But this year, I'm not going to do that.
I'm just simply... not.
I don't actually hate valentine's Day. I never have. In reality, I kinda like the day. I mean it's a day dedicated to love and I am a hopeless (Key word: HOPELESS) romantic. how can someone who loves romance NOT love Valentines Day??
No, what I don't love is watching all of my friends who have partners amp up the love and PDA five million times.
I mean seriously, I look uncomfortable and nod absently when you guys tell me ALL ABOUT your love issues, now I'm supposed to sit and watch you make out. Nope, I'll pass. Love you bunches, but... I'll pass.
But it's whatever. This year there are two movies that I want to see and I'm going to see them. Not on Valentines day because Valentines Day is a Saturday. I will be a captive of Sports Connection from like eleven AM on. YEs, I know who I work for. No I did not change jobs. My job is the whipping boy of a little gym called Sports Connection every single Saturday. We bend over and they whip away.
But We love it.
That sounded way less dirty in my head.
Who am I kidding, no it didn't. LOL.
I want to see the 50 Shades of Grey Movie and I want to see Kingsmen. Both come out the day before Valentine's Day and both will hopefully be there the following Monday.
I don't really have a reason for why I am not going to hate on Valentine's Day this year. There's no man in my life. (If you remember, I kinda screwed the pooch on that one a few months ago and even if I hadn't he's no longer apart of the work scene and I have the feeling that even if we were still anything to each other he wouldn't have given a shit to my feelings when he left. I'm pretty sure that his quitting would have been our break up since he assumed I hated him as much as anyone else and never said a word to me when he left.) There's no romance there whatsoever. BUT I do have good friends, a good job that I enjoy almost more than writing, and my kids are happy and healthy.
So why be down? Because I'm not getting laid?
Please... sex isn't everything.
It's nice, don't get me wrong but I've reached a point where it, or rather lack of it, isn't going to break me. I'm perfectly fine with or without it because I am perfectly fine with myself.

So it's late and I have to be up for work tomorrow because it seems I am a morning person. Hehe, I'm not. Far from it. My boss thinks I am and I play the role fairly well as long as there is caffeine nearby. Although I'm not sure who the caffeine helps more.. Me or the people around me....
Yawn! Tomorrow is truck day and my shift leader has promised me that for the first time in a year... I will be helping to put stuff away. The fact that I moaned and said "But I'm a girl..." didn't help plead my case that I really don't want to lift anything. So I will be taking my tramadol to work tomorrow. Pray for me, this may be the last time that I walk upright for a few days... LOL.
OKay, stay frosty, chickies!!
I love you. I always have, I always will. Just make sure you love yourself and life will be okay!
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