunately in order for me to fight this test of fire, I'm going to have to find another dousing agent.
I'm tired, bloggers. I am tired, and worn out.
Did you ever have one of those days where even though you know there's someone out there that actually does give a fuck about you, they are just out of reach and the people who you thought were holding your hand have attached a ghostlike dummy to you and walked away letting you think they are still there? I kinda feel like that. I know that besides my mom there is someone out there that gives a fuck but I still feel adrift.
Today is one of those straws that's making it so the camel has a hard time walking.
I don't get it. I really don't.
On a side note, I have come to the conclusion that I am the friend that everyone dumps problems on but on those few times when I have a problem that cracks my "I'm happy" veneer, not one of those people who dumped their problems on my mind has the time to hold an umbrella for someone outside of their own thunderstorm. This is actually a conclusion I came to a long time ago but something that happened recently affirmed it.
So I'm going to to shellack my veneer again and stuff all of the problems back inside the heavy door with the big DO NOT ENTER sign stuck on it.
This was not a good time to give up caffeinated soda.
IT's a good thing I didn't promise coffee...
Terminally Single and Blogging is just... fuck it... it's not worth it.
If you haven't noticed I haven't actually managed to be in one of those spots where the effing sun is shining.
So the other night, I got called a Lazy Fuck by my ex husband. I will forever thank John for being there to talk me back down to where the humans are that night but you know what? It kinda hurts that he's the only one. I have mass amounts of "Friends" but out of all them, he's the only one that bothered to take the time to ask me how I'm feeling.
So today, I went and filed for child support since "it" has decided to act like I'm the money grubbing bitch in his life.
I'm not going to detail about that somewhat hellacious hour of my life but suffice to say, I have more than a pretty good feeling that this is going to end up in court and I'm going to have to walk a test of fire.
I don't like fire. I live a fight fire with fire kind of life and unfortunately in order for me to fight this test of fire, I'm going to have to find another dousing agent.
I'm tired, bloggers. I am tired, and worn out.
Did you ever have one of those days where even though you know there's someone out there that actually does give a fuck about you, they are just out of reach and the people who you thought were holding your hand have attached a ghostlike dummy to you and walked away letting you think they are still there? I kinda feel like that. I know that besides my mom there is someone out there that gives a fuck but I still feel adrift.
Today is one of those straws that's making it so the camel has a hard time walking.
I don't get it. I really don't.
On a side note, I have come to the conclusion that I am the friend that everyone dumps problems on but on those few times when I have a problem that cracks my "I'm happy" veneer, not one of those people who dumped their problems on my mind has the time to hold an umbrella for someone outside of their own thunderstorm. This is actually a conclusion I came to a long time ago but something that happened recently affirmed it.
So I'm going to to shellack my veneer again and stuff all of the problems back inside the heavy door with the big DO NOT ENTER sign stuck on it.
This was not a good time to give up caffeinated soda.
IT's a good thing I didn't promise coffee...
Terminally Single and Blogging is just... fuck it... it's not worth it.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Feel the need...
... to blog or else I might just scream unholy words on a Sunday and that just wouldn't be a nice thing to do...
Why do Exes always, always, ALWAYS have to ruin a good day??? I mean seriously... It was a really good day. I woke up after getting an actual countable number of hours of sleep, my kids didn't bring in the sun with complaining, I went to church on a caffeine high and actually stayed awake the whole service, and then to top off my joys, my youngest daughter joined the church today.
It was a good effing day.
So of course like with any ex, a warning light went off in their head that signaled that I was having a good day and of course it was his mission in life to ruin it.
I admit it, I called him because he was having one of those bad math days where he didn't think that 100 dollars for three kids for child support was a bad thing. He thought he was doing damn good.
Then he made the mistake of telling me the Judge Mathis line"Times are tough" and "I know how it is." I had to correct him, he doesn't know how it is.
What followed was ten minutes of him telling me how when I first got to Charlotte he offered to pay my rent on a place in town on the bus line for 600 a month so that I could get to a job. (Riddle me this batman, if you can't pay six hundred a month in child support, how are you going to offer to pay six hundred a month in an extra rent?) Yes he did offer that. I would have lost my section 8 and would have never ever been able to get it back again if he had a me moment so forgive me if I wasn't too hasty to jump on that bandwagon after having just moved from New Jersey to North Carolina. After living with him for nearly ten years I got a little street smart. Then he went on to tell me that he always has something to fall back on because he creates situations for himself to fall back on. I am a lazy fuck and he is busting his back to pay for all four of us with no help from me.
And then he hung up on me.
Why am I not seething mad this time? Well I am but it's a more manageable seething mad. The kind of seething mad where if I still had Microsoft word and my story the heroine would pull out a knife and slice a little fat off the situation and by that I mean go ninja on his ass.
I'm not in a let's roll up on his ass and do a drive by mood tonight because I was talking to John on Skype and John heard the WHOLE conversation. The ENTIRE thing. Everything I said and everything he said. For once someone else heard how he talks to me. Someone else got a rare glimpse of what I lived with for nine years. For once, he left the barracks with his ass on his shoulders.
He's going to be pissed when he realizes that somone else saw his ass.
