Monday, July 27, 2015

I've been away for a long time

I'm going to be honest. I have been a very good girl social media wise because at first I was trying to show someone that not everything in my life has to go online for people who know me to know.  I was in a way, trying to show him that I'm really not one of those people that shares everything.  Then it turned into me thinking that my facebook friends really don't need to know every detail of my life and even that evolved into, Fuck it, I don't have time to be on Facebook typing out whats wrong or what I feel or what's happening.  

Like seriously, I haven't had the time to spend online in awhile now.  And when I have the time I would much rather prefer to be with actual friends or in my bed.  I love my online friends but I'm sorry sometimes, you come way below my other priorities.  And I don't mean that to sound cruel because I'm sure that when your lives get hectic, I might be the last thing you think about.  So yeah...

I haven't posted my thoughts on the recent cop on black killings.  I haven't posted my thoughts on the church burnings nor the South Carolina church shooting.  I may have posted one thought on Sandra dying in Texas.  Partly because honestly, it's not worth any rant I might have.  Who's listening anyway?

But the last few 48 hours of my life.  They are something I need to blog about so that hopefully in a year when Timehop reminds me of this I will see it and remember that I need for it not to happen ever again.

I've blogged about the girl from work that annoys the shit out of me on random basises.  She had actually not annoyed me for a good while now.  Not so much that it stayed on my mind.  Saturday she did.  I was talking with my new boss about how they should open a chain of Howie's over where I live and how it would bring in the other side of the map where we don't deliver to.  In fact it would connect to the Sugar creek store.  I did however say to him that if they ever do open a Howies out here while I am still with the company, Sugar creek or wherever will lose me because yes, I will want to work five minutes away from my house.  F looked at me (mind you she was not in the conversation AT ALL) and said, "So what I hear is that you want to be selfish and inconvenience everyone else so that you will be getting what you want."  I actually didn't understand where she was coming from so I asked how did she figure I would be inconveniencing anyone.  She says because she likes her 20 minute drive and I was talking about adding at least 20 more minutes to her commute.  She thought I was talking about them moving the Sugar creek store to be closer to my house. 

It has long been a pet peeve of mine people who jump in a conversation before they are one, invited to do so or two, know what the conversation is about.  She jumped in with both feet and didn't know anything about what I was saying.  And she got defensive.  And stayed defensive throughout the day sniping at me in anyway she could.  I'm sorry but I had daydreams of docking her, throwing her in a pan and running her through the oven.  I would never do it because that would be... well.. uh... that would be murder... borderline torturous murder but still murder... and I don't wanna go to jail. Jail is bad.  I look horrible in orange.  Jail is NOT like Orange is the New Black.  Jail is bad.  No murder.  Just daydreams.

Then today, my car finally decided that since I won't listen to it's random chokes and small deaths it was going to stage a quite dramatic death today.  It died three or four times before I got to work today on the way to work.  One of those time I pulled off on the side of 485.  That time was probably where I ran over something that sliced my already balding tire.  By the time it sat in the parking lot at work for an hour... it was flat.  And dead.  Very dead.

But I wasn't actually upset about it because I know whats wrong and it's a cheap fix really.  While I was dealing with it, I had a customer come into the store that I dread seeing everytime he comes in.  Every food service person has this customer.  They all hate this customer.  He says he wants his usual.  Then he changes it.  He says yes when you repeat his order back to him to confirm it because you KNOW he's going to find fault in the final product which he does and he manages to make you feel two feet tall in the process.

Today was the first time he tried that shit on me.  It did not go well for him.

He ordered a medium Philly cheese steak pizza with no mushrooms, 2x the steak, and 2x the provolone.  He wanted the green pepper and the onion.  I repeated this back to him three times.  I did so in front of my manager, J.  He confirmed it.  I made it, I knew he was going to find fault with it and I was prepared. (Every time he comes in he does this and he always gets the messed up pizza as well as the free remake to take with him when he leaves.  I know this is his endgame.) He said I messed it up.  I told him point blank that I confirmed his order three times and he said yes.  He told me I was wrong.  Even though I had the power in my numbers to say, "Yes sir, I will remake that for free" I refused.  I called J who CONFIRMED that he heard the man confirm the order as I read it back to him.  The customer then told both of us that we were wrong and he did not say that he wanted green peppers.  Then he said he didn't like my attitude and wanted a refund because at this point it was clear by my non movement towards the makeline to remake his pizza that he wasn't getting a remake without serious fight from me.  J refunded his money but he wasn't done yet.  He somewhat politely (and I hate when angry customers suddenly get polite because it means they are about to rip you a new one) asked if he could tell me something and I said yes.  He said he overheard that I was having problems with my car and he didn't appreciate that I was taking my frustration out on him.  In my profession the image I present to the customer was everything and tonight my image was almost enough for him to take his business elsewhere (pretty sure that my blue contacted eyes were screaming "fine please do so you pompous asshat! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!)  

When he was finished I asked him if I could respond.  He should have said no.  But he said yes.  I told him that I have been here at lease three times that he has done this to other members of the staff, changing his order and making them feel like they messed up when he does this just to get a free pizza out of it and he was not going to do it to me because I know what he said, I had a witness to what he said and that my attitude had nothing to do with my car and had everything to do with how I was being treated by him.  I was calm, I didn't yell, I didn't cuss, I just said it and I also let him know that everytime he walks out of here with two pizzas and tonight he was not going to do it.  he was not going to make me feel two feet tall to achieve his endgame.  He actually tried to come back with a response but I cut him off that tie and said "No, you had your say and I responded, it was over and there would be no more said on the subject and I hoped that he had a good night from then on there.  Goodbye."

And I walked away.  

I'm part of the management team now.  I can't lose my cool but I also can't let people walk all over me.  I have been doing it way too much lately.  People are systematically taking pieces of me from me that I can't afford to lose anymore.  It's time for me to stop always being the one that says yes and I'm sorry.  It's time for me to say no.  Not No and I'm sorry, just no.  Enough is too much and I just can't and won't do it anymore.

I get up every morning and tell myself that today is a new day and I am me and no one is going to change who I am and now, now it's time for me to believe and enforce that so that's what I'm doing.  If I lose a few friends or acquaintances in the process, I'm sorry but part of knowing someone is to accept them as they are and the changes that comes with the world they live in shaping them.  This is one of my changes.  If you cannot handle it, I'm pretty sure that you know where the door is.

I need to go to bed.  IT's been a long weekend and I really want it to end now.  I never thought I would say this, but I am so glad it's Monday!

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