...has happened in my life these last few days.
1. I got a fridge.
2. I got internet/TV/and phone
3. I got a security system! YAY!
4. I got a couch.
My house is starting to look like a home. Its so way beyond awesome I can't even begin to describe it! For the first time in months, I feel okay. Not awesome, not tubular or any of those other words but OKAY and if you know me, then okay is is as close to awesome as a second hand high with a cup full of alcohol. LOL!
Not even concerned about the man right this moment. Dunno why. I go through moments where if he shows its awesome if he doesn't it's the end of life as we know it, Then I got through times where if he doesn't show, oh the hell well, hes the one that missed out on another day with me.
Granted I still have those feelings that I can't explain. Like my kids being absolutely nowhere around and I can hear a little girl laugh. Or my kids will be stone asleep and I hear crying. Or I drift off to sleep and a man with a baritone voice says "Goodnight. I love you." That one had me up and pondering a bit. I finally chalked it up to having a very overactive imagination but then I heard it a few more times after I had alternately doused my brain with Alcohol or sleeping pills and I came up blank.
So right at the moment, life is okay. not bad, not way good. But okay.
So what should I talk about tonight?
I know. Stupidity.
If you see a car coming and you still stand in the middle of the parking spot talking on your phone under the assumption that I will not hit you, you are stupid. There is no way around that one. Look at the license plates, bitch! NEW JERSEY!! Don't you know that means I will knock your stupid ass down just to get to the parking spot that's closer to the door?
You know what else is stupid? Those guys that wear their pants so far down I see skin below their drawers. Okay, seriously. Not only are you stupid for letting your mirror lie to you and tell you that you looked good. You are stupid because now you duck walk and I don't even feel the need to conceal the fact that I am laughing and pointing at you and yes, rest assured that annoying little snicker while I twitter your picture across the country, yeah that's me. But then you have the one that wear them so low I see skin. Either your mom is as ghetto as you or she just didn't teach you right.
And lets not forget the ones that have shit stains in the drawers and STILL wear them hanging low. NO comment.
So I live in the bible belt. I have accepted this fact. I have embraced this fact. Do you know what I cannot embrace?? Carving the name JESUS in the back of your damn skull! I actually saw a WOMAN who had the back of her head shaved with the name JESUS in it. I know his name, he knows his name, obviously you know his name. Must we carve it in our heads?
While we are on the subject of heads... I have blond streaks but babe, they're braids. Obvious braids. You trying to rock that platinum blond weave that goes down to your ass when you are five four and blacker than my favorite sharpie marker... uh uh sweetie. You gonna have to fire your mirror, your hairdresser, you clothes shopper, and hell just fire them all. If you aren't a caramel, big tittie woman with a million dollars and named Lil' Kim, you are not rocking this style, you are knocking it and it is knocking you.
Old men with young women. Seriously, I'm not discriminating but I just can't help thinking about the wrinkles on the dong and pushing them up to actually find the dong and...shudder... EW!!!!!
You know what, I could actually go on forever. Charlotte is full of dumb people and I think I am going to try and get pictures. Yes, I am.
I feel like netflixing something. I will catch you all later!
One love!
Terminally Single and Blogging is calling it a night.
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