He is going to further pissed when I go to child support and nail his ass. I have no income, not for lack of trying mind you but I have no income. On that basis, combined with the fact that he doesn't see his children half as much as the state says he should spend with them, hes going to be paying five hundred MORE than he was in NJ.
And his kids don't want to go to him for the summer.
This is not my goading either. He sends them back sick, they have to share beds, and they are still on air mattresses with NO PRIVACY there.
Hello!! He has two girls that are pre teens. They need privacy there. And as for the summer, he puts them a day care from six am to six pm and they go to bed at eight so that they can get up to be a day care at six am. HIs son is going to be twelve... IN DAY CARE!!! WTF!!!!
You know what, bloggers, I don't need t be doing this right now because I'm mad, and Im hurt and that is never a good combination with me. So I'm going to sign off and just take it down.
This Terminally Single and Blogging lazy fuck is going to find something productive to do with the rest of her night...
Why do Exes always, always, ALWAYS have to ruin a good day??? I mean seriously... It was a really good day. I woke up after getting an actual countable number of hours of sleep, my kids didn't bring in the sun with complaining, I went to church on a caffeine high and actually stayed awake the whole service, and then to top off my joys, my youngest daughter joined the church today.
It was a good effing day.
So of course like with any ex, a warning light went off in their head that signaled that I was having a good day and of course it was his mission in life to ruin it.
I admit it, I called him because he was having one of those bad math days where he didn't think that 100 dollars for three kids for child support was a bad thing. He thought he was doing damn good.
Then he made the mistake of telling me the Judge Mathis line"Times are tough" and "I know how it is." I had to correct him, he doesn't know how it is.
What followed was ten minutes of him telling me how when I first got to Charlotte he offered to pay my rent on a place in town on the bus line for 600 a month so that I could get to a job. (Riddle me this batman, if you can't pay six hundred a month in child support, how are you going to offer to pay six hundred a month in an extra rent?) Yes he did offer that. I would have lost my section 8 and would have never ever been able to get it back again if he had a me moment so forgive me if I wasn't too hasty to jump on that bandwagon after having just moved from New Jersey to North Carolina. After living with him for nearly ten years I got a little street smart. Then he went on to tell me that he always has something to fall back on because he creates situations for himself to fall back on. I am a lazy fuck and he is busting his back to pay for all four of us with no help from me.
And then he hung up on me.
Why am I not seething mad this time? Well I am but it's a more manageable seething mad. The kind of seething mad where if I still had Microsoft word and my story the heroine would pull out a knife and slice a little fat off the situation and by that I mean go ninja on his ass.
I'm not in a let's roll up on his ass and do a drive by mood tonight because I was talking to John on Skype and John heard the WHOLE conversation. The ENTIRE thing. Everything I said and everything he said. For once someone else heard how he talks to me. Someone else got a rare glimpse of what I lived with for nine years. For once, he left the barracks with his ass on his shoulders.
He's going to be pissed when he realizes that somone else saw his ass.
He is going to further pissed when I go to child support and nail his ass. I have no income, not for lack of trying mind you but I have no income. On that basis, combined with the fact that he doesn't see his children half as much as the state says he should spend with them, hes going to be paying five hundred MORE than he was in NJ.
And his kids don't want to go to him for the summer.
This is not my goading either. He sends them back sick, they have to share beds, and they are still on air mattresses with NO PRIVACY there.
Hello!! He has two girls that are pre teens. They need privacy there. And as for the summer, he puts them a day care from six am to six pm and they go to bed at eight so that they can get up to be a day care at six am. HIs son is going to be twelve... IN DAY CARE!!! WTF!!!!
You know what, bloggers, I don't need t be doing this right now because I'm mad, and Im hurt and that is never a good combination with me. So I'm going to sign off and just take it down.
This Terminally Single and Blogging lazy fuck is going to find something productive to do with the rest of her night...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Sleep and the Single Girl...
Hola, blog readers! How have you been in my absence? Good? Glad to hear it.
So it's no secret that I have sleeping problems. The kind where my days and my nights get mixed up and inevitably, I will be up most of the night and down most of the day and then I'll have something that I have to do during the day but still be up all night and then... well... then you really want to clear my path like a kid who just ate a pot of baked beans.
I have been told by people who love me despite my bitch tendencies that even they don't want to know me when I get on a no sleep kick. Hell I don't want to know me. My kids, well, my kids run from me. Except Livy. Livy hugs me. Continuously. As if all the hugs in the world are going to banish bitch mommy. They don't but I try really hard to pretend that they do.
So I was in Wal-Mart the other night and I decided it was time to replinish my drugs. And by drugs I mean Chocolate, soda, Bayer Back and Body, Advil Migraine, and sleeping pills. You know the basic stuff that makes me the loveable Dette that you all know and love
Shut up. I can hear you laughing, I just want you to know that.
My mom was as usual not happy that I needed yet more sleeping pills. No one wants to see their daughter maybe addicted to sleeping pills. That scenario NEVER turns out well. I'm either hooked and can't sleep without them, or I tell myself it's time to come off them so I don't take them, and I don't sleep and I pretty much scare, alienate, and piss off everyone not necessarily in that order.
