Sunday, March 27, 2011

Feel the need...

... to blog or else I might just scream unholy words on a Sunday and that just wouldn't be a nice thing to do...

Why do Exes always, always, ALWAYS have to ruin a good day???  I mean seriously... It was a really good day.  I woke up after getting an actual countable number of hours of sleep, my kids didn't bring in the sun with complaining, I went to church on a caffeine high and actually stayed awake the whole service, and then to top off my joys, my youngest daughter joined the church today.

It was a good effing day.

So of course like with any ex, a warning light went off in their head that signaled that I was having a good day and of course it was his mission in life to ruin it.

I admit it, I called him because he was having one of those bad math days where he didn't think that 100 dollars for three kids for child support was a bad thing.  He thought he was doing damn good.

Then he made the mistake of telling me the Judge Mathis line"Times are tough" and "I know how it is."  I had to correct him, he doesn't know how it is.

What followed was ten minutes of him telling me how when I first got to Charlotte he offered to pay my rent on a place in town on the bus line for 600 a month so that I could get to a job. (Riddle me this batman, if you can't pay six hundred a month in child support, how are you going to offer to pay six hundred a month in an extra rent?)  Yes he did offer that.  I would have lost my section 8 and would have never ever been able to get it back again if he had a me moment so forgive me if I wasn't too hasty to jump on that bandwagon after having just moved from New Jersey to North Carolina.  After living with him for nearly ten years I got a little street smart.  Then he went on to tell me that he always has something to fall back on because he creates situations for himself to fall back on.  I am a lazy fuck and he is busting his back to pay for all four of us with no help from me.

And then he hung up on me.

Why am I not seething mad this time?  Well I am but it's a more manageable seething mad.  The kind of seething mad where if I still had Microsoft word and my story the heroine would pull out a knife and slice a little fat off the situation and by that I mean go ninja on his ass.

I'm not in a let's roll up on his ass and do a drive by mood tonight because I was talking to John on Skype and John  heard the WHOLE conversation.  The ENTIRE thing.  Everything I said and everything he said.  For once someone else heard how he talks to me.  Someone else got a rare glimpse of what I lived with for nine years.  For once, he left the barracks with his ass on his shoulders.

He's going to be pissed when he realizes that somone else saw his ass.

He is going to further pissed when I go to child support and nail his ass.  I have no income, not for lack of trying mind you but I have no income.  On that basis, combined with the fact that he doesn't see his children half as much as the state says he should spend with them, hes going to be paying five hundred MORE than he was in NJ.

And his kids don't want to go to him for the summer.

This is not my goading either.  He sends them back sick, they have to share beds, and they are still on air mattresses with NO PRIVACY there. 

Hello!!  He has two girls that are pre teens.  They need privacy there.  And as for the summer, he puts them a day care from six am to six pm and they go to bed at eight so that they can get up to be a day care at six am.  HIs son is going to be twelve... IN DAY CARE!!! WTF!!!!

You know what, bloggers, I don't need t be doing this right now because I'm mad, and Im hurt and that is never a good combination with me.  So I'm going to sign off and just take it down.

This Terminally Single and Blogging lazy fuck is going to find something productive to do with the rest of her night...


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