I picked up Unisom because as I figure it, you can't get addicted to sleeping pills if you keep changing your brand. OF COURSE I KNOW THAT'S A HUGE LOAD OF BULLSHIT, THERE'S REALLY NO NEED TO POINT THAT OUT. But anyway, I notice that the box says something about Melatonin. So naturally my brain clicked to what is this melatonin? Is this the stuff that makes you sleep? IF this is the stuff that makes you sleep, then can I get it pure? DO I have to take this filler crap?
I asked the pharmacist. He said that they sold Melatonin and that I didn't need a prescription. Yay!
Well, no not yay. In order to get the dose that they put in sleeping pills I kinda have to take four. So not happening. BUt I bought the stuff anyway and have been taking two a night for a week now and guess what???
It's daytime outside and I'M NOT ASLEEP!!! I don't even have a desire to crawl back into bed!!! I sleep most of the night meaning I go to bed between eleven and one and when I wake up at six fifty, I'm not tired anymore.
I have so much freaking energy it's amazing! Yesterday I put together two bookcases. The day before that I did a desk hutch thing. Today I am tackling laundry and I might even get to do my own clothes!
Keep in mind I am not saying that the pills are giving me energy. I know that they aren't just the thrill of having no desire to crawl back into bed until a less heinous time of morning, like, oh say, noon arrives is giving me a boost.
I have even started cooking again and not feeding my kids that heat and eat shit I do when I get really funky.
Night before last I rotisseried a pork roast that between my kids and I is gone. The day before that I think it was chicken and last night... OMG!!! I bought a slow cooker. Let me tell you, if you don't have one, freaking get one! I put a pot roast in with strips of bell peppers, whole new potatoes and seasoning at sevn thirty yesterday morning and by last night.....
Insert Homer simpson like drool here.
About an our before serving I put two cans of french cut green beans in and stirred it up and then made white rice and ladled the beef stew-ish mix on top of it. Two one pound bags of rice later, I had a happy and full household. Even Livy cleaned her plate. That right there is an accomplishment that it so awesome it speaks in tones only dogs can hear.
So okay, Grey's anatomy is on on the big TV. The one I rarely get to watch so I'm going to go!
Terminally Single and Blogging is bouncy today!
Stay Chilly Bloggies!
So it's no secret that I have sleeping problems. The kind where my days and my nights get mixed up and inevitably, I will be up most of the night and down most of the day and then I'll have something that I have to do during the day but still be up all night and then... well... then you really want to clear my path like a kid who just ate a pot of baked beans.
I have been told by people who love me despite my bitch tendencies that even they don't want to know me when I get on a no sleep kick. Hell I don't want to know me. My kids, well, my kids run from me. Except Livy. Livy hugs me. Continuously. As if all the hugs in the world are going to banish bitch mommy. They don't but I try really hard to pretend that they do.
So I was in Wal-Mart the other night and I decided it was time to replinish my drugs. And by drugs I mean Chocolate, soda, Bayer Back and Body, Advil Migraine, and sleeping pills. You know the basic stuff that makes me the loveable Dette that you all know and love
Shut up. I can hear you laughing, I just want you to know that.
My mom was as usual not happy that I needed yet more sleeping pills. No one wants to see their daughter maybe addicted to sleeping pills. That scenario NEVER turns out well. I'm either hooked and can't sleep without them, or I tell myself it's time to come off them so I don't take them, and I don't sleep and I pretty much scare, alienate, and piss off everyone not necessarily in that order.
I picked up Unisom because as I figure it, you can't get addicted to sleeping pills if you keep changing your brand. OF COURSE I KNOW THAT'S A HUGE LOAD OF BULLSHIT, THERE'S REALLY NO NEED TO POINT THAT OUT. But anyway, I notice that the box says something about Melatonin. So naturally my brain clicked to what is this melatonin? Is this the stuff that makes you sleep? IF this is the stuff that makes you sleep, then can I get it pure? DO I have to take this filler crap?
I asked the pharmacist. He said that they sold Melatonin and that I didn't need a prescription. Yay!
Well, no not yay. In order to get the dose that they put in sleeping pills I kinda have to take four. So not happening. BUt I bought the stuff anyway and have been taking two a night for a week now and guess what???
It's daytime outside and I'M NOT ASLEEP!!! I don't even have a desire to crawl back into bed!!! I sleep most of the night meaning I go to bed between eleven and one and when I wake up at six fifty, I'm not tired anymore.
I have so much freaking energy it's amazing! Yesterday I put together two bookcases. The day before that I did a desk hutch thing. Today I am tackling laundry and I might even get to do my own clothes!
Keep in mind I am not saying that the pills are giving me energy. I know that they aren't just the thrill of having no desire to crawl back into bed until a less heinous time of morning, like, oh say, noon arrives is giving me a boost.
I have even started cooking again and not feeding my kids that heat and eat shit I do when I get really funky.
Night before last I rotisseried a pork roast that between my kids and I is gone. The day before that I think it was chicken and last night... OMG!!! I bought a slow cooker. Let me tell you, if you don't have one, freaking get one! I put a pot roast in with strips of bell peppers, whole new potatoes and seasoning at sevn thirty yesterday morning and by last night.....
Insert Homer simpson like drool here.
About an our before serving I put two cans of french cut green beans in and stirred it up and then made white rice and ladled the beef stew-ish mix on top of it. Two one pound bags of rice later, I had a happy and full household. Even Livy cleaned her plate. That right there is an accomplishment that it so awesome it speaks in tones only dogs can hear.
So okay, Grey's anatomy is on on the big TV. The one I rarely get to watch so I'm going to go!
Terminally Single and Blogging is bouncy today!
Stay Chilly Bloggies!
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
About to go military on my son.....
Well, my son has started down the road to lying again. Stupid useless lying. Not creative lying that he *might* have a shot at getting away with.
Remember the blog yesterday when I said the cop came to the door because the back door of the truck was left open ALL NIGHT? I had asked him that night if the horn honked to let me know the car was locked and he said yes. Okay granted, he got away with that sorta but dude, the consequences we could have faced...
Then he does odd chores at my moms place for a few bucks. Usually he does the best he can and only screws it by a little. Like loading the dishwasher but leaving every single cup on the counter. Or vacuuming the floor with the brush pulled up so it doesn't sweep the carpet. Or washing the mirrors with plain water instead of actual glass cleaner. Well last night he loaded her dishwasher and she told him to dump the collard greens left in the big pot into the toilet. He said he did. he confirmed that he did by flushing the toilet (I was at walmart when this happened) So she went to pull the dishes out of the dishwasher this afternoon and the whole machine is caked with collard greens because he never flushed them he just put the pot in. He knows better. His job here is the dishes so he KNOWS how to load a dishwasher.
Tonight he stayed out until after dark playing football. He knows the streetlights come on he comes home. THis is not an unreasonable rule. I know of several other mothers who have this rule. Come lights on tonight, there was no Jovaughn. I even gave him a grace ten minutes. The sun was fully down and the sky nearly full dark when he decided to drag his butt back home and then he was upset to find that I locked him out. I have rules for a reason and he's flouting them. His reason was he didn't notice that it was getting dark.
A normal liar would have said he was having too much fun and thought maybe I wouldn't mind. A normal liar would have said he missed some collard greens or something.
I can't stand it! He's not creative at lying. He has more tells than an amateur poker player. And he lies over the absolute stupidest stuff.
We've done this before. We went down this road. The last time, it was hard on both of us. I wasn't prepared to deal with a kid that blatantly lied to me. Now, however, the road is going to hard on mostly him. He's the one that's going to suffer.
I even have a bit of a plan
Not Making bed:
He thinks that I am going to allow him to live with his father where he won't have to be one of three face in a house, he'll get his cell phone back, and various other things his father gives him when he's visiting. But that's just it, when he's there, he's VISITING. Randy is a whole different person when you are with him day and night and sooner or later, The other woman is going to resent having to be mom to a great grown child thats not hers.
I don't know. I will let you know how bumpy the road gets.
My sleeping pill is kicking in so, Terminally Single and Blogging is going to snuggle her covers! night all!
Remember the blog yesterday when I said the cop came to the door because the back door of the truck was left open ALL NIGHT? I had asked him that night if the horn honked to let me know the car was locked and he said yes. Okay granted, he got away with that sorta but dude, the consequences we could have faced...
Then he does odd chores at my moms place for a few bucks. Usually he does the best he can and only screws it by a little. Like loading the dishwasher but leaving every single cup on the counter. Or vacuuming the floor with the brush pulled up so it doesn't sweep the carpet. Or washing the mirrors with plain water instead of actual glass cleaner. Well last night he loaded her dishwasher and she told him to dump the collard greens left in the big pot into the toilet. He said he did. he confirmed that he did by flushing the toilet (I was at walmart when this happened) So she went to pull the dishes out of the dishwasher this afternoon and the whole machine is caked with collard greens because he never flushed them he just put the pot in. He knows better. His job here is the dishes so he KNOWS how to load a dishwasher.
Tonight he stayed out until after dark playing football. He knows the streetlights come on he comes home. THis is not an unreasonable rule. I know of several other mothers who have this rule. Come lights on tonight, there was no Jovaughn. I even gave him a grace ten minutes. The sun was fully down and the sky nearly full dark when he decided to drag his butt back home and then he was upset to find that I locked him out. I have rules for a reason and he's flouting them. His reason was he didn't notice that it was getting dark.
A normal liar would have said he was having too much fun and thought maybe I wouldn't mind. A normal liar would have said he missed some collard greens or something.
I can't stand it! He's not creative at lying. He has more tells than an amateur poker player. And he lies over the absolute stupidest stuff.
We've done this before. We went down this road. The last time, it was hard on both of us. I wasn't prepared to deal with a kid that blatantly lied to me. Now, however, the road is going to hard on mostly him. He's the one that's going to suffer.
I even have a bit of a plan
Not Making bed:
- First offense: Loss of outside playtime as well as no dessert and television
- Second offense: The first punishment plus art supplies
- Third offense: loss of bedroom; must sleep in living room on floor
- First Offense: Loss of outside time and no dessert or juice
- Second Offense: The first punishment as well as no television.
- Third Offense: extra kitchen duties as well as the first two punishments.
- First Offense: Loss of ALL privileges (Outside, juice, dessert, art supplies, toys, television)
- Second Offense: All money in his posession gets turned over to me.
- Third Offense: The first two punishments as well as loss of bedroom, loss of any income earned for one month.
He thinks that I am going to allow him to live with his father where he won't have to be one of three face in a house, he'll get his cell phone back, and various other things his father gives him when he's visiting. But that's just it, when he's there, he's VISITING. Randy is a whole different person when you are with him day and night and sooner or later, The other woman is going to resent having to be mom to a great grown child thats not hers.
I don't know. I will let you know how bumpy the road gets.
My sleeping pill is kicking in so, Terminally Single and Blogging is going to snuggle her covers! night all!
Monday, March 07, 2011
Okay, I was wrong...
When I said that an iv full of black coffee wouldn't help.
Convinced my mom that Dunkin' Donuts was a mjst have this AM and we get there and I should known that something was not quite kosher when I saw Agnes. (Yes, that's really her name.) This woman put cheese on my sandwich twice before when I said no cheese multiple times so why would I dare to dream that she could get a cup of coffee right??
Standard order. I ask for a large cup, draw a line, say sugar to there, three creams and french vanilla.
Agnes didn't so much as throw sugar near my cup this morning.
But as I need serious caffine to save humanity I am drinking. And boy is it working. So far in this short short morning I have nearly been rear ended, almost run over a stupid ass trying to cross a busy highway, and been rudely talked over by an old woman who apparently didn't see my large black ass standing in front of the window talking to the receptionist.
But they are all still alive.
The guy crossing the highway may not be if he kept trying to cross. Idk but I didn't hit him...
Blog ya later babes!
Convinced my mom that Dunkin' Donuts was a mjst have this AM and we get there and I should known that something was not quite kosher when I saw Agnes. (Yes, that's really her name.) This woman put cheese on my sandwich twice before when I said no cheese multiple times so why would I dare to dream that she could get a cup of coffee right??
Standard order. I ask for a large cup, draw a line, say sugar to there, three creams and french vanilla.
Agnes didn't so much as throw sugar near my cup this morning.
But as I need serious caffine to save humanity I am drinking. And boy is it working. So far in this short short morning I have nearly been rear ended, almost run over a stupid ass trying to cross a busy highway, and been rudely talked over by an old woman who apparently didn't see my large black ass standing in front of the window talking to the receptionist.
But they are all still alive.
The guy crossing the highway may not be if he kept trying to cross. Idk but I didn't hit him...
Blog ya later babes!
And We're up...
...would be what I would say if we were actually down... Seriously I got so little sleep I don't think a black coffee IV wouldn't help me right now.
So why am I up? Well aside from the obvious that I had to get the kids ready for school, (which might I add no matter how many times we go through this, they STILL can't get their clothes downstairs for me to wash and then they complain that they don't get to wear what they want to.) Mommy has a Doctors appointment at nine thirty and we have to go to the city so suffice to say that crawling back in bed until nine would be very very dangerous considering shes five minutes away and the city is ten from her plus we're going uptown in the morning.
Why can't the whole world work on my schedule? No, I don't want that cause I would have kids in school nearly twelve hours or more. Too much time in school and not enough time to do the stupid shit kids today do.
Dude, I warned you no sleep...
So I got cable the other day. I swear my kids IQ's dropped like fifteen points immediately. I had the whole do what I say when I say thing on lock or at least on track and now I find myself competing with the freaking boob tube for their attention, AGAIN. They will be so damn lucky if I don't have mommy cut the cable before the end of the year. On the flip side I have cab;e in my room and haven't actually managed to watch a show yet. I remember when I used to flip the TV on the second I hit the room. Now its an odd day when it gets turned on in my presence. You would seriously never know I grew up with one eye on the world and one on the TV.
What else? I'm sure if you've been to my facebook page, you've seen that we took pictures yesterday. I think I got some good one. My kids are growing up and there's nothing like portrait pictures to yell that fact at you in blaring tones.
I keep saying that I only have nine years and some odd months until my kids are gone but looking at the pictures, IDK. It feels like yesterday they were my babies and today they are my young adults. Freaking Livy grew a foot in the last month. I looked up the other day and nearly plotzed! My baby was now at my shoulders. She's going to be true Henderson. Tall and thin. My sister in law has had two kids and wears a size SIX. Yeah you read that right. I remember the day my former mother in law called me complaining that she had brought her some size zero jeans and they were too big. I also remember thinking, "And the fat chick wants to hear this because..." But then I tend to think that a lot when my former MIL is talking...
Did I tell you she got the boy a phone for Christmas?? I told this woman THREE TIMES not to give him a phone and she still gives him a cell phone for Christmas. WHAT THE FUCK??? Was I speaking Swahili or something? I think maybe I was saying words but she was hearing the "Wah Wah Wah." like they adults speak in the Charlie Brown shows. That is the only plausible explanation. I mean cause any other explanation would point to her being a megabitch right? Am I wrong? This woman was actually nice to me for a few years and then she turned into this woman that steamrolled over me regardless of what resistance I put up. But then, I think she does that to everyone so I really shouldn't feel especially singled out.
Someone really needs to tell her that it would be stupid to mess with a mother bear protecting her cubs when that mother bear is no longer legally attached to the vulture's family. Bears and Vultures don't get along and if she keeps screwing with my cubs shes going to find that her visitation involves a sterile white room at your local social services and a monitor that keeps her ten feet away from them at all times.
Other people need to learn that lesson but we're not saying anything about them... LOL.
Okay, well I should be getting dressed to go get Mommy. Blog ya later!
Terminally Single and Blogging is Outtie!!
So why am I up? Well aside from the obvious that I had to get the kids ready for school, (which might I add no matter how many times we go through this, they STILL can't get their clothes downstairs for me to wash and then they complain that they don't get to wear what they want to.) Mommy has a Doctors appointment at nine thirty and we have to go to the city so suffice to say that crawling back in bed until nine would be very very dangerous considering shes five minutes away and the city is ten from her plus we're going uptown in the morning.
Why can't the whole world work on my schedule? No, I don't want that cause I would have kids in school nearly twelve hours or more. Too much time in school and not enough time to do the stupid shit kids today do.
Dude, I warned you no sleep...
So I got cable the other day. I swear my kids IQ's dropped like fifteen points immediately. I had the whole do what I say when I say thing on lock or at least on track and now I find myself competing with the freaking boob tube for their attention, AGAIN. They will be so damn lucky if I don't have mommy cut the cable before the end of the year. On the flip side I have cab;e in my room and haven't actually managed to watch a show yet. I remember when I used to flip the TV on the second I hit the room. Now its an odd day when it gets turned on in my presence. You would seriously never know I grew up with one eye on the world and one on the TV.
What else? I'm sure if you've been to my facebook page, you've seen that we took pictures yesterday. I think I got some good one. My kids are growing up and there's nothing like portrait pictures to yell that fact at you in blaring tones.
![]() |
Wilson-Henderson Family March 2011 |
I keep saying that I only have nine years and some odd months until my kids are gone but looking at the pictures, IDK. It feels like yesterday they were my babies and today they are my young adults. Freaking Livy grew a foot in the last month. I looked up the other day and nearly plotzed! My baby was now at my shoulders. She's going to be true Henderson. Tall and thin. My sister in law has had two kids and wears a size SIX. Yeah you read that right. I remember the day my former mother in law called me complaining that she had brought her some size zero jeans and they were too big. I also remember thinking, "And the fat chick wants to hear this because..." But then I tend to think that a lot when my former MIL is talking...
Did I tell you she got the boy a phone for Christmas?? I told this woman THREE TIMES not to give him a phone and she still gives him a cell phone for Christmas. WHAT THE FUCK??? Was I speaking Swahili or something? I think maybe I was saying words but she was hearing the "Wah Wah Wah." like they adults speak in the Charlie Brown shows. That is the only plausible explanation. I mean cause any other explanation would point to her being a megabitch right? Am I wrong? This woman was actually nice to me for a few years and then she turned into this woman that steamrolled over me regardless of what resistance I put up. But then, I think she does that to everyone so I really shouldn't feel especially singled out.
Someone really needs to tell her that it would be stupid to mess with a mother bear protecting her cubs when that mother bear is no longer legally attached to the vulture's family. Bears and Vultures don't get along and if she keeps screwing with my cubs shes going to find that her visitation involves a sterile white room at your local social services and a monitor that keeps her ten feet away from them at all times.
Other people need to learn that lesson but we're not saying anything about them... LOL.
Okay, well I should be getting dressed to go get Mommy. Blog ya later!
Terminally Single and Blogging is Outtie!!
Sunday, March 06, 2011
It's Raining, It's pouring!
So this morning, I had a nice visit from my neighborhood cop. Seems the neighbor has been calling in someone pulling up in their driveway and sleeping in the car, FOR TWO NIGHTS NOW.
Gee, you think that might be something you'd want to mention to your neighbors with kids??
So anyway, the cop rings the doorbell and he tells me that the backdoor on the car is slightly open. It wouldn't really be the kind of thing he noticed but seeing that he had a call about someone sleeping in a car in someone's driveway seemingly staking out the nighborhood he thought it might be connected.
What ensued from then on was me making sure the car would start (How would I explain that to my mother after just bought a new battery???) And then remembering that I have this horrible habit of shoving my wallet in between the seats so that you have to be in the car to see it but so that I have it when I am in the car. (It was actually in my coat pocket for once) And then thinking about the stereo.
Thankfully the car was untouched. No one noticed that the car was open because it was closed enough that the light must have gone off.
How did this happen? The boy. Last night Jovaughn went out to get my pocketbook because there was something I needed in it. I kept asking him did the car honk?? Because if the car alarm honks when I am locking it, it means all doors are closed and all is good in the hood. He kept saying yes it honked. (Liar!) so finally I believed him and secured the house. (Did I mention I LOVE my new security system? It has a keyfob that lets me secure my house from my bedroom in the back of the house, where I can't see the car.) I even checked the outside before I shut off the lights and went to be last night (this morning). It really was, for all appearances and whatnot, all good in the hood. But It wasn't.
But all was there and all was good. So there was no worry. I didn't even feel the need to remind the boy that should he have left the door completely open whatever happened would have been mostly on him.
Oh well.
Terminally single and blogging is happy all's good in the hood!
Gee, you think that might be something you'd want to mention to your neighbors with kids??
So anyway, the cop rings the doorbell and he tells me that the backdoor on the car is slightly open. It wouldn't really be the kind of thing he noticed but seeing that he had a call about someone sleeping in a car in someone's driveway seemingly staking out the nighborhood he thought it might be connected.
What ensued from then on was me making sure the car would start (How would I explain that to my mother after just bought a new battery???) And then remembering that I have this horrible habit of shoving my wallet in between the seats so that you have to be in the car to see it but so that I have it when I am in the car. (It was actually in my coat pocket for once) And then thinking about the stereo.
Thankfully the car was untouched. No one noticed that the car was open because it was closed enough that the light must have gone off.
How did this happen? The boy. Last night Jovaughn went out to get my pocketbook because there was something I needed in it. I kept asking him did the car honk?? Because if the car alarm honks when I am locking it, it means all doors are closed and all is good in the hood. He kept saying yes it honked. (Liar!) so finally I believed him and secured the house. (Did I mention I LOVE my new security system? It has a keyfob that lets me secure my house from my bedroom in the back of the house, where I can't see the car.) I even checked the outside before I shut off the lights and went to be last night (this morning). It really was, for all appearances and whatnot, all good in the hood. But It wasn't.
But all was there and all was good. So there was no worry. I didn't even feel the need to remind the boy that should he have left the door completely open whatever happened would have been mostly on him.
Oh well.
Terminally single and blogging is happy all's good in the hood!
Saturday, March 05, 2011
I would just like you to note...
That the time as I am typing this is. 8:14 AM.
On a Saturday.
I am awake before ten on a saturday.
Do you know why I am awake before ten on a Saturday? Because we had a sleepover last night and at SEVEN FIFTEEN THIS MORNING, there was a WHAM of Almighty proportions and I thought my ceiling was going to come crashing in.
We had Kira over for an overnight last night. All in all very good. No trouble AT ALL. Wanna stress that. However I don't have rambuncous kids. My kids get up in the morning and turn on a movie or the tv and sit quietly and eat quietly because they know that Mommy who sleeps is MUCH much MUCH nicer than Mommy who is woken up.
Im still human if you really want to know.
I DO NOT foresee a late night tonight unless somewhere around three I catch a nap.
Ugh! I am tired...
Oh? What was the wham?? Kira jumped off Kayla's bed. Teeny Tiny Little girl plus friction of falling through air plus meeting hard floor, equals WHAM.
I need coffee. Terminally Single and blogging needs coffee... Lots of coffee.....
On a Saturday.
I am awake before ten on a saturday.
Do you know why I am awake before ten on a Saturday? Because we had a sleepover last night and at SEVEN FIFTEEN THIS MORNING, there was a WHAM of Almighty proportions and I thought my ceiling was going to come crashing in.
We had Kira over for an overnight last night. All in all very good. No trouble AT ALL. Wanna stress that. However I don't have rambuncous kids. My kids get up in the morning and turn on a movie or the tv and sit quietly and eat quietly because they know that Mommy who sleeps is MUCH much MUCH nicer than Mommy who is woken up.
Im still human if you really want to know.
I DO NOT foresee a late night tonight unless somewhere around three I catch a nap.
Ugh! I am tired...
Oh? What was the wham?? Kira jumped off Kayla's bed. Teeny Tiny Little girl plus friction of falling through air plus meeting hard floor, equals WHAM.
I need coffee. Terminally Single and blogging needs coffee... Lots of coffee.....
Friday, March 04, 2011
So Much..
...has happened in my life these last few days.
1. I got a fridge.
2. I got internet/TV/and phone
3. I got a security system! YAY!
4. I got a couch.
My house is starting to look like a home. Its so way beyond awesome I can't even begin to describe it! For the first time in months, I feel okay. Not awesome, not tubular or any of those other words but OKAY and if you know me, then okay is is as close to awesome as a second hand high with a cup full of alcohol. LOL!
Not even concerned about the man right this moment. Dunno why. I go through moments where if he shows its awesome if he doesn't it's the end of life as we know it, Then I got through times where if he doesn't show, oh the hell well, hes the one that missed out on another day with me.
Granted I still have those feelings that I can't explain. Like my kids being absolutely nowhere around and I can hear a little girl laugh. Or my kids will be stone asleep and I hear crying. Or I drift off to sleep and a man with a baritone voice says "Goodnight. I love you." That one had me up and pondering a bit. I finally chalked it up to having a very overactive imagination but then I heard it a few more times after I had alternately doused my brain with Alcohol or sleeping pills and I came up blank.
So right at the moment, life is okay. not bad, not way good. But okay.
So what should I talk about tonight?
I know. Stupidity.
If you see a car coming and you still stand in the middle of the parking spot talking on your phone under the assumption that I will not hit you, you are stupid. There is no way around that one. Look at the license plates, bitch! NEW JERSEY!! Don't you know that means I will knock your stupid ass down just to get to the parking spot that's closer to the door?
You know what else is stupid? Those guys that wear their pants so far down I see skin below their drawers. Okay, seriously. Not only are you stupid for letting your mirror lie to you and tell you that you looked good. You are stupid because now you duck walk and I don't even feel the need to conceal the fact that I am laughing and pointing at you and yes, rest assured that annoying little snicker while I twitter your picture across the country, yeah that's me. But then you have the one that wear them so low I see skin. Either your mom is as ghetto as you or she just didn't teach you right.
And lets not forget the ones that have shit stains in the drawers and STILL wear them hanging low. NO comment.
So I live in the bible belt. I have accepted this fact. I have embraced this fact. Do you know what I cannot embrace?? Carving the name JESUS in the back of your damn skull! I actually saw a WOMAN who had the back of her head shaved with the name JESUS in it. I know his name, he knows his name, obviously you know his name. Must we carve it in our heads?
While we are on the subject of heads... I have blond streaks but babe, they're braids. Obvious braids. You trying to rock that platinum blond weave that goes down to your ass when you are five four and blacker than my favorite sharpie marker... uh uh sweetie. You gonna have to fire your mirror, your hairdresser, you clothes shopper, and hell just fire them all. If you aren't a caramel, big tittie woman with a million dollars and named Lil' Kim, you are not rocking this style, you are knocking it and it is knocking you.
Old men with young women. Seriously, I'm not discriminating but I just can't help thinking about the wrinkles on the dong and pushing them up to actually find the dong and...shudder... EW!!!!!
You know what, I could actually go on forever. Charlotte is full of dumb people and I think I am going to try and get pictures. Yes, I am.
I feel like netflixing something. I will catch you all later!
One love!
Terminally Single and Blogging is calling it a night.
1. I got a fridge.
2. I got internet/TV/and phone
3. I got a security system! YAY!
4. I got a couch.
My house is starting to look like a home. Its so way beyond awesome I can't even begin to describe it! For the first time in months, I feel okay. Not awesome, not tubular or any of those other words but OKAY and if you know me, then okay is is as close to awesome as a second hand high with a cup full of alcohol. LOL!
Not even concerned about the man right this moment. Dunno why. I go through moments where if he shows its awesome if he doesn't it's the end of life as we know it, Then I got through times where if he doesn't show, oh the hell well, hes the one that missed out on another day with me.
Granted I still have those feelings that I can't explain. Like my kids being absolutely nowhere around and I can hear a little girl laugh. Or my kids will be stone asleep and I hear crying. Or I drift off to sleep and a man with a baritone voice says "Goodnight. I love you." That one had me up and pondering a bit. I finally chalked it up to having a very overactive imagination but then I heard it a few more times after I had alternately doused my brain with Alcohol or sleeping pills and I came up blank.
So right at the moment, life is okay. not bad, not way good. But okay.
So what should I talk about tonight?
I know. Stupidity.
If you see a car coming and you still stand in the middle of the parking spot talking on your phone under the assumption that I will not hit you, you are stupid. There is no way around that one. Look at the license plates, bitch! NEW JERSEY!! Don't you know that means I will knock your stupid ass down just to get to the parking spot that's closer to the door?
You know what else is stupid? Those guys that wear their pants so far down I see skin below their drawers. Okay, seriously. Not only are you stupid for letting your mirror lie to you and tell you that you looked good. You are stupid because now you duck walk and I don't even feel the need to conceal the fact that I am laughing and pointing at you and yes, rest assured that annoying little snicker while I twitter your picture across the country, yeah that's me. But then you have the one that wear them so low I see skin. Either your mom is as ghetto as you or she just didn't teach you right.
And lets not forget the ones that have shit stains in the drawers and STILL wear them hanging low. NO comment.
So I live in the bible belt. I have accepted this fact. I have embraced this fact. Do you know what I cannot embrace?? Carving the name JESUS in the back of your damn skull! I actually saw a WOMAN who had the back of her head shaved with the name JESUS in it. I know his name, he knows his name, obviously you know his name. Must we carve it in our heads?
While we are on the subject of heads... I have blond streaks but babe, they're braids. Obvious braids. You trying to rock that platinum blond weave that goes down to your ass when you are five four and blacker than my favorite sharpie marker... uh uh sweetie. You gonna have to fire your mirror, your hairdresser, you clothes shopper, and hell just fire them all. If you aren't a caramel, big tittie woman with a million dollars and named Lil' Kim, you are not rocking this style, you are knocking it and it is knocking you.
Old men with young women. Seriously, I'm not discriminating but I just can't help thinking about the wrinkles on the dong and pushing them up to actually find the dong and...shudder... EW!!!!!
You know what, I could actually go on forever. Charlotte is full of dumb people and I think I am going to try and get pictures. Yes, I am.
I feel like netflixing something. I will catch you all later!
One love!
Terminally Single and Blogging is calling it a night.
Long time no see!
Yeah I know, don't start...
"You promised that you were going to try and blog more and I haven't seen nor heard from you in almost a month!!"
Someone actually complained to me that I didn't go online and bore the masses with my constant whining... Go fig.
But now I have Internet thanks to my more than awesome ma!
A lot has been going on and some of it good, some of it really fouled up but most of it just ehhh. I PROMISE i will try my hardest to post more tonight about it, but at the moment I have to go get dressed to go get my ma! Blog ya Later!
Terminally Single and Blogging is hittin the showers!
"You promised that you were going to try and blog more and I haven't seen nor heard from you in almost a month!!"
Someone actually complained to me that I didn't go online and bore the masses with my constant whining... Go fig.
But now I have Internet thanks to my more than awesome ma!
A lot has been going on and some of it good, some of it really fouled up but most of it just ehhh. I PROMISE i will try my hardest to post more tonight about it, but at the moment I have to go get dressed to go get my ma! Blog ya Later!
Terminally Single and Blogging is hittin the showers!